There are certain people that will worship a gold cow, cross, a-gopher, an owl etc. So long as they get food, sleep and sex. (Shelter) At the time people were worshiping Zeus and friends, the Jews had their god. Then Jesus came out with his own religion, started teaching the multitudes new stuff. The Pharisees kept trying to snare him. While his experience with the holy spirit would get him out of it Everytime... The crowd was amazed and started to believe in something real.. I imagine much like today, those in power got rid of the men.. They want sheep people, evidence today you will find girly men everywhere and real men (often veterans) on the streets... I seemingly missed a lot on my homeless synopsis. Back in Vegas, or in Cleveland when I was living and working, after all my time struggling, I would still look down at them in disdain... The world has made me take another look for all those who are spending this winter in the streets. See it's like a full time job, trying not to freeze to death, moving from place to place while the multitudes give you looks of disgust wherever you go and you know, there is no getting out of this and that's OK, you'll put up w this misery just so long as you can continue to live.. There are multiple references in the Bible to people directly asking the son of man, how am i to attain the kingdom of heaven. The answer is always the same: Give up your wealth and follow me. So while the Romans and the Jews were telling you to collect your wealth Jesus and his followers were renouncing their fortunes and learning the ways of the poor and meek. They were conversing with their fellow man and woman instead of hoping to inspire envy. Most importantly they were fighting the power of the status quo that abused the poor and wretched to work and prostrate themselves. Around the year 40 the Christians were gaining so much popularity that the Emperor Nero supposedly started a terrible fire that destroyed much of Rome yet he blamed it on the Christians who were swiftly and severely persecuted. Despite this, the group continued to grow even with fear of losing their lives. By the time the year 300 rolled around to Constantine decided that the old Roman gods were dead, people worshiped them out of tradition and or fear of the powers that be but they loved Jesus and he foresaw that eventually the Christians would dominate. So he pulled a power move... Instead of using the fish, that was the sign of the Christians... Constantine had a vision of the cross and converted himself and his nation to Christianity.. By doing so, he continued business as usual. People were supposed to collect money, while the actual Christians were sidelined. Instead of the gods, there was now one, the name changed, though even many of the traditions stayed the same. While instead of being persecuted, people who weren't Christians now were on the receiving end and people quickly accepted Christ as their savior for food, shelter and uh sex.. Till this day they don't actually read it... They accumulate their wealth just like our Lord and Savior predicted they would... For it is easier to get a camel to walk it's eye through a needle then for a wealthy man to give up his riches. However the ones who do walk in Christ, continue to get shitted on... Even the Church somewhat prolongs their suffering, for many of them get money from the government for every meal they serve and for every night spent in a shelter... The only guy I knew who made it off the streets following guidelines... Jumped hoops for 2 years: Meaning every night he went and got dinner where he was told to, received 2 bus tickets and went to the shelter that he was told to go to. I saw him after the fact and they put him up in a studio and got him part time work at FedEx. Couldn't we try to utilize our own people? Again what they want Is girly men.. that's why you see so many homeless veterans. That's one of the reasons I believe they have war.. To get rid of the warriors on both sides. Anyway next time you hear someone say aw you bum, why don't you get a job? Please tell them to shut their f'ing mouth. I went to what I was told was the poorest city in America w over 500 dollars and tried in vain to get a room for rent for over a week. Chipping away at savings while What's the odds someone is going to save that up... Just want to work? Better buy into the system. Some have been hooked on drugs and alcohol some have them on to cope or to help keep walking or not feel the cold. They throw it in your face see what do you get for not kissing up to them? Smoke cigarettes looking at you like oh you want one? I'm all for it, in our system that's the incentive to make better products, services, I just think it's silly to say you worship a bible without trying to attain the kingdom of heaven... FOR EVERYONE, not just me but future generations âx well.