Thank you Baton Rouge namely and Louisiana as a whole for an amazing holiday full of hamburgers and tasty treats

Last year my Christmas was also full of goodies.. That I imagine, a lot of giving was necessary to achieve. I will never be satisfied until I have a similar level of love within my community, wherever it be.

On the way there, I recall coming to a restaurant and was inspired to ask, "good morning sir, is it too early for fries?" "no, I'll put some in." Well sir, I don't have any money and was wondering if I could clean up the leaves in the front for it." He gave me a broom and dust pan and when I was done, not only did I have fries but also soup and pies, I thanked him & was so grateful, I didn't want to overstay or him to think I was asking for more, so I took off & was called back, where I think he wished me luck & I left off very happy & made a mental note that I should always say goodbye regardless of the situation.

2 months or so later I realized at my interview, that I was very close to that same restaurant and planned my triumphant return. One day I arrived in the morning, ordered fries and pies & was told they have no pies, I was hoping to get the attention of the proprietor who looked forlorn, so I explained that I had tried them at this very restaurant and now I was working at one down the street.

I wish I could have captured the look of disgust on his face.

Maybe it was due to my implication that his soup was watery and I worry that his kindness hurt his business.& I recall I felt there were times of turbulence, while I was working there that I worried were due to them accepting me for the job.

Though I can not, for the life of me

understand why

People wouldn't want to see someone move up

from humility to home.

I was told by a wise friend of mine and was reassured by a wiseman I met the other day, that the reason we are put here is to help one another.

w that belief

I decided my life pointed to a life of preparation for:

making something out of nothing

and being an example to the estimated 1 and a half million Americans on the street.

Thar they can do it too

When I started n the task

I found myself amongst people who specialized in political critique

Quickly found that the latter, would have more influence if I was a contributing member of society and worked towards the cause.

This is a mock conversation with a preacher on the topic

I seem to find that the homeless question is usually directed towards a Church. & I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many Churches that provide meals to those in need and the many people who contribute to the congregation and tax payers who may have their money allocated to the cause.

"Without an address, I find it very difficult to get an ID and without work, tough to get an address, without an ID it's hard to get a job and I hope you can see this cycle I'm trying to portray." "Yes my son" I was wondering why, the programs I've seen often take months and years, wouldn't it be best if someone would offer a pair of work boots, a heater and a shed and solve the problem right away." "Well a lot of these people have mental issues and drug problems, so it's like a screening process." "Having to be out in the cold and constantly moving from one place to another, is very stressful, I can assure you and takes an abnormal amount of walking, in a lot of cases I wonder if the drug and alcohol abuse came from the situation and looking for a pick me up from how upsetting it is." "That may be so but we have to make sure it is no longer a problem to members of our community." By not allowing them to work and using up national resources going to homeless shelters for years?" "Well we work for the good of the everybody" "I thought we were working for the meek to inherit the earth." No, you read that wrong, after Jesus returns, then the meek will inherit the Earth.. Until then we cater to those that can put into the collection plate."

I don't mean to generalize with Churches.

However in America & capitalism

Everything works because of personal interest..

Because someone is making a profit from milk and eggs there are always milk and eggs in the stores.

It's a good system, however I can't help but believe that certain things should not be a business

Including mostly: Religion, Medicine and Police.

That does not make me a socialist

En contrare

I believe socialism is a much worse system

since they put all the power within the hands of a few

I believe that to be a recipe for greed

Am with the founding fathers, in my belief that government should be minimized if at all possible to neccessiiesys like making roads and such ad power should be divided with checks and balances whenever possible. This is due to greed,

Seems all of history is the repetition of people abusing good, obtaining too much power and someone having to check them.