You only have one body and only have one soul

Instead of trying to get the most out of every individual, it feels like our government is in place to make sure wages are low, conditions are miserable and non educated women will turn to prostitution and "" men will turn to crime as well. For one, because private prisons are one of the largest businesses in the country, and 2 to keep people in fear and willing to pass legislation that will eliminate our rights.

Some would argue, that those individuals should have gone to college and gotten involved in the system.

Education cuts have been prominent since 2001.. Especially the schools who need the most help (failing schools) Found their funding cut...

They promised money for education when localities agreed to casinos but from what I've seen, the school systems did not get better and it was solely in the interest of casino owners & all that is associated with them..

Now Trump took 15 billion out of emergency funds to build the wall that Biden stopped building anyway..

Since the early 1990s, 65 tunnels have been discovered just in the Otay Mesa area. While the united States Mexico border is nearly 2000 miles long.

Brown University suggested that the United States spent well over 1 trillion dollars fighting Afghanistan.

Where they have spent an average of 1.5 million dollars a day on anti narcotics efforts while the UN figures show that the estimated area, devoted to opium or poppy cultivation reached an all time high in 2017.

The U.S. watchdog responsible for overseeing reconstruction efforts said that 15.5 billion has been lost on waste, fraud and abuse and that that is only a portion of the total money wasted. -BBc News Feb 28 2020.

No one can tell me why we ever went into Afghanistan in the first place.. "Um it was Terror"

Then we had the opioid crisis.. Think how much a trillion dollars could've done for education... I mean we literally could've fixed all failing schools or given 28,000,000 kids, $35,000 dollar scholarships.

Which brings into question, does America want to give underprivileged children an education? Or want them hooked or selling opium and filling private prisons?

The public sector is comprised of 20,000,000 people. The government directly employs about 1 out of 6 workers in the United States, the next largest figure is Wal Mart at 2,000,000 and Amazon at over a million.

Kind of interesting article

In the opium wars, china had to struggle to try to stop England from getting their people hooked on opium because they were making too much money.

I can't find the info online but if I recall it was a tedious process taking committed leadership many decades and even generations before they could get out of the grip of dope.

What we have achieved is chinese democracy, if you go against what the government says, you are fighting 20,000,000 Americans, many of which have cushy desk jobs that they don't want to give up.

The census bureau says the median household income is... Undisclosed.. Some figures said $31,000, some said 800 something a week.

All I can say that to most people I know 400 a week is a lot of money.. So someone with a government job is towering over regular working Joes and it sounds like communism..

Now had I stayed amongst my high school compatriots, that either went to college or knew someone who hooked them up with a job.. I would probably be unaware of working class tendencies and think about half of the country is lazy, stupid, on drugs and have criminal intent. They say the struggle is real but unless you've worked for minimum wage, (Not living with your parents) you really don't know.

So in the last week, the democrats have made a serious push for gun control.. Now I've lived on this Earth for 38 years.. I've noticed a lot of patterns & People say looking at everything as a conspiracy isn't healthy..

but see I grew up going through Encyclopedia Brown books

Where one would look at the clues and try to solve the mystery.. I read about all of them I could get ahold of..

If I was naïve and believed everybody is nice. That people want what's best for the whole of the nation and would never use power for selfish intentions.. Then I would just believe the news.

I already see the police controlling crime in much of the country... The last thing they need to have total control over the underworld, is to be the only ones with guns..

These are just a tiny glimpse

There are over 3,000 counties in America &I can only imagine how much of this goes on.. Sorry to be real, I know it's not pleasant to think about.

That in mind,

In Colorado they didn't pass gun reform

and a week later someone shot up the grocery store in Boulder

Ok that could be a coincidence

So in Atlanta an instacart worker(Those that shop for you, so you don't have to leave the house) noticed a guy in the bathroom loading some weapons and called the manager who called the police and all danger was averted.

So this is for sure is blatant propaganda for anti gun laws..

& the tweets were sounding off exactly as planned..

See people don't need guns for protection, all we need is: If you see something, say something...

I'm sure the guy just sat there, in the bathroom for 15minutes loading guns in preparation...

See anyone who's ever fired a gun would tell you want to load them before you go...

Well this guy must've just been a jackass...

I'll bring the guns in the place and then I'll go to the bathroom to load them. Why load them before I go?

It's obvious here's some kid who someone offered $50,000 or whatever to do this heinous crime, scare people and his family get the money...

I bet a bunch of mass shooters aren't even accounted for: Because they are government agents set to push gun control laws..

Thousands died when they blew up the twin towers.. Do you think they care about a dozen people here and there, even if they are children, so long as they push their agenda. People had guns in the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s and there were very few mass shootings.

To me the only thing that has changed is that we've let these motherfuckers get away with taking the livelihood of our nation for their own personal gains and they feel they can now get away with anything.

They have billions to spend, they have control over the incarceration system...

I understand a crazy guy, loses his job and he goes and shoots up his work.. Like see, you can't just fire people

Or like Taxi driver where the guy goes and shoots the guy pimping a 14 year old girl...

These actions, although crazy make some kind of sense...

Mass murderers that go to a mall and shoot it up

go to a movie theater

go to a school

are just working for Besos, trying to get people to buy online

& stay home - This pandemic is made up, they've been shooting places trying to get people to be scared to leave the house for a long time before it started.

the virus was just another way to push their agenda and gain control

with everyone at home, they can monitor whoever leaves... Finding out who is their competition etc.

Half of people don't believe it anymore because the signs are obvious

They wear the masks because they it's law..

Though injecting themselves with something random, maybe 1 out of 100 have some crazy side effects, well it was rushed, oh well... What if they are choosing who gets the long term side effects?

Most people just want their family to be safe

Though with time the fog has thinned out and I firmly feel, this whole covid,

It's just a ploy to destroy the private sector & non corporate business

Giving one group total control over the country..

That's the government, mob, police and military all rolled into one...

Sound bad? Trust, that it's a terrible idea but most people see that resisting doesn't stand much of a chance

so they're like where do I sign up? For everyone that joins, I'd like you to know: You are forever dooming the world by eliminating the most precious of all things..


Well, we can live without it but until now, god bestowed it upon us and the evil has always been trying to find a way to do away with it.

They have made the world terrible

& you reward them by giving control, just please make it stop, let me out of isolation....

To me, it feels like any normal, logical person, would do everything in their power to not promote such awful behavior.