of all time.. The best answer I've heard yet, that rang true as soon

as I heard it, was to help people.

That's kind of general and follows a variety of presumptions,

some of the best, I've heard being: You can't help others,

until you help yourself.. The best way to make yourself feel better,

is to make someone else "" That also depends on a variety of

factors, sometimes making someone feel better can make

you feel worse, or dumb even.. It can lead to regrets

and that's why there are certain responsibilities that come about

when you are being helped. For example: Someone doesn't

have anywhere to go, so a friend lets them stay with him, only

to catch em in bed w his girlfriend.. This kind of Jerry Springer

mentality seems to often predominate, often with the basis

that: It was so wrong, that it felt so right...

Nothing is more tempting then breaking the trust.. I can't back that up,

but surely it is quite tempting in a variety of situations..

Whether it's the devil, or just internal evil, the understanding

that if you put god first, one is to put the community

before personal gain or pleasures. Many say god is good

(all the time) While repeatedly it is brought forth that man is not

perfect, we are prone to error.. I have found there is very little

validity in excuses, though I realize that there will be failures,

and I find (I've found) that when you let others down one should

own up to it (acknowledge) do their best to remedy (fix) it and apologize.

Now it is a word, yet I've heard that adults should never say they are sorry.

To expand on this, I quote a former boss of mine who would say "oh that's how you feel about me" I might stammer out excuses and such,

but it was to no avail... If I showed consideration,

she would see my actions as considerate.. When I proceeded with neglect,

I was considered neglectful of her. So these last few paragraphs

have been building up to my conclusion of the query & answer

to life's meaning... Helping people is great and the

goal of our existence may be to build up the trust in our

actions and attempt not to break the good impression of our

community.. When I ponder on impressions, I think appearance

and it's good to appear well although I sincerely believe that if

your faking something, people will still feel an inclination

that something is wrong and that further adds to doubt, so it's

best to just be well.

I was talking to a wise man about addiction, I mentioned that for

the most part I don't need anything other then coffee every 2 days

or I get a headache.. I thought of the days before I even knew

what caffeine was and would always choose Sprite.

I was adequate without it and I asked that's the ideal right?

Not to need anything? Not at all, he said knowingly..

I can not recall his exact words but the gist of was our human condition

is built around senses and we are surrounded with pleasures..

To the eyes, to the touch, the tastes etc.

Again, I could tell he was right instantly: The soft fabrics, the cool

refreshments,the delight in conversation or a thought well written,

especially put to sounds melodic. Even smiles and

laughter are contagious.. We are surrounded by stimulus' much

like but opposed to pain that he mentioned was also somehow

pleasurable.. Your body, assuming you are a

healthy human, is a complex system made to discourage "bad"

behaviors and encourage good ones. For example:

Possibly awed by fire, a child goes and touches it, ouch is the

reaction, that is not what one should do with fire...

Likewise good behaviors set off endorphins and nice chemicals

in our brain. Here is where the difficulty lies:

A person needs food and water to survive, there are recommended

quantities and certain nutrients that vary with individuals..

Peanuts are a great source of protein, unless you are allergic to

them.. Everything else is additional, Lets say Tommy

was a strapping lad and he found his friends one day especially

animated.. What's going on here, he asked innocently,

only to find them passing around an elixr of sorts..

Well he wanted to see what the fuss was about so he tried

some and was rewarded with uncanny abilities..

Usually timid, all of a sudden, he felt like he could say exactly what he

wanted to, easily to anyone, he was greeted with a certain

euphoria, made to express a happiness and contentment with all

aspects of his life, instantly, without having to

work for them... Well it was wonderful until the next day when he found

himself inebriated.. In contrast, he could not express

himself like yesterday, matter of fact he was considerably worse

then the day before.. He didn't know that this would wear off

in a few days and first thing, was asking his friends for more

of the potent drink.. Well, sure enough when he had

some, he was back to yesterday's charming self.. He felt

like he had doubled his ability to concentrate and could easily

do tasks that usually provided some difficulty.. What he

didn't know is that eventually

the beverage would wear off.. Not just in hours but in a

few weeks, it would turn out, these extra abilities wore-off as well,

that it only made him normal but without it...

Lo and behold Tom was fully a mess... Add to this the factor that each one

cost him about 4 or 5 dollars, he had already spent up his entire

savings and his allowance could only afford him 2 maybe 3 a week..

This predicament brought about a change in our protagonist.. He now considered doing deeds, never acceptable to him previously..

When he discovered himself entertaining such thoughts..

At once, decided he must give it up.. Well it was tough, especially at first

but sure enough within a few weeks he felt almost as good as new. (Soon to be expanded on)