Constant pusuit of Science

to make better consumer products.

constantly pursuing a better way to make something

a drink

a pizza

there are many flavors of sodas..

I heard the

Story of Coca Cola

The guy made a state of the art lab

in his final phase, he through in some ish from the rainforest, i've never even heard of..

The man experimented for years..

The one drink was his lifes work

the best selling drink in history

probably way better as he intended

His family ended up penniless

The way of the world the artist, creator get screwed out of their work.

The corporations bullied him out of the profits?

There's a lot complaining out there, people sell millions of records, rent a car for the video and put up the image, of big rims

Gucci everything

N.W.A. had the song fuck the police,

It's like here, fuck all these dudes that don't deserve you so I can have a decent lifestyle..

The shit people do just to collect mail...

& the valley girl's like, disgusted with me.. She's normal.. She works and her parents pay for the rest of it.

Or even lives with their parents still.

It's just not on the same level, as those who are always aware of what's going on..

& the blatant trash get's mixed in sometimes..

I thought I didn't like the people in Reno, they all hate on Vegas,

shun their only other city...

& one day I temped for Amazon,, didn't know it was them

and lunch was a full wolf pack..

I started talking to dude, naturally taking the position of alpha

and those guys had some stuff to say..

One guy, even made it sound like he was gonna diss me,

Only to say a profound truth..

I was amazed and a lot of people started chipping in.. Even though I'm against the company, I wanted to have friends at work.

I'm used to saying half of what I'm gonna say and people trying to make me out to sound dumb.

These are the normal people, don't say anything interesting, just do what the news recommends.


So I started off yesterday and I was intimidated... Now I can't move mountains. Though just looking at one... It's kind of amazing, from a distance..

Wow am I gonna get up that mountain? All those cars are going up so slowly...

& I tried to get someone to do it for me.. Can I get a ride?

& learned a few things

Then when that hadn't worked...

I'm just gonna go this way..

I'm going to start walking up...

Next thing you know, I'm up and around mountain #1

Though the alpha thing... I saw it, I was gonna take a break

Bunch of dogs start barking their heads off & the main one was a Great Dane type.

I singled out 3 dogs barking..

Though the alpha was behind the fence, closest to me..

Next was another one, who awaited.

If this danger ends up beating him, then I'll try on a weakened opponent, or maybe I'll fin d away to jump in..

The third He know what they're supposed to do is bark... To alert the neighbors & family...

Though he'd just chip in every once in a while..

Back in the distance, I don't think I even saw em..

If the other 2 failed, he'd probly run like a bitch..

There's no substitute to that..

If it's either genetics that makes the Dane, the decidedly better fighter or he, regardless of his breed, just spent more work on training himself..

There is no substitute.

People will tell you otherwise, British literature especially...

They say, It's about the money, a person's character is secondary..

Not just products

In book form, in music, in conversation..

People go to Church to repeat a bunch of stuff.

Though why isn't there a place people can go talk about stuff.

Other then a bar, where you have to be drunk & most people still only talk to the people they know.

At the starbucks: prolific, wooden table, you sit to yourself and scroll on your phone, like you're supposed to..

Heaven forbid, there be a conversation, or a board game comes out.

They took that, from the original coffee shops.

They mimicked the style with $2 art prints. Well if your normal and want a plug in it's either that or McDonalds...

As great as it is to have one's own room, furnished just the way they like it.. It's way better to be able to leave the room.

& feel safe, fuck corona, people want to make sure they aren't harvested for organs & sold into sexual sklavery.

Since George Bush & them..

So I talk of building a safehaven..

Where the pursuit is

constantly trying to understand the world

Every person would have access to the lab and an allotted time to experiment. What the fuck you need your own lab for? You might only use it once a week..

If you feel like it, go knock yourself out..

make up some tests

independent findings

Hope to lead the world

by you figuring out, what your interested in...

as a place where people can ask questions and compare findings with an independent source

For example logically cant trust the information given to you from a trillion dollar corporation aligned with the most powerful governments and companies in the world, already know they are going to promote what makes them the most money.

eggs and coffee

eggs used to be bad for you, mostly because of their cholesterol

In recent years, studies have softened and the information we have says they are not as bad for you.

now it's not a stimulant that can hurt your heart

it has antioxidants and it's good for you

if you look back at old tobacco ads

supposedly cigarettes weren't known to be bad for you

feel anyone could infer that smoking has negative effects..

Though studies can be biased.. People with interests have the power to make them appear conclusive. cry out for logic and truth

people deserve it

It's our responsibility.

to learn from the past and not have the next generation go through the things we did.

there's traps to take a healthy person and make them a sort of robot.

saw a perfectly good person

try gambling and now instead of doing something productive

like learning or training, conversing and reflecting with others

she spends her time pushing a button and hoping for a jackpot

button pushed, hopefully something happens..

Might spend months and years of her life repeating this same procedure

for others it's television programming

or worse just porn, stuck watching sexual acts & pleasing themselves

There's been homeless people I've seen:

hello, can I have a dollar

can I have a cigarette

do you have 50 cents

all day long like a machine, sees a person, asks them for something

somehow stops being a human and becomes automated.

if you try to get them off track

try to get them to talk for conversation's sake.

they might get mad or frustrated

knowing they just missed people they can ask for stuff

same thing with people collecting signatures

I've seen Church programs where, people will ask for money in exchange for food and shelter

If someone refers to themselves as "the homeless" it's probably safe to say they are a crackhead..

though politicians and such have their own version that go and gather signatures for them.

I'll give you $2 per signature..

& all day long, they'll post up in front of a store: "Hello, are you registered to vote?"

well I'm collecting signatures for so and so

Same with telemarketers of the past

It's a #s game, if you ask 1,000 people someone is going to feel bad about ignoring you and bite

What I'm trying to say is any of this is a waste of human potential and energy.

Because casinos have reached a position of power:

Because pornography has made so much money

they push prostitution as a must...

Through popular culture young girls insit on "getting that bag"

it has become the country's agenda

Trying to get you hooked to their product so you spend with them.

I talked to this lady in Detroit,

without purpose, one would argue if she worked for her money, she might use it more wisely.

In her instance, she would get her check every month

and go spend it at the casino and wait until next month...

I read in Ham on Rye, how the author learned to jack off

Before I was debating telling this story

It makes me sound dimwitted

though I insist I was actually angelic.

I got head in 7th grade I think it was

she wanted to see how big my dick

& someone called her on the phone so she stopped

Somehow I knew she didn't finish

but I never took matters in to my own hand..

I was in 6th grade when I got my 1st wet dream

& in 8th grade I remember my friend saying

anyone who says they don't pull pud is a damn liar

I just didn't say anything

So senior year comes up

& we're in physics class

I'm sitting next to this girl

with a smoking hot body

also known as a butterface

my dude at lunch one day mentioned

while he was in class he got a hand job from this hot chick

and I feel one of my main failings is to follow the happenings of my peers.

If someone jumped off a bridge, would you?

Anyway, I could tell this girl next to me really liked me

So I whispered to her: here, stroke my dick

and we're all listening to the lecture

and she's going at it persistently

& to both our surprise, the thing went out of control

started spitting everywhere.. She tells me she's going to stop now

and I go to the bathroom like what the fuck was that

My older friend had told me about sex and I understood it as requiring two people

after that, naked girls online was a lot more fun

It wasn't until years later I felt bad about

Once afterwords.. I just felt awful

It was like in clockwork orange

when the things he used to like

made him feel bad. Though I didn't stop

Until this day I tell myself I'm not going to

Not watching porn either

and for some reason I'll turn it on,

just for a little bit I tell myself

& I have stopped myself before

though it's a crazy concept

I imagine just like gambling

To most people television

Not watching television is highly weird.

Some would freak if they didn't have this popular form of entertainment.

I've heard of kids who weren't allowed to watch it growing up

Worked with this guy Elt who said have you ever seen someone who's watching tv

it's like their mind is turned off and they are just absorbing information

while with reading, you can at least see the mind processing the wordage.

w/ both there's been times when I recall myself and realize

where I'm at, what time it is etc.

Now the bottom line to why I'm telling you all this,P. is there are countries like China where the people in power are not trying to make you a degenerate gambler, masturbator, etc.

They put a lot of time and effort into educating their students for the information age, is what I've heard, though it probably depends on the province etc.

What I heard: The cram their students with home work from a young age, foreign languages etc.

Trying to make the, equivalent of spartans, though in an information age.

Though here,

I can say with confidence, they want you scared to send children to school.

All the time there are more allegations of teachers who fuck the students

today it was a teacher in Tennessee who used vape pens to lure the children.

It's sad but I feel the government would rather have them home schooled,

so they don't have to pay for public education.

So they are poor communicators.

Semen retention

Someone on twitter said that's the original teaching of Jesus

I remember I was 17 and this college girl went to make out at the beach with me...

She's like you're way different then everyone else.

I knew she was right but I didn't know why.

Even now, There's a certain glow I get with retaining semen for around a month

In combination with proper nutrition and exercise.

America used to try to be vigorous about education until after the towers fell In Texas I had a book that went into detail about the tremendous educational budget cuts that befell the country during Bush Jr's presidency

and now due to covid, I think they'd be happy with home schooling kids.

Especially after my story. In a sense, I'm lucky thst didn't ruin my life.

I mean it just might have, but it could've gotten me expelled..I still am not sure if I'm still prone to legal repercussions

The kid in Bukowski's novel who would beat it to their hot English teacher was possibly the worst thing I've ever heard

I mention all this because it's a problem to many Americans, lately I've found that possibly to women as much as men & on top of that the porn we have is degrading to women, both parties have become infatuated with the degredation.

I was on a social media sight and this girl was named pegging queen.. She was beautiful so I started talking to her & she's like you know what that is right?mm I'm looking for someone to do it with..

I had to look it up and have come to conclusion that the shit is spiraling out of control

Gus said since Bill Gates made the personal computer accessible to people, he is responsible for the porn crisis in America.

& I tried writing about social responsibility. How it's kinda weird going into a store and talking to a cashier after just watching someone get throat fucked, heaven forbid your grandmother...

and the anguish I was talking about afterwords, is probably a keep component to depression, anger

I remember alcohol used to make me feel real good and be efficient

nowadays I drink and don't feel much except like shit after it wears off.

I wouldn't be surprised if they took the good stuff out of the alcohol and people just continue drinking it because they're used to it

in the manner I explained earlier...

I'm not talking conscience... I mean consciencousness... Being aware of yourself and what your doing.

Gambling, porn and drinking used to be really fun

& most people won't spend all their money on lottery tickets

I'm not trying to say they should be forbidden because some people abuse them..

Mostly what I'd like you to recognize is that big money interests are trying to get you hooked

Have apparently taken over our nation and trying to make a sort of machine out of you

I feel we have a responsibility as people to define culture for ourselves

I'd like to make a Sparta with communicators because I feel it's the most important of the arts.

I have a feeling that the 8 billion people are really just puzzle pieces who have found their own unique perspective of the world

and in between all of us we can figure out pretty much anything we need to know and get a better picture ready for the next generation.

So it is up to us to separate and create a regiment for communicators.

While the tyrants in government are doing everything in their power to keep people separated.

They know that the rulers, who have been abusing people from the beginning of time are few

and if people did pend their time trying to work out the problem.. Theuy wouldn't stand a chance

So they've developed armies & distractions, some even say poison our food and water maybe even our genetics

Trying to stop all possibility that power will be taken from them and to continue enjoying themselves

while the rest of the world is so terrible and harsh that people rejoice in a chance to serve them.

I'd probably do the same if I were in their shoes

Though what I'm pushing for is something better

a system that keeps people competitive and is constantly improving life for the human race

Feel we owe it to ourselves and are in the right, so long as we work towards that goal. Abundance we have the technology for indoor farms