This is about national securtiy

I understand our president's predicament.

People who voted for him,expect him to follow through with his word.

That's why I'd like to give props to the mayor of New York, who after looking into the matter, changed his opinion on weed. It's really a tough thing to do & something that's important because every stance can't be the right one and nothings worse then someone who can't be brought to reason.. Except maybe someone who blames outward things for inward failures.. Or so I'm told...

Though it's easier said than done.. So simply, I would like to imply... That a wall didn't work for China hundreds of years ago.. So it stands to reason that it will not work tomorrow..For one, because of inventions like:

There's a lot of people who seem to be against whatever the pres is for..

I like to think my arguments are logic based.. There is something to a barrier. Even if it's not effective... As is, we have thousands of miles of unprotected border space. If someone tells themselves, these borders are man-made and decide to cross them.. Even tying a string of rope along the border would be better than nothing because they would at that point have to decide to go over, under or cut it.. Whereas currently it's almost calling people to cross it by having nothing there to discourage such endeavors. However please recall that these are some of the most ingenuitve and resourceful, not to mention hard working, diligent individuals in the world. & If they could build a tunnel through a high security prison to bust out El Chapo, what good can your wall possibly do? That in mind, please note the 6 billion dollar price tag. The company who already has their bid in and stands to make a lot of money on this wall. It's 2019 if he was building some kind of monitor that used infared technology I could be persuaded as is, I can't help but feelhe's making America seem dated and backwards. in the first place, most of the Mexican immigrants came over 5 years ago, at a time when illegal immigration was hardly discouraged... In a sense we even gave them the green light.. People were hiring illegal labor left and right & They risked everything to come here, many started families only to be told, we changed our minds, we no longer welcome you but way after the fact. That's how I feel about the matter & my heart goes out to anyone who faces injustices. & I see our great nation that was supposed to be out of debt by now.. Plunged into paying for wars that are unjustified, for the profit of individuals rather than our nation as a whole.. We now pay well over $5,000 a second on just interest.. Think of all the good that could do for Americans or if 6 billion was allocated on something worthwhile.