I'm reading the Ugly American and it really helped put into perspective, the mentality of the generation before us...

A world growing up in the cold war era..

No one knows for sure

However I've studied the topic somewhat

It really clicked to me that although the Reds started off as idealists trying to spread the idea of marxism and social equality..

It was picked up by the oil companies that wanted access to cheap oil in the neighboring Russian countries mostly ending in -stan. So it was really Westerners that were supporting the Soviet Revolution, all the while pretending to fight it and making sure that instead of it ever being a state that works for the people. It would be workers for the state, who receive benefits for perpetuating the wealth of the wealthy..

The techniques used by the commies were some of the worst in history.. Opposition was killed or sent to Siberia. Stalin alone killed an estimated 20,000,000 people..The KGB would keep tabs on what everyone was doing and corruption was prominent. On the other hand, was supposedly the free world and at the time of the novel, America was constantly sending people out to different regions of the Earth to fight commy influence.. It was mostly a war of influence and strategy, though in many parts, America provided munitions for fighting, like in Afghanistan and in others like Vietnam, participated in all out war...

After the fall of the Berlin wall and Gorbachev, I guess the world felt like the communist scare was over & we had sanctions against china. Though during the Clinton administration, Arkansas' single entity.. Wal Mart, insisted it would be good if we had a free trade agreement, allowing them to import artificially cheap Chinese products at huge profits and subsequently fueling that countries economy.

Since then, politicians of all sorts have been under the influence of the great red giant, including Trump, who borrowed billions from the chinese for buildings and resorts..

This is particularly bad because the chinese government, is an even worse example of a social state then Russia, who at least gave their workers a vacation. From what I understand the people are not given freedom in china. They are an entity of the state.

So the next part of the investigations is meant to: distinguish what a citizen of a nation is...

Even in our comparatively free nation, one is still subject to certain expectations.. For example, one might not have to like what the leader is doing, or the policies of the state, however if someone tries to modify the powers that be, they are apt to be charged with treason.. Implying that if a person doesn't have specific duties to their country, they at least have criteria that they cannot violate.

This brings to question, what is a subject of a nation. Because you are born in a country, and what kind of limits can they impose on an individual? We know that someone who is caught performing illegal acts in the U.S. tried sentenced and incarcerated, becomes property of the State and loses a great deal of individual fredom.

I ask because of globalization.. The oil companies that funded Lenin and them, only got stronger and have learned how enforce a "socialism" more like fascism and it is way more efficient... Freedom and democracy feel good but they don't stand a chance against the sheer profits of slavery and that's where we are, in the world... A giant system geared to promote it's own well being, thriving on the ability to insist that you believe in whatever they tell you to, also insisting at this point, they have utilized banks monetary systems and governments so it is too big to fail. Italy and Australia, gave it a try, at least publically announced that they thought this corona thing was a sham.

IN the U.S.S.R. when there was a tragedy, like someone crazy went on a shooting spree..

Their policy was that they didn't tell anyone about it.

This news would just upset the people around them, so they would hide information and decide what was important enough for the masses to hear.

I can see the appeal to that, when I watch the news, it's quite depressing,however we believe it is a right that no one gets to cipher through what we should hear about and not. We are entitled to the truth.

With this globalization, it feels that they want microchips and entire totalitarian control of the masses in commy like fashion.. All our politicians are bought out by them whether they know who they are working for or not..

and there is no longer a free world style opposition pushing for influence worldwide.. There is still a majority, who don't want to submit, who however are unorganized and stand no chance as mindful individuals.

Who freely touch there faces..

After 911 people were saying that it feels like it was just an excuse to expand federal power.

Though it was immediately written off as unpatriotic.. Now we look back and it seems so obvious but there's nothing we can do from it but learn from our mistakes and not just blindly follow.

Our argument against the communists: Was look at our middle class... A robust thriving economy like none found in the world.. in the 70's 80s and 90s People without degrees, who worked hard and produced for the economy could afford a home and 2 cars.. Then September 11th, the terrorists capitalized on insurance fraud, changed the constitution, used their new found power to bail out banks, listen in on anyone and everyone they want to..Went to war and made stupid profit off military spending and simultaneously drained the nation, creating a private prison complex and organizing control over drugs and crime.. Something like 1/3 of the country turning to some form of prostitution, drugs and disability... Now the cold is finishing off mom and pop shops and the last of the middle class has to either join in or get 86ed to the third world like conditions.

Since the start of this foolishness, it felt like nothing had changed except a media frenzy and I have literally, done everything that the cdc told me not to... I never use hand sanitizer (just spreads around dirt, wash with water people) I've gone to the store nearly every day because I'm on bike and can only get so much stuff.. Plus that's why it's called a convenience store.. Ive stayed in probably 30 different hotels, I rode the bus every day for months, I've worked in places where I've been in contact with lots of different people and this winter I got the flu just like I do nearly every year... It was a very bad case and I got over it the next day, like I always do because I can't afford to be sick. I had a cough for like 3 weeks because I was smoking cigarettes after 3 or 4 days... Just like usual... Now I could've freaked out, gone to the testing center, the hospital, got hooked up to a respirator... I'm sure they would've profited on each step.... I probably could've even got some unemployment.. Now they want me to get a immunity shot, that hasn't been proven and is charged straight to the government... Then go back and get another one and now they're talking about a third and then a yearly "booster jab." Since it's microsoft they might as well call it an update.

Now some people might call me the bad guy, because I might have spread the flu to others.. Dude that hit my spliff actually did get sick and missed quite a few days of work.. That was a mistake, though he did see my symptoms...

I do what I can give people a comfortable amount of space like I always have.

Try to cover my mouth if I'd cough or sneeze though people have coughed around me before and I didn't get sick... Like in a household you know how 1 or 2 people usually get sick but the others might not... Even though they are all together... Your telling me to go against my common sense..

. That I should quickly pull up my mask as soon as I see anyone approach and treat my fellow person like they are diseased rather then give them a smile...

That I shouldn't spend time with my elderly family or enjoy holidays... It's like America is a cheating ass wife, an opportunist, using this misery to profit off of it in any way she can... & we refuse to see it, because we love her and we trust the media..

To say that everything is a lie would turn our world upside down.. She's done it before (the towers) and if we let it go she'll do it again.. It looks like things are just going to get worse & you better believe, it's the children that will suffer from a world without truth the most.

In 2019 more people died then in 2018 and in 2020 more people died than in the previous year... Even the inflated numbers didn't even show a 1% increase, not to mention the incredible toll on people's health and especially mental health that all this nonsense has caused.. can't celebrate the holidays until they tell us to..

Isolation is the worst punishment that they give to prisoners...

I hope that in response we can finally achieve an adequate social system for people to thrive because even before "the pandemic" (the black plague was an epidemic this is more along the lines of cow pox)people seem to be getting increasingly lonely, with maybe one family friend... Sounds like even the kids in public schools were worse off even before the masks and all that.. "play dates" .

I believe we are heard animals, way more complex then wolves or elephants and our mental health requires a good deal of reflection to achieve awareness.. I'm not talking about socializing with professionals or even coworkers... People need friends! Myself included -talking to a damn website all the time

I hope to go into some of the reasons: We've made a culture of distrust and envy and it's up to us to remedy it.

For the children!