Is privillage wrong?

From an outsiders perspective it seems strange but to them it's totally normal and how things should be. I believe it's natural for a majority in a country to want preference.

It kinda feels unfair in countries where the people that live there

don't get to profit from their own place and it's a bunch of foreign


Though who is to say?

If you had oil in your backyard and all you would have to do to continue to stay rich...

Is keep things the same..

Wouldn't you do it?

That's why I threw around the idea of giving

coal people first dibs on investing in clean energy

Rather then some kind of dramatic overthrow. Though there is always attempts at changing the guard.

Though more then likely, the new people in positions of power will just continue to abuse it in their own interests rather then the last guys..

They put on this air of surprise like.. They used unfair tactics!

You got out cheated!

Now that I think about it: politicians have always been opportunists.

People of humble means might not do something they they don't feel good about.

I found that the wealthy are often the ones with no scruples as far as self-interests go..

the chance for an epidemic seems irresistible.

For years, people in government positions have been milking government programs,

contracts etc.

How much has been spent on relief and how many people abused the programs because it happened so fast..

The fact is we've been strong armed. The people in power

Have spent billions on positions forming companies that trace who people came in contact with

They made trillions on medical supplies masks and tests

when a place has a confirmed case they have to pay to like 5000 dollars to get it cleaned up by some hazmat janitors

Well you don't want to stay closed very long do you?

Next is trillions on the vaccine.. If it's 90% effective it's not a vaccine now is it? It's a preventative measure.

If you take the shot you are not going to get polio. That is a vaccination.

If there's still a ten percent chance you are going to get it... Then they will still want dining rooms shut down, people to wear masks

Out of 200 companies searching for a vaccine not one could find a good one. Though they've tested the waters on this one as well

Every year, one hopes they don't get the flu..

Until they make a flu shot.. That for up to $85 gives you the virus, some get very sick from and since there are so many kinds of influenza, so there's no kind

of guarantee that you won't get it anyway... To me it defies logic..

the most important thing in the world to me is, to build on one another's works and not stay stagnant usually people fight injustices

though it's like a steady noise of corona designed to throw off your faculties.. Every person in the world takes time from their lives

to think about getting the virus. Families are scared to congregate.. It takes a very cold hearted person to profit off the misery of the entire world.

Though I certainly feel capable of being the one, if I could be in a great position while everyone around me suffered..

So I feel for them though I have to make sure this gets fixed.. It makes for what amounts to a war time eonomy, there's a certain kind of lust for desperation and weird things people will do

Other then that, Amazon Wal Mart have made trillions of dollars.. Either we call them out on it now, the people work together to find evidence that this is a scam

or if they continue making all this money chances are we will have to continue to live in a world with the joy sucked out of it.

The bible forcasted 2000 years of peace hopefully in Aquarius though it's not by any means

going to turn around itself.

as us Americans know

Freedom ain't Free

Fox News had done a report back in November on a Dr. Latulippe in Oregon who spoke out at a pro Trump rally claims none of his staff wore masks and even treated nearly 100 patients of "covid" with no problems. I must paraphrase him since the initial report from Fox news has been deleted and all videos I've found now make him out to be a jackass of sorts.. Though this was a practicing Dr. who said it's just a variation of the flu and to take off the mask of shame.

If you defy your own logic and start doing things just because you are told to. There could be no end to this. Laws are put there to protect people and I do feel that "masking up" is just a way to make people fearful of everyone else and help propagate isolation & get people used to paying money just to leave the house..

There are certainly people out there who sit in their own home with a mask on.. I would call them crazy but popular consensus would make them extra cautious.. I have not seen 1 study that conclusively proves that the masks are effective and you'd think that would be the 1st thing they'd do is pay some people to risk it for everyone. Though I'm confident it's all bullshit...

At first they said that it sticks to surfaces for up to 2 weeks and everyone was lysoling the packages they got in the mail. Though at the time the cdc said it's safe to buy books, a coincidence? Not when the largest bookseller is Amazon who has profited off the "pandemic" tremendously.. Ever since then they changed the rules and it went from corona to covid. I think I mentioned all this earlier so once again sorry for the repeats. Though no ammount of anyone can tell me lysol is good for you, whenever I breathe it in or wipe down everything I feel like I'm going to get sick.

Though the mask thing I hate it.. if you are elderly or sickly try to stay at home

At this point, I'm tempted to consider just calling for business as usual otherwise. We could still save the economy.. The Americans decide they are tougher then the covid

and even if each and every one of us healthy adults has to get it...

We will shake hands work, shop, eat ,drink hug and love. The American dream will survive.

Although my mind had been set to conspiracy for years. I avoided looking into the whole 5g thing for a while. I was talking to someone who said that the vaccine was an injection of stem cells.. Now that, I have a serious problem with.. So I went to look up the information. I was extremely surprised and disturbed to find no conspiracy websites, videos etc. I am told that youtube and twitter are deleting posts with that kind of content. All that I learned about these concerns were on the videos and posts I found related were ones that debunked the myths, where the authors regurgitated the same information: Sources were saying that the instead of modifying your DNA, the vaccine ads proteins that imitate the virus training ones body to fight the virus beforehand blah blah blah I'm asking why would a vaccination modify dna in the 1st place? Or the fact that they would even mention it bothers me... The lack of varying opinions is a concern of itself.. I do believe we have reached a point, for the first time in the history of the internet that all the information is being spoon fed to us.. On the other hand in an elaborate pyramid scheme the masons have been using these same tools, conspiracy theories for creating a sort of hype for themselves. they've been on the cover of magazines, countless history channel specials... constant propaganda for the "secret society" interesting investors of all sorts. First we lost privacy, the terrorists themselves profiting on the hurt and misery of the masses and even our economy... Now we've lost the right to assemble because of the virus.. The freedom of the press is controlled by google and them.. Pretty much the law of the land is deteriorating.. They'll find other excuses to, do what they want if we let them. Especially if we join them.