Hello and thank you for visiting our page.

Imagine a future that is worker owned.

Instead of working for one man who hordes the wealth for himself

While around half of America just thankful for some relief from the cruel world.

The intention is to create true co-op where workers and creators split the profits.

a goal, being: to create the means of production for

everyday people.

What if you had a dream and your community

was made to help you find like minded people to build it.

The way I see it is: In essence, a corporation is not a bad thing.

(Please Click on the Picture for More ) Because there is a monopoly on Information..

We as a people need to form alternate means of info.

I go to google automatically but there used to be other search engines

Yahoo, Altavista, Bing etc.

If they are going to discern what is acceptable to post on youtube

We need to make 2tube.com or something.. I haven't bought the domain yet

Where people can post up their theories

I know it can get confusing to have anyone be able to say anything they want.

However, if you limit any speech, that means information isn't safe..

The sad part: Joe Rogan, has hunted bears and is cruel

It turns out he's a racist too..

& he's our best one we've got

Because he's the only one in a position to speak:

who said young healthy people shouldn't worry about it.

Now 40 of his episodes have been pulled.

While any information of people who have suffered from side effects, even short term has been suppressed.

Many people in Canada are peacefully protesting and people from all over the world raised 9 million dollars in support of the cause.

However gofundmenow said that they get to distribute it to their charity's.

The backlash that followed caused gofund to say they'll just issue a refund.

The fact is all outlets are owned by "too big to fail"

We're talking: The insurance companies: 11 billion dollars.

The U.S. government 7 trillion dollars

the top 10 pharmaceutical companies are valued at over 3 trillion Can't find Amazon's Net worth but their revenue in 2021 was 469.822 billion

Wal Mart's assets are supposed 252 billion

The top 20 universities in Americas worth is around 300 billion, why is that important? Who do you think owns the medical centers?

Then the top 10 banks alone are worth well over 10 trillion.. What do they have to do with it?

You'll remember the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008

Where money was given to the banks in exchange for preferred stock and thus there is something of an attachment with banks and the government or so I surmise.

Those had the most to gain from the pandemic

While the little FDA only has a little budget of 6.5 billion dollars..

In their arsenal is the police department with a budget of 4.3 billion

Even though Between 1977 and 2017, police budgets grew from $42.3 billion to $114.5 billion

I can trust statistics as far as I can throw them since they have control over the media..

How much is US media worth?

At $717 billion, it represents a third of the global M&E industry, and it includes motion pictures, television programs and commercials, streaming content, music and audio recordings, broadcast, radio, book publishing, video games, and ancillary services and products.

Though as it is America and the great Taft insisted that we have a responsibility to break up monopolies.

It's up to the people to make alternative methods of media, information etc.

If youtube won't allow people to post anything contradicting the will of the aforementioned.

It is up to us to create an alternative video channel where users can upload their videos and even profit from the views

Instead of using google ad sense, we'd have to make deals with companies selling advertising space.

and basically start with a ground up approach.

Probably needing the assistance of multiple programmers.

Since I found a lesson on how to make a video sharing website with Adobe Creative suite

and I started working on it in October and even though I've had plenty of time, haven't gotten very far in it.

Though I got the basics to get us started and the ball rolling...

You can see all my ideas and work I've done on this topic bellow.

Since I've put down the framework, I'm hoping you'll trust me to manage the webpage and the money in a completely transparent manner.

First up: ThaPeople's T-Shirt contest!

Creator's submit your ideas:

People vote for your favorite designs.

Winners get a limited edition production run of their T each shirt comes with a certificate numbered 1/100 Each certificate counts as 1 share.

Whole plan coming soon but for now

a cool thing to wear

and possibly a collectable.

and with each purchase 80% of the profits go to the person with the idea. you are supporting someone trying to make a living. not a corporation. While 20% goes to thapeople. In hopes of building a colony that would implement what society could be like.

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