On his 1st day in office, this guy passes one of the stupiest laws I've ever heard...

First off, I'm not a fan of this trans gender ish at all.. It was around the Obama

Administration: My interpretation was: What appeared to be former inmates

who were made into "prison bitches" started removing their dicks and dressing up like girls

so that they could make a living after prison

without having to do manual labor..

Of course it's more complicated then that

Though it's my show, I can put my twist on it..

That's fine, if someone wants to mutilate their genitalia, who am I to tell them not to?

The bible says we're made in the image of god & some old testimenters do not allow burials of people with tattoos even.

Some would say smoking is harming yourself..

Take it even farther and say no ice cream or bacon because of saturated fat or cholesterol. Everyone draws their lines somewhere..

Whether or not I agree, if you feel you look good in a dress

Go ahead and wear it

as long as kids can't see something they aren't supposed to see, I feel you are good

However my instincts naturally want to punch a man who shoots himself up with estrogen

(or whatever the fuck they do) and think they can go into the women's locker room..

Or woman's bathroom. Though even worse yet they now want to compete in sports, and they have been.

The funny part is when they don't even win..

Though a lot of the time they do

Kaeley Triller mentioned that if Therese Johaug a 3 time Norwegian cross country Olympic champion was

disqualified for using a performance enhancing lip balm that was considered an unjust physical advantage how

can they turn a blind eye to Fallon Fox who ended the career or "his" opponent Tamikka Brents in mixed

martial arts. Hannah Mouncey in Australian handball, Rachel McKinnon who is a 2 time "women's" world cyling

champion... Gabrielle Ludwig was a first team all conference basketball player, Terry Miller and Andraya

Yearwood took first and second place state champion titles in girls track events. cece Telfer is a man who became

division 2 national champion after a non successful career as a male.. Laurel Hubbard and Jaycee cooper are

trying to dominate women's powerlifting. carolyn Layt was voted "women's rugby player of the year" and this is all

before the law has come into effect.

People get butt hurt about it too.. Are you trying to say we aren't equal?

Like there should just be sports with no divisions

Men and women are built differently, not to say one is better then another

It's like comparing brute strength with finesse. Book smarts with cleverness, comprehension with conniving

They are useful in different applications, I believe each individual to be specialized..

In combination they encompass the whole realm of skills, there are plenty of men who are born even with feminine traits and vise a versa. Working with what you've got is great

Working on your weakness, also good.

Just deciding you are something you are not, fine

I'll accept that's your decision, but don't expect acceptance that it is the truth.

Remember that most of the people who choose to become trans gender now are impressionable yoots

They put Jersey Shore on MTV, kids wanted to be meat heads.. Though all decisions are life altering

These are exceptionally serious.

I certainly don't think it is at all reasonable to have expectations that just because

you decide to, you should be able to compete in any level of athletics that is not your

original gender

My criteria is this: We are entitled to happiness and the pursuit of

The flip side to that: is that laws are there to protect my pursuit-of-happiness until I infringe on other people's good time.

I believe, If I want to smoke pcp until I fry my brain to the point

where it's no longer functioning, that's cool.. Until I do something that effects or upsets those around me.

certainly if I'm trying to get other people hooked so that I can make money off them there is a point where someone

Ought to step in and say, I understand where you are coming from but your joy cannot come at the expense of others.

Someone teach that to the politicians too and we'd probably be in way better shape as a world right now. Luck would have it this topic has already been addressed.

Usually, in any case I am against derogatory behavior, I think it's important to look at everyone as an individual.

To just put someone in a category is not only hurtful to them but also hurting anyone in that group whether or not it's true. It is up to the individual if they want to be part of a stereotype and to include them regardless, is awful.

Yet if the president is going to ok such outlandish behavior as policy I do feel it is up to us as individuals to make sure the bullies are bullied and made to feel bad enough that they quit team sports of the opposite gender. Though it's borderline acceptable in this case to use words like fag... I feel the real cutting insults are those that are especially tailored to the individual. These take time and consideration, and although unpleasant people shouldn't be able to help but laugh.

Hopefully I can think of an example or two

Judging by this start, and a keep America great coin I saw advertised, I am fairly sure "democrats" are going to be pursuing policies that simply enrage conservatives until that civil war thing we've all been hearing about finally comes about.. Unless we learn to work together to set a better example because lord knows "they" are playing both sides and pitting Americans against one another is simply divide & conquer.. So before you get all huffy puffy, consider that fighting would mean getting rid of the warriors on both sides and leave mostly sheeple, their intentions exactly? Let us learn from history or be doomed. Got a lil free time so I'll be working on merging some of these. Thanks for your attention.