Top States know for buzzkill #1 Pennsylvania,
#2 Georgia
#3 Florida
#4 Texas
Ohioans woke up to a grim realization that they rank among the top buzzkill states
The ranks were established through the number of incidents that include:
random comments attaining to prejudice.
Statements intended to bring about doubt and confusion. I.e. Cleveland will never win etc.
I'd like to take a moment to thank all the people who were kind everywhere.
Its difficult to differentiate, one kind person can make a whole place seem like it's beautiful.
One incident can break the trust for everyone -it is not fair..
In other news:
Came to America Not to have to dig through my trash..
Recycling people insist that I separate my plastic etc.
Nagging me about conserving water, succeeding at making every shower just a little less pleasant..
Can't we just pay someone to sift through the trash like in Asia?
thatpeople - Committed to the Democratic pursuit of understanding all sides.