when I mess up I like to call myself out, so others know they dont need to try to show me the error of my ways. Sometimes i figure it out too late and it's hard to bring it up. Other times I might not have a chance to say it, I just prove that I learned my lesson by not doing it again.. There is a difference between wrongdoing: the criteria being: a conscientious decision. For example: Everyone hates a thief..* And what is stolen the Most? Lighters.. * (*I don't have that official statistic). I know smoking is on the decline but it's still a common phenomenon amongst smokers.. I've heard of people who do take people's lighters on purpose, one guy said he even made a game out of it and I think i've seen people use distractions to get ones attention elsewhere. That's the fucked up thing: I for one, have inadvertently stolen lighters so many times... Entranced in conversation, tired.. They sound like excuses The fact is: I have a distinct pocket for lighters and every now and then I'll have a scare, thinking I lost it but it just ended up in the wrong pocket... How did this happen? A short circuit? Others I've talked to say it happens to them as well. I passed on Black Friday Lucky Charms for a dollar only to get some peanut butter cereal at the dollar store by General Mills simply because I forgot about GMOs. The fact is, no matter how sharp you are, once in a while chances are you will go into autopilot. I think for the most part people do hope to avoid doing so, or don't Intend to, unless they are doing monotonous work or something. That in mind, it may not sound so strange when I say that I've found myself clutching on to a lighter as long as maybe 10 minutes after I've used it after a long days work etc. At the time, I simply don't have the concentration available to note what I'm doing.. Subconsciously the next step is lighter in the pocket like I've done 10,000 times before. I know it's not OK... But I swear I've never done it on purpose. Many a time, I've given it back the next day, along w an apology. Though how many times was I never even given a chance to make it right. Of course I'm frustrated w myself & possibly I am too lenient w me..Yet if the error didn't occur to me until after the fact. I don't feel I am to blame. In such scenarios I tend to shift the blamage outward. A big no no, said the people of Seattle. In these cases I put fault on a variety of things including: location and diet. What does a place have to do w my actions? Let's say I'm in Chic Fillet & I insist on people having the freedom to choose their religion. Allthewhile I am in a place that was openly against choosing sexual preference.. I am a believer that if you start limiting freedoms, essentially none are safe. On the other hand, you have to draw the line somewhere... I.e. a woman says she was born attracted to sheep and says I have no right to tell her not to fuck them. That's a topic to consider in the future for now I'm more concerned about consuming a delicious sandwich by a company who's policies might effect my sense of being consistent w myself... or not, depending on my mind and my will I guess though life, being live, one can never compare what I would have done had I not eaten that... This can be applied to decisions, conversations etc. I feel in America there is a lack Psychosomatic analysis probably because if we started gauging morality... We'd be in a whole heap of trouble. It's way easier to put focus on brain chemistry. Well your brain's not releasing the right chemicals... But why is that? Something's wrong w you innately. Rather then you're depressed because of something you did.