
I believe the future is looking bleak for most places

in the last maybe 6 years or so, life has taken a dramatic turn for the worse

for the last 3 years, people have been not allowed to care, so to speak

it's not that they haven't been allowed, it's just there's too much..

It's so overwhelming and people who invest their time, trying to be aware of what's going on

might be even more frustrated, in such a condition... Ignorance is bliss at least you aren't filling your head with all these terrible questions

just focus on your life... I personally feel they are playing both sides... There are only 2 options,

we went with Trump and the media tried to wage a worldwide take over with lock downs

Went with Biden and nothing makes sense.. There was a time when people on the news insisted there are aliens,

were brainwashing people into believing that it's ok for adults to be sexually attracted to children

and vise a versa, pushing our limits to trust that we have people of sound mind leading our nation,

I;m not even sure who to appeal to, our education boards are dominated by the state of California

who've pushed for various acts, of pressuring children into exploring their gender..

We had tom boys when we were kids and they blossomed into women during puberty

now it's putting pressure on normal families, they're children The law insists they aren't capable to make serious decisions

until they are at least 18. They are extremely impressionable and I've seen various instances of legislation insisting that children

be able to call themselves a name of another gender if they choose.

& some kids will just go against the grain, for whatever reason..

I saw a newscast that said Christian families

will no longer be able to adopt children from lack of acceptance of pronouns and such

and they're making it up as they go along.. I remember there would be butches & after Texas, I'd still want to address them as Ms.

and it's annoying, talking to a girl that looks like a man, she doesn't like it when you call her her..

Well somehow they took what was an annoying occurrence

& made it the most important thing.

please don't take offense, I'm just calling it how I see it.


you'd just call em by name to avoid the topic altogether.. To try to make them comfortable

Because America was a nation full of all types of people, immigrants from all nations, who've combined

and we'd try not to focus on our differences because no one likes to be singled out. We'd let people figure out & become the individual

they want to be.

We had a few gay kids growing up in school, you could tell, it was like 1 out of 50. We didn't make fun of em,

just understood, he talks like that and probably likes dudes, we didn't blame him for being him, just treated him like any other individual

made friends, some didn't get along, though in school, you didn't have to interact with anyone. we all acknowledged his contributions to class discussions

and activities.

one in particular, it was your choice to

& now we live in an uncomfortable world, where our differences are put into the forefront...

now they are encouraged to talk about their sexual identity

as others are quick to bring race into the picture, they believe that minorities must be sheltered from hate

they may not realize they're insisting they focus on the differences, they post a hatred for injustices on people

that they may have never even met.

The education system has no right to push their views on anyone... They should give a formal education

while allowing children to figure out life for themselves, with their parents guidance and information from school

part of sex ed, is explaining sex maybe... I believe it was in my lifetime that they imposed a mandatory "briefing"

I know a lot of people are afraid to even send their children to school and I feel, home schools simply do not prepare a child

to be adequately socialized.

I feel all this nonsense has pushed people who would usually vote liberally to go back to the hostile takeover of our country.

I feel this administration has put families in an unusual position of doing serious trauma to the nations children.

It was bad enough that kids had to participate in masks but this, is just terrible. & it's a spiritual war, seemingly aimed to destroy families

cause general turmoil and then insisting that parents be aware of this nonsense and practice it, some people will just comply

again they're playing both sides they have Trump as the victim, he's not a politician so the politicians are so tough on him

won't let him do the good things he intended to. He even gave signs that he was aware of the corona charade but he was powerless to do anything

against people pushing the mask mandates and such. He was in on it the whole time, throwing money to his cronies...

Hundreds of billions were scammed through relief loans that we know of and over 6 trillion dollars was thrown at a flu mutation

that somehow ended up in freezer trucks being used as morgues because they were so full. The news was saying hospitals are over capacity

though people would go for emergencies and it'd be a ghost town & it was pretty much trying to exert their will on people

you are powerless.. Look, it doesn't even have to make sense, shut up and put on your muzzle. The medical companies were getting money for relating a death to covid

& Alex Jones started it the other day, saying there is going to be censorship on social media and made Musk out to be the defender of freedom.

and I can already see him, like Trump "being powerless to stop it", the CEO is part of the WEF but he tries to have this good guy card

They've made AI that's already able to do the majority of white collar jobs.

while he's making robots that replace workers and could probably act as soldiers..

I don't want us to act like we didn't see it coming. I'm in the position where it's my fault.

I thought electric cars were a good idea, I think I even remembered looking at a rival company when I was in Seattle,

had plenty of time to look into the specifics, people were probably expecting me to come up with that but instead

I just backed up tesla for being someone who made electric cars, i had buidr up some clout & that would've been massive of me

though Elon is from South Africa, he's building armored cars that drive themselves

they're enslaving people in the Congro right now to get the batteries that run them...

All that man did was get in on the government, got the subsidies, milked the "technology" made their satellites...

Like, I'm granting Ukraine free netflex beep boop, turn off: Russia's wifi click

so I'm responsible to make it right. By fulfilling my life work a real co operative

not communism, the opposite of what oil companies made of every "socialist republic" or whatever the fuck

it's just the people who do the jobs, own the company and split the money amongst them..

Instead of Elon profiting off of x, we make a rival one instagram & Zuck & fb just put money in the pocket of that one creep

instead of Bezos making trillions from a calamity, along with those other guys who milked the pandemic & even let you get a piece

we can import shit from China and distribute it across the States providing hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to everyone that works there.

Or even better yet, we invest in robotics so we don't have to pay a tarriff and just build them here and save all that shipping

though 1 step at a time. In the spirit of America, capitalism must always

I must've done it a bunch of times.. I have so many pictures on this site & the way my ftp works is it just overrides any duplicate so I knew if i didn't rename it i was going to erase something from a past episode and I clicked slowly to rename the file & lost patience & double clicked... Felt like Elon himself was trying to vodoo me out of it ;)

I feel this can go as predicted where they build the world in a Chinese image. Where people's liberties are trampled upon and we are all enslaved by a global elite that probably won't need your help anymore.

Or we can make paradise on Earth.

Giant sky scrapers that grow food hydroponically all year round.

off grid Prefabricated container homes with solar panels, all you have to do is hook them up to water for the price of a car.

Between China & India. that's 1/3 of the Earth's popuation.

So personally, I'd like to see America's population double.

Not to encroach upon the white man... I want new colonies on land that's not being used, not to both people who are happy with America as it is.

I'd like people who live in Slovakia, Eastern Europe, Wesern Europe, Asians & Australians and Afriacns who watch American movies and dream of escaping their respective bullshit countries ,a reality.

Muslim women, who want to walk around without a mask and sing.

People in South America who have no option but to work with cartels or the government.

I'd like it to be a safe haven of liberty again..

Instead of becoming like all the other countries. it's a place, where things are fair.

& if you want to work hard, there's plenty of opportunity for you.

Yes machines help us get stuff done and there's an enormous market on fun.

Chinese people, you don't have to enslave women to get them to be freaks..

They like that shit too.

Just get some game and with high speed rail and the potential in technology for flying cars

People will be able to meet with attractive people all over the world and have so many marvels of human engineering to choose from that they'll never be able to see them all in their life time. Though every weekend singles and families do their best to pick & choose & enjoy tourism and different cousine in a world that's for the most part safe..

Not because we've killed all the"criminals" Once poverty was eliminated there was little incentive for people to commit crimes and risk their freedom.

When all they have to do is spend 4 days a month working to pay the rent for their tiny home and bills

Though there's incentives like flying cars and more trips around the world, clean drugs you can do without having to hide it from everyone. (obviously the biggest business in the world right now is illegal narcotics)

Just let people have em, I say, especially if they're already addicted. Help them be productive members of society instead of prisoners

& educate the next generation not to ever let drugs be your primary focus. and avoid dependence. to motivate you to go above and beyond. If you focus on being successful, you too can own a flying car and vacation properties.

Entire new high rise cities are being built and developed. To house millions of immigrants from all over the world and people interested in showing them the American way.