Laws are put in place for a reason

a cop out

There's the question of environment

find popular consensus often depends on the administration

some say global warming is real

others find evidence contrary

Argue that the world is flat

others will say there's pictures from outer space that prove it's round.

So the other guys will say that we haven't even been to outer space

and it's a tv hoax.. That satellites are fake and they are just using cel towers

Instead of using logic

Religious people often have to take a stand behind what they believe in

Though just because the bible says four corners of the Earth

Some would argue it's open to interpretation.. They were just being poetic:

That just Means the ends of civilization that they knew of at the time

Like that christian sect that handles snakes because of that 1 passage said something about them.

If you believe the document to be kind of vague: Maybe consider that... For all we know the 4 is sarcastic

and they really meant.. People were born into their cross streets and usually don't stray far.

You say global warming?

I say the answer is Jesus.. Just accept that and you get a pat on the back

you get a treat for being a good christian. You do not fall victim to scrutiny.

On the other end you reinforce that it only hampers your life to do what's right...

Fear of punishment gets added to the mix...

It's like Pavlov every time I'm docile

I get a treat

Instead of thinking for themselves their mouth salivates and ignorance is bliss

Always has been. Though it's hard to look at it outside the box when you are in the society for example. Anyways, I've been fighting the masks since the beginning

It's funny, the only people I know that got the covid

were the most complaisant with mask protocol

and would constantly advocate them upon others

I'm sure they tell themselves... I knew my nose slipped out of the mask for a second there.. If only I would've kept it on

Seems like the people who will continue to reproduce are the ones who blindly follow the bullshit they are told.

The joggers that when they see people, pull their masks over their face like children who think their sunglasses make them invisible

Reminds me of some historical fiction I made up

See back in Byzantium I imagine the dress was kind of Roman, togas and such and the capital, as usual, was probably a center for fashion.

So when Constantinople became Istanbul

The new owners probably enforced Hadith.

Now the rule had a purpose.. They were enforcing modesty which in theory is practicality.

Though who is to say what is reasonable.. Wasn't it during the middle ages when women would have their boobs all out of their dress

but it was not decorous to show a little leg?

Well people generally grow accustomed to what their used to so the Byzantines were probably pissed.

Some women refused. .

They were explained:

Even if you aren't scared that something bad is going to happen to you....

You are supposed to wear it

because if you don't god will reign down bad luck on all of us

so you are actually just being considerate.

for everyone.. I'm sure that concept converted some

Eventually, the ones who refused died out, the ones in power would keep flinging negativity upon those who fought back, or even tried

to help the people who wouldn't just accept a blind answer. In turn causing the masses to blame and or hate the ones telling the truth.

Just like that it passed because of the good intention of keeping people safe from god's wrath and still continues to this day.

Outsiders might look at that as stupid

but under fascism it is highly desired for people to stop bein a rational being and just be malleable.

You lose part of yourself.. More then logic though often if it comes down to being safe they will comply. They might tell themselves

oh just this once, I'm only doing this to get my strength up and get even. Little do they know that they risk changing their entire

core.. Even the ones who say well I'll just do it once.. Will likely consider doing it again whence the seal has been broken.

Another example was the Persians... I have no time to check the historical validity of my second story, it's purely freestyle. Hopefully

you can get the gist of the narrative and look into the historical documents.. Persians back in the day were fair skinned,

at one point they conquered present day India and imposed a hierarchical system of castes.. I'm sure at first they didn't like it at all

Though just one or 2 generations later... The people were swearing by it.. Would even die for their beliefs that the children of the

conquerors would live an undisputed privileged lifestyle and so it continues to this day

.In theory a court systems are just ways to absolve the wrong doing of the preferred people

do you think they need 70,000 pages of law to run a municipality? Of course not, it's just to intimidate people

well all that lawyer stuff is way out of my comprehension.. I'll just leave that to the professionals making money on bending

the rules

for the benefit of some..

There was a specific character in the novels of Jane Austen I think was named Anne.. Who would often get ready for an occasion

by making mental notes of specific things they could do to not be in the way or prepare for possibilities that may occur...

In a sense that is the British idea of culture.. & also mine.. I think it can be universally appreciated when someone is spending their

energies thinking ahead and anticipating the needs of those around them. Though often when I try to do it I simply forget.. For example I was playing chess on the bus and the 1st thing I told myself:

Your stop will be around 8:50 In case you need to look up from the game just consult the time.. Though sure enough in the heat of the

moment I glanced out the window and instead of following through I headed to the panic... This looks like past my stop, I had enough time on the clock to consult maps, however when I returned

to the screen. The game was over & I felt cheated... I tell myself I should have followed my own cues and I wouldn't have lost.

Although, I am used to being thwarted.. My own computer often highlights whole sections of my text and if I don't pay attention and undo it in time

I can lose whole paragraphs, even pages... What am I going to do? Buy another laptop? In theory I could play a different chess game

Though in under a monopoly system.. There is no encouragement for someone to make an alternate chess game for example..

So I just play the one I have, fully knowing they will hardly ever let me play black and get the record I should have.. That's just a petty example of the point I'm trying to make and I think the latter is an important one.

Used to be uncouth to place an individual in a group not considering their uniqueness rather focusing on the statistical value..

Have you ever felt like you were representing for your demographic?

We need to know someone's ethnicity because when I look at them I like to be able to make a good guess about them statistically,

for example that guy walking down the street is black and there's a 5% higher chance that he is unemployed then that Asian guy.

That information is allowing me to take proper measures...

We have accepted that kind of thinking circa 2000 grouping i.e. divide and conquer also known as fanaticism maybe that's why they call them sports fans... We're the best fuck the other team.. Has traditionally done very well for unifying

small groups and forming nationalism.

Anyway like the chess game, when an authority breaks it's own rules, people feel cheated and when there's nothing you can do... Yet

you still remain honorable..

I feel one tends to get momentum from it.

That's why they wanted the BLM people to smash and loot

Those are the behaviors they want to portray.. Despite that, people still have embraced it because people for the most part hate it when

things are unfair i.e. corrupt. So I go back to this mask thing because traditionally countries have achieved nationalism through


During the radio days a show imitated a radio program called War of the Worlds that simulated a news broadcast..


beforehand, they told listeners that this was all fictional.. However this was possibly the 1st time the world saw the power of the

media machine.

See people who tuned into the program late, heard that our country was under attack by Martians and a lot of people flipped & it atually caused pandamonium,

Teaches us how to talk cool, gives us our guidelines of societal norms. Even at that time people believed everything announced that Infer for yourself!

These trends don't feel real...

I don't know the specifics but I remember they had lock down

and insisted on masks... Places incorporated mask laws and people we're like..

Wait, we have to wear masks but the numbers are still getting worse

This is stupid

Then all of a sudden

The numbers dropped off.

There was this laundrymat I went to that had the statistics posted on the window.. All optimistic, See the masks are working!

Now after most places have accepted them as reality the numbers almost across the board are tremendously worse.

citing matter of factly that the statistics are more likely just made up.

It's flu season

This is the media under control of very few people: like that one James Bond movie. By far the most hurtful and awful scam of all time... The goal of corporations has always been to eliminate the middle class and mom and pop shops.. So there an be 2 classes.. Those that are with us and those that aren't.. The evidence is out there.. A person I knew who insisted the hospital was empty even though the tv said they were full, got hurt....

If there was a place people could express what we know, we'd be better off, probably like a puzzle with more than just one piece.

Unless you like bliss. (90%+)However we will probably continue as a whole

to just repeat what's on tv or the phone.

I saw it on the channel.. It has to be true!