I feel the best way to change the system

Would be to make an example of real democracy that works on a micro scale..

If we could get 300 people to form a working society..

Use the model to get 10,000 people to make a city and eliminate the middle man. (politicians)

Then maybe we could apply those findings to the whole country.

Other then that I guess we could just sit back and wait & hope that..

Since scientists had to go to work for corporations, their only option

was to agree with the findings or work in secret to help widen the control of those in power..

I feel that would be more proactive then just hoping and praying that there were secret secret gangsters, who have been fighting the powers that be eternally

Who used Matrix like technology that allowed evil to believe that they were killing off the women and the free thinkers in some kind of population control scheme... While in reality they were saving them to be utilized to save the world when 2pac returns.

See, with power comes corruption, the temptation to misuse power, even the best of us can get caught up

Every government makes like billions of dollars , though some of them

can't even get a water system to their people.

because they are too busy finding ways to steal the money for themselves..

People throughout the world have charities

that raise billions of dollars for places like this, for hungry Africans or Americans and homeless...

Though it's still a problem.

Because of short term solutions, throw them in jail at the cost of $100 a day or pay them $4 for serving a meal

If you chopped the wood and manufactured the concrete & piping I feel like for $500

you could make them something that's not too shabby, Maybe have communal restrooms showers and kitchen..

For even the ones who live in their car.

Though the system is made for the banks, and to keep people doing desperate things for money... So I don't see them giving up this power for the good of their fellow man..So until I think of something else the best thing I can do is hope that the secret secret gangsters invested drug money into

scientists that sold technology to the corporations and built in the power to overwrite the program when the time is right

However they discovered that the corporations had found the glitch and had dismantled any hope of losing control

This also was foreseen and it turns out that while the evil demons of Earth were finding the angels, making them prostitutes

and then killing them off the Earth leaving nothing but a race of sheepish people who would do anything to spare their own lives

while the evil ones they had been switching these prostitute angels with transvestite men, secret secretly, through the use of virtual reality

only made them appear to have died while really beaming them up to the mother-ship*.. Like elephants they worked on protecting the women and children,

and let this all go on, as an experiment, to show people, exactly how sick human nature can get.

Until the modern world didn't even remember what a real strong woman looked like anymore.. Birth Control has done something to them and something in the water has made the next generation of men, skinny, girly and panzy for the most part.. Then 2pac comes back with all the "dead" g's and the women who had been practicing fighting that were in hiding & save us all.

Though not with an epic battle but w popular consensus & a glimpse of the things we really love in life and the bullshit that we're getting in exchange because you rely on them to have what you are used to.

*Portal to an underground layer, something...

While I pray for that... I realize

that if we are to save the best part of the world

it'll take us having to figure something else out.

For those in doubt, I ask of you, what i s more important then the pursuit of truth...

Without that there can be no progress and life isn't worth a damn not for you or your children.

**Jews always had to fight the power because they never had a place of their own, some foresaw that if they did they might take over

Even if they did and became the power, real Jews would just have to fight the power anyway because they know it leads to corruption... It's not your fault evil, you've just got caught up in the mix.. Just like some sick priests giving a bad name to all Catholics

the temptation for a businessman to harm people for profits is where the line is drawn we let it slide in 911 and now we have to dismantle the monopolies if we are to promote a well being of the whole.. Dismantle half the amazon warehouses and turn them into warehouse loft style homeless shelters.

God be with us

Its up to each individual to maintain their connection with the lord if we are to get through this

It seems like so much of society is bent to interfere. Ignorance is bliss.
