People want a fun and memorable time

Had a coworker tell me of a lua

other people prefer a ho down

A strip club was an invention at some point

I mean pirates always spent their bootie on booty..

Sailors, politicians or people in power...

I'd like to know who invented the strip club and do a special about him..

OK they'll dance on a pole , we throw money at them and then they can go to other room

where there are lap dances in different increments of time.

We'll sell liquors...

Baseball & Hockey aren't that fun, the best part is getting drunk and being in a stadium... Sure, it's cool to see players be athletic and clutch... We used to joke how they get paid millions of dollars to play a child's game.. Well what do we have to watch that's better? How will guys be able to interact with people they don't know. without opinions of sports leagues? I was listening to my dude Earl Nightingale and he told of a gas station owner

who noticed a guy just standing around waiting to pay for their gas..

& bought fine chocolates, sodas, maps etc. and found that not only did people spend a

bunch of money on these things, also more people started going there for gas so he was

banking and everyone else followed suit.

So yeah people like to see mammoth caves, canyons, hot springs

phat hotels, good restaurants, they want great service

Basically unique wonders

some kind of secret vice is appealing

Though I'd rather be open about it

& I'm kinda hoping around on topics until I fix up this post..

People complain about trash, all the while, go through 100 disposable cups and cans a week.. Bring your own chalice and have soda machines available everywhere..

Water, powerade whatever..

This should be, everything we want it to be and have none of the things we settle for if it is to be progress.

The illuminati got the drugs

though it's made up of a bunch of spoiled brats who were sons of Tom Hanks

Rarely does that equal out to be elitism... Even though they are given all the advantages

of life, they've never wanted to challenge their intellect, rather indulge

everyday in things most people only get to do a few times in their lives.

Gambling, hoes, drugs.. Yeah that's about it..

Yeah I'm jealous, LA is full of people

who would sell their families to get to kiss up to them...

Eat out once in a while like them and they don't even get to enjoy it...

Getting your conscience eaten away at is another story.

It's a normal thing to Ooder a hundred dollar meal,

take a few bites and throw it away..

& other people don't take their leftovers,

to be like them..

I can't say I've known many really snooty private school kids and I'm sure they vary.

That's not what's important though...

The use of drugs to get people to do weird freaky shit is hot though the most important thing on Earth right now, to the human race is women.

That's why law enforcement and their associates have beenn promoting whoredom while the church denounces it and people are sent to suffer and die..

Sounds like something bad cops would say.

Anyway, One healthy man is enough for thousands of babies in time but thousands of men and one woman can only make like 10.

So what the goal is, is an emergency sanctuary for hot women to enjoy themselves while producing beautiful, smart, children for the future generation that will inherit this Eart.

(I Do not support pregnant drug use) I on the Oregon side of Mt. Rainier (we'll have to negotiate with the racists who live there presently) where we grow cocoa and poppy never to be sold but for moderate, clean, safe, personal use.* Fueling a renaissance of business, art, morality, infrastructure, actual democracy (the most cost effective form of government) architecture and of course hotness.

Because what we have now:

Imagine a business... Where there are co-owners and the workers all fall behind one of them...

Both sides are trying to slow down and sabotage the other guys... they might just read from the yellow pages until everyone is so bored they finally quit and vote for whatever...

and this business is competing with other businesses with just one owner... There is no competition... & that is how communism** is winning my friends..

checks and balances were created in government but having a two party system where everyone just votes for their party isn't worth a damn, in my opinion. Especially when they have their own interests and foreign interest at heart. Does this look like a face you can trust?

*Now I'm fine without weed, tobacco, coke or dope.. I'm also ok without friends.. Though life is considerably better with them.. So much so, that in Russian friend is droog.. these are tried and true, been around for thousands of years... Still the demand for them is ridiculously high... Though the cost of growing chocolate (comes from a plant) or opium (comes from a flower) means it shouldn't cost more then chocolate.. the artificial price is because they are illegal and many fortunes have been made off of addiction, many bail has been set.. I find the whole thing to be tedious and rambunctious. ** communism in it's present form is more of a social fascism with some capitalistic programs.. Just like democracy, presently is a: democratically elected republic (not all that confident in even that part)