Don't get me wrong, pretty f'ing amazing just w coffee & weed.. Mfer asks me for money for a brew. I'm too cheap to buy myself a spiked cider, for you.. So I'm certainly not buying you nohing.

in the times of prohibition

One might have to go to an undercover salon if they wanted a drink.. Can I have a whiskey? Nope

gin nah rum, nope all I got is beer...Guess I'll have a beer. Dude would end up all happy to have it too.

So I picture a time when one might discuss what kind of bag to get.

All pre packaged. In nice little rows like at a liquor store... I say we get the Peruvian... Nah China ... Bogata brand, yeah lets go with that. The real thing gives one quite an animal glow... I was in Georgia and this cop had it and a girl riding w em on patrol. I wasn't mad at him at all.. He kinda looked like a movie star.. Dwarfing those around them so why wouldn't they try to keep it to themselves? I'm not saying nationally. Just a few cities where you could, for a premium pick a up yak at the store in glossy packaging. Clean, taxed and regulated rather than billions going to cartels and such.

Plan to plant When you are looking at a problem and just continuing to not find a solution.. I find it's best to look away for a while, focus on something else. People have been using alcohol as an escape from the hardships of their lives for centuries. Traditionally ending the workweek in a bar, thus giving them the strength to go in again Monday and do it once again. Classically reefer has been used by the lower classes.. Often as an escape.. Certainly the use varies but personally, in times of despair... a couple tokes can turn my perspective optimistic.. Difficulties turn into challenges. The patterns of right seem more obvious and I can almost feel my own absurdness when a correct answer is evident..

I get the impression that more well to do people often suffer anxiety over all types of hang ups usually associated with bypassing the difficulties the rest of the world endures...Thus they don't tend to like the effects of pot. Though be it weed, alcohol, opium I believe ideally half the day should be spent in a sober function. If your using the thing all day long then taking a day off is like getting a fresh perspective and you've totally misunderstood the purpose of an altered mind-state. The better anything is, the more prone it is to abuse..This possibly brings to light a defect in our coffee drinking, full time anti depressant lifestyle.

So I insist on this disclaimer.

anything you end up using for strength will make you weaker when you are without it.>