I ride my bicycle because I believe gasoline is for the most part unnecessary.

If I had enough I'd buy an electric car even if it looked dinky

Then I would only feel partially as bad, because the electricity I used probably came from coal.

I don't expect you to ride a bike, or for that matter, for everyone to go back to riding in chariots.

I'm going to town, I'll feed and harness the horses...

Convenience is great, its a big part of moving forward

Though what if I told you?

That could buy an electric car, that's even more beautiful then the other cars on the market

And you wouldn't lose any of the convenience of a gas car..

That you could have a battery at home.. Charging up by solar panel in the day and when you get home you just push a button and swap out the battery that's a little larger than a notebook computer. If you are to go on a long trip, you could bring 2 or 3 batteries with you in the trunk or stop at gas station and trade your batteries for ones that are fully charged...

It might sound like a stretch but what I I told you it would cost less then a gasoline powered motor vehicle you can buy at the dealership.

Apart from the motor an electric car is exactly like a regular one. Look at an electric motor and a gasoline one

The latter has a carborator, an exhaust manifold, a cooling system, air induction etc.

While an electric motor takes power from the battery and just spins the wheels.

To understand why this is, I'd like to call your attention to this recent development..

At Carl's Jr for $2 more you can make any of their burgers a veggie burger... They replace the beef patty with one that is made with only plant based ingredients. It's high in protein, I haven't tried it, though I'm sure it's tasty.

Now a plant, needs only soil and water to grow... While pets ay a piglet needs at least 90 meals and a standard pig, I believe gets fed up to 365 times before being made into food. Sometimes they cost the consumer even more meals... Plus they need to be butchered.. Processed etc. Now how in the f can it cost more for a veggie sandwich or an electric car? * I used a pig instead of burger because a cow, because it doesn't cost anything to feed and the it makes milk money daily... In hopes of not confusing the thesis excessively.

I got kinda stuck on the story with two alternatives..

I figured if I put something down, I would remember the rest..

Instead of dwelling on it.. I'm going to continue on some of these other topics and hopefully get back to it..

I was in New York - My boss gave me a lock said to be used for us..

I hesitatingly used it on the bike I found on the curb in Boston w spider webs on it..

It was the exact same bike that I left in downtown Columbus that after, sitting at a hookah bar for 2 hours someone finally took.

I had left my bike unattended in Wattsonville CA and as soon as I went to another town and bought a lock someone stole it..

Since then I just left it unattended..

Many places I'd go.. I would tell this to people...

and they'd exclaim, but not here.."

I'm talking Cleveland Ohio for like 4 months and San Fran for like 2 days.

It seems implied, that unless it's left on the curb, by a trash dumpster or a clothing drop off (borderline Venice!)

So every time I'd wake up and get ready & be kinda surprised it's still in the yard.

I'd leave work also pleasantly surprised and fully ready to have to walk the distance if necessary.

Now I only paid $50 for my bike but I enjoy it thoroughly..

Instead of $20 on a lock I could just apply it with the other 30 on another bike...

At the time I'm telling myself 30 could make or break me in the long run..

Fully knowing in the back of my mind

The only thing that really matters is principle.

What was the point of going through all this if I'm not going to apply it?

Through gestures and sometimes, it takes words to prove that, not only have I had a lesson..

But that I learned from it.

Got me this far

So for days, I was dazed with what I have to do, my landlord told me not to keep my bike in my room.. So... I'm riding around, looking at the options.

I end up in Gardena and the g's there left their bikes along the wall by the entrance.

I received it like an answer and started home.

Indecision harkened at my chest.

I looked at other bike riders, all had locks.

Checked the bike racks, Seems like second nature.. you gotta protect your stuff.

People locking up their mail, recyclables, wheels, seats...

LA is full of thirsty people, to say the least..

Competions fierce.

I mean there are streets in most big places..

In a way it really makes one appreciate what they do have.. I see people of all nationalities w nothing to do + this tends to make people not only unappreciative of what they haave. . But also, angry at it: Venting their frustrations where they can, trying to upset those around them.. They might lash out at their home..

So why'd I come to LA? To eat ass and make my way to the top?

Nope to make an alternative

No, to offer an alternative.. You wanna be a star but want to keep your soul..

w today's technology if you made a good movie and put it up on youtube.. You could make some money.. The independent market is at an all time high

Anyway not to switch topics

If there was a way to convey to you how much worrying over my bike was worth.. Those moments, stepping out of the library: Like an hour later, the relief and overall good feeling I got.. Like: We're not going to steal your bike man..

Or even better when an even nicer bike would park on the rack w no lock so I wouldn't even feel hesistant. It's like I was telling the community.. You trust me: So I'll trust you... A lot of times if you give people the benefiof the doubt... They won't let you down.

Sweet and sour

In a place + time of desperation

Love is most poweful

Sometimes it take a fearful regime + the prospect of cruelty to see just how blessed we are, or can be...

It's like, take a palce,

that's been covered in litter... For years, I mean I've picked up places that the trash was already halfway decomposed.. If you spend 20 min on it... I bet you, when you come back, it may not be as good as when you left it.. Though people usually keep it nice once it is

So I want to spread happiness + joy & trust

I want to set a good example

Afro and braids are my fav hair style..

So I was working on my Eazy-E

+ I tell myself - when in Rome.

Sure I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt

and grow an afro but now simply isn''t the time

When all I had was my bike + I was willing to let it go

It was beautiful in it's way.. but not nearly as much as being a functional member of society.

On the other side of LA, Malibu and Manhattan Beach etc. you may find frightfully wealthy people w the lures of all of life's luxuries. Though you'll also find people: Who are passionately committed to being healthy and that includes extremely conscientious people who have time, energy and even wealth to contribute to a good cause..

Though we all well know, in a sense that non profits are just a way people make over 50k a year by making sure funds don't get allocated to those that need them.

Though that's probably another topic. As is: At least half the people trying to be stars are like what?? No degradation? Uh no thanks, I seem to think its fun watching em

Ive grown accustomed to finding my brain's programs and willing myself into altering them..

Usually a repetitive process Though its the 3 month stints, the year i spent in the zone w o glitches I attribute them somewhat to not feeling good about what i do.. & at this point i can only work towards obtaining the means of production.

Capital system Ensures that garlic, Even though its healthy cannot be monopolized.

Simply becomes someone will step up and grow it for cheap.

So an electric car manufacturer should be stepping up to offer an inexpensive, sleek, guilt free alternative...

You want food without pest asides.. Gotta pay more... What i want to know is who started spraying them in the 1st place.