So it's funny, we were talking about LA jails

(I was astonished that this was 1 of thousands of recipes found on youtube)

Couldn't imagine wanting to make one if I didn't have to..

& guy says people were telling him to claim wood

since his dad was white...

and the idea of race is so silly to me.

What if he's Bulgarian

how white is Romanian?

& I feel like the masses want you to be confused about what is important>

Well there's nothing I can do to improve myself

I guess I'm not pure Germanic enough

It seems to be more important then the quality of your person to some

I guess I'm inferior since I'm 13% whatever the fuck

& it gets deeper then that..

I saw this mom, claim that her child had a disability

That got her more money allotted to her

Her brother advised her: If they're giving it out, you better take what you can can get>

& she was a really bright, energetic, maybe 3 year old little girl

I'm sure being told all her life that something's wrong with her

is going to effect how she grows up...

and there's all kinds of terms ADD

or ADHD to Obsessive compulsive

Where are the kids that just have regular attention...

Probably the one's who's grandmas would make them memorize little rhymes

and developed their minds with practice

Nowadays it feels like kids are born with Ipad cognition

and we don't know how that will turn out

I'm seeing a lot of sharp kids these days even with the weird gender stuff they have to go through

It's weird to me

Because I always grew up trusting those that dispensed the knowledge

I pledged allegiance to the flag, knowing everyone showing me had taken that same oath

thought that the ones in government positions have my best interests at heart

and somewhere around 2000 it went all bad

Technically it might've already been that

Raegonomics had America looking way different then before

Flooded with drugs

I've been to Baltimore a few timesthe wildfires every year

seem scetchy to me


fire is a bad thing

Government tries to prevent it

Now fire is a good thing

It allows them to log trees that they usually wouldn't be able to

Ever since I read catch 22

They were talking about the military and how a loss was a good thing,

they could write off

& initially government programs were made to protect people who couldn't help themselves

make up for where capitalism had failed us & now it's just become a system that people abuse..

There's nothing preventing someone who doesn't need it to take advantage of it

the one's implementing it, know all it's failures and loop holes

and I'm one to say... Fuck every single social program on the books

All they do is provide jobs to millions of Americans and just set us back..

They are extremely costly and prone to abuse and they do very little good relatively

then if the money was used to directly help those in need.

Again I say it started around 2000

where the bombing of a trade center should be a bad thing

though to some it's a good thing..

Think of the insurance money and the contracts involved for the companies in rebuilding

the ammount of money chaney's weapons companies received in contracts for the war

In a similar fashion the pandemic, Although SARS was isolated by Obama in 2012

Trump didn't feel the need to contain it..

It was if: The pharmacuretical, medical companies, government tyrants etc

had a plan of creating a new world order and had created a way to use something bad

For their people to profit from every covid test, government subsidy so they could destory all opposition & competition.

So they could impose emergency laws in all ruling governments that constitutions would usually protect them

& then insist that you modify your sacred DNA to prevent the flu from further mutating

Now if you do your homework.. You'll see that for decades Moderna had been practicing changing people's dna

and the FDA found it not safe for animals and never to be safe for human use..

However remember we are dealing with a tyrannical government that says unsafe is good...

If people have a bad reation to the treatment the insurance companies won't have to pay out anything for their deaths

you willingly took a treatment that was experimental and while usually medical companies have a liability to those who are hurt by their product

they have none

and it serves depopulation efforts of Bill Gates and them that openly say that there are too many people and want

the population to be small enough that the elite can control them without fear of any sort of uprising

that's why it is in their favor if people have to give up their weapons.

They were gearing up for a fourth shot saying that serious illness was at an all time high even though the majority of the population had been innoculated

as people are starting to discover that it's obvious we've been duped by this whole pandemic

our attention is turned towards Russia

here you can take your masks off

& I insist we can't stop

I believe

This rediculousness was set up intentionally for us to see the greed that the tyrants are capable of

we've all probably seen examples of how little life matters to them in their quest for riches and power

that they have tools like the entire multi national media

and even before they did this everyone hated the politicians because we all know they are corrupt

they serve the interests of the wealthy

and while other nations are trying to startup businesses that produce things they can sell in their country and others

People are being incentivized to not go to work and I see these ads saying have you been wrongfully fired from a job? Get your compensation

It's an attack on businesses that employ people.. Who are going to have to fight

legal battles just to try to stay in business because some shmuck knows a settlement is the only way they're going to be able to ever get ahead..

Is to try to ruin small business in America.