I can't go to the store without someone begging me for money... I'm not talking about the bums outside of the store.. I mean the ones inside the grocery, pharmacy or even fast food restaurant.. Do you want to donate to so and so? Can I round up the dollar? Then look at me like I'm a cheap ass.. The clerks might think that they are putting on the pressure for a good cause but I am fairly certain that these multi million dollar non profit "charities" basically employ college educated-bums with 50 thousand a year + salaries just to make sure that the help doesn't go to those that need it.

For example: New York City spent 1.6 billion dollars on homelessness in 2017* not including federal funding. Yet in 2017 there were still plenty of people sitting in the street miserable, while being an eyesore to well to do individuals trying to enjoy their neighborhoods.

I investigated some shelters, Church programs and the like and seemingly it is beneficial to them to perpetuate the cycle of homelessness. Since they usually get federal funding for each meal or provide a tax write off for clothing given... Though rarely did I see homeless people do laundry... They might wear some jeans until they've had one too many farts and go get another pair at the donation place.. All at the cost of the tax payer..

What I'm saying is: Do the math! With 1.6 billion dollars, divided by even 100,000 people is about 16,000 dollars each. Now I'm sure your saying.. Wait, why do I have to go through the stresses of work EVERY day, to provide for myself and my family... Why don't I just get free housing and food?

I agree, worst of all is: From a Jewish perspective... If you give people anything, they don't seem to appreciate it.. Even feel they are entitled to more..

Part of me, just says who cares.. Ignorance is bliss.. Let them waste billions of dollars, allow that money to just go to people who got the government positions... They feel a similar entitlement... Possibly they deserve it more than the druggies etc. Though I don't like to generalize, I'd rather be open and honest then secretly hiding and I've met many people in the streets who not only were capable but also didn't do drugs.. They might have been dwelling on a mistake.. Though once someone is homeless, it's nearly impossible to go back to having a home without jumping hoops through the government agencies that profit on their misery. *Dawsey, Josh. 'NYC's Homeless Spending Surges to $1.6 Billion.' The Wall Street Journal.