The Earth started out as a free for all humans had to face the elements like animals...

I was taught by a very interesting historian who found enough evidence to theorize that modern man began with fire

specifically in torch form.. He said that it can be inferred that when humans approached woolly mammoths with a burning flame in their hands..

They would always start running in the opposite direction...

People eventually figured out to chase them off of cliffs

and for the first time in history there was an abundance of food... That allowed people to think about other stuff.

Before that every day was a struggle. They would search for dear or rabbit or what not,

they might miss with the spear or whatever pretty much the majority of time was spent hunting..

Those who got good at it survived, those that didn't died off.

The next big thing was agriculture for the same reason...

Without the fear of starving to death in the back of their minds daily,

people could focus on other pursuits, like arts and crafts, religion, literature, trade,

people didn't have to constantly be following the animals and could make buildings and store food for the winter..

They made permanent settlements and joined together to protect themselves from invaders and such in their own manner thus,

cultures were created.

Some ganged up to pillage other people's goods but for the most part people developed a system

where diligent hard working people persevered because they built solid homes for themselves, managed to create excess and those who were upstanding, honest etc. found favor in their communities, people who were creative or fun loving, good looking, caring.. People sought the truths of life and valued them and taught their children a code of ethics or morals

Somewhere along the line it got fucked up. I have heard that some theorize what once was natural and easy became confused and hard..

Where people would assemble and talk things over and reflect and figure stuff out...

I saw a statue once of a noble native who was tall and muscular, stood upright and clear eyed

and next to him was a sneaky banker looking individual who was lanky and curved and ugly and the story goes, his kind won because they were scandalous


Way before the American colonies these people had perfected how to make laborers and whores out of the masses pretty much by using religion..

Native Americans weren't having it, Australians and many groups of indigenous people were wiped off the face of the Earth..

Recently I read that South Americans were used to being conquered by the Mayans or Incas or Azteks or Tolteks and were willing and used to being workers.

Naturally people discus the human condition and the ruling classed have always had to somehow keep the people in line.

It's one thing when it's a person's own country, to work for their monarch & his vassels etc. Though whence populations were forced into allegiance by invading nations back in the day day,

insurrection and general discontent typically followed.

Sometimes they would use punishment and others they would calm the people down with a week, sometimes a month of feast days.

the people would have a good time and then go back to their toils

To prevent such uprisings in modern days.. Those in powers have taken preventative measures..

Some say it's the Genetically modified food, the next generation of guys are looking girly...

Others have blamed fluoride in the water saying it adds a layer of film to the pineal gland, a third eye that's supposed to be an essential part of the human sensory system...

Others blame 5g & all these satellites have even thrown bees off.

So how are we supposed to stay in tune?

I am almost finished rereading the alchemist and in it, he says a person should learn to listen to their heart..

Achieving this feat by spending time listening to the desert and meditating etc.

Our fast paced life style, bombarded by internet and phone and posts and such doesn't leave room for all that.

Even though mostly people aren't doing anything, it has kind of become taboo to work during covid...

It is implied that the ones working are the ones who "have to" You are being a responsible adult by sitting at home and quarantining.

Sure the middle class is going down the drain..

Who needs independent businesses anyway? Destroying the soul of the nation?

Just repeat what you heard on the news.. That's all the interaction you need.

Anyways, since god gives us free will.. We can't really know if we're doing it right.

When people are depressed that's a tell tale sign that your body is telling you something is wrong by sending pain signals.

The closest thing I've found is a harmonious day where things just feel like they are happening for a reason.

Of course just one person who is out of tune can ruin it for very many people and thus we have what we are faced with today.. A nation plagued with demons and tweakers.

They don't really know what they're doing, they are just following their desire to feel good. & it tends to spread exponentially. That's my theory anyway

Well I had a guy tell me, months ago...

It sounded right

Though I forgot it's all those demonic mofos that have control of the news in the first place.

So I looked it up and the catholic church itself, insisted that there were no fetuses in the damn vaccine..

Some argue that abortion is wrong.. Others say it should be the choice of the mother.. See it's one thing to be pregnant and in a tough situation and decide that you do not want to have a baby.

It's a whole other thing to inject every human worldwide with aborted fetus sauce.

Well, we've filtered out all dead baby pieces before bottling the vaccine said the creepy weirdo at Johnson & Johnson.. It turns out the Pfizer and Moderna (whatever) people did the same thing.

How do you expect us to make medicines without the use of tissue obtained from the fetus of an unborn child? Asked the lunatic spokesman...

The same way we've been doing it before you crazy ass, sick motherfucking disgrace...

I guess the bottom line is once you've been injected with an unborn baby, they are thinking there's nothing you won't do for self preservation...

Watch innocent poor people get slaughtered because of some freak's ideas about climate change etc. etc.

See, most people subscribe to their own bullshit.. The tailor says the clothes make the man.. They might not even know they are pushing their agenda with their viewpoints..

You'd think someone who already has a ton of money would have scruples about hurting millions of people just for more profits.. Though I find, huge amounts of money often lead to an obsessive greed.. competing with other billionaires with more wealth and power...

I should've known not to trust the news... They've released this info now that I'm too late.. I could've warned all the people who were excited to get the vaccine first like it was the Iphone.

Your chances of dying from corona are pretty slim... Is it worth it to do something that defies morality.. Just because they tell you to? From what I've seen of human nature..

The people who have already got it will justify it to themselves somehow using common rationale.

They will even hope that others get the vaccine so they don't end up the only creepy ones.

It's too late to stop it now that so many have already got it..

However I feel the need, for ethics sake to let people know what they are getting into before hand & hope that this is that moment when the crazy rich people have gone to far and we finally get it together.. Well it doesn't matter that you are white, black, asian, latino whatever.. Poor people who have been abused for thousands of years... These mf'ers are insane and should by no means be governing anyone.

In hopes that this is somehow just going according to plan...

That the satellites were really put here to add to the synchronicity and all this was done to show the human race the dangers of what could happen if they just blindly follow.

An Update

I saw with my own eyes that not only J&J but the M & Pf vaccine was derived from stem cels

Even read that the pope said due to the urgency of tackling the global pandemic it's excusable

Why would he say that if there was no fetus in the M & Pf? I feel like I was hit with the flashy thing in MIB

Does anyone else remember them admitting it? I also wonder who were the parents of the lucky original fetus who's cels have

been cloned for 40 or so years.. Knowing the devil, it's probably some really disturbing case of some really nice girl

who was corrupted in this really tragic way and now everyone in the world will be injected with the evil deed.

Remember when scientists thought corona virus stayed on surfaces for days and weeks? Well now it just doesn't

So one might wonder, where did they get that idea in the first place?

One would think they would've done some kind of scientific tests

Before saying that

Then they just roll it back.,,,

I call Bullshit

It's like I turn on tv and the olympics

are in MF Samruk Khazakhstan.. Oh well I don't expect things to be true anymore anyway... Reminds me of that double truth in 1984.

By the way Japan not allowing anyone but the Japanese to watch the Olympics live is consequently horse shit.