Once I heard someone say bless you is really a curse... & God is really a bad word that they want you to say.. And good is a racist term... I don't have time for all that & I realize why youtube wants to eliminate some of that B.S. There's no limit to how much dumb stuff there is to clog up your mind..

So I made this website to write down the truths that I have found.

Now I can't vouch for everything on this website.. Some of the ideas were just written on impulse.

Now I don't like to generalize, however it's funny to me that for the most part, cops cant tell a joke.. The closest they can get to repeating whatever you just said w a sarcastic undertone..

Where do I start? Black guys who act white tend to hate me...

& it's mutual... Vernon was a perfect example of a black guy who was white and we never had any qualms..

It's so silly That someone would write a book on race.. Like one could somehow sum up a personality by their origin.. Even more so that people would propagate this belief.

Kinda reminds me of astrology

Like nurture isn't even part of it...

vague inconsistencies... You are assertive...

My forefathers would consistently drink liquors, I enjoy music and storytelling...

So many of my Fav people have been some sort of black... I think being able to play.. The creation of authentic laughter, the originator of conversation.... Is the greatest..

Humphrey Bogart says a few things then walks away and the world remembers what a man is supposed to be like again... They just don't make em like they used to...

Today, I would venture to estimate that over half of black people don't know how to play and talk in sitcom which is fine, if that's what you like..

It's even worse when they desperately attempt to appear funny... What I'm against is the snobbery...

The Frasier Crane without the accomplishment. The air of superiority that is deserved simply because they've never had anyone different to compare themselves to.

Even one of my fav white guys Daniel who is able to grow somewhat of an afro... somewhy has a hateful undertone.. It's like a trade off... We're gonna talk and I'll enjoy his convo though I'll probably get cut up w a venting of some kind of frustrations... & Ill wonder if I did something or said something.. This generally unpleasantness when encountered by a black person for me is too much... I thought at least with you I can just have a pleasant talk....

W all the hate in the world... You're spreading it around too?

In every part of LA one may encounter someone shockingly beautiful... Now that is important to a lot of people, though to me especially since I've studied the art... My face can range from Muppet, to pig face, 2 handsome and I'm like trying to figure out what does that... I don't expect you to... .

Though it seems that the ugly ones have formed some kind of union to keep the others down...

Understanding a culture takes a lot of effort before you may even get a glimpse.. Might think you're chilling w some bonafied hombres until you find out they were a group of tourist cons... That's why real recognizes real... Beauty is just 1 thing and it can be faked too... Someone might have beautiful posture or can run fast, mindful, sensible.. There are so many qualities to work on while the general consensus might be contrary... In Japan for example.. Don't be eccentric!, Quiet, is valued, you lack discipline... While I still maintain that Americans love character that is why Hollywood is in America but we're losing it.. The law is against anyone who doesn't fit the mold.. On top of that everyone else seems to be.. 2pac had tattoos... It was him against the world & he put up a hell of an example of an original being. Nowadays people tattooing their face to promote a fearful image? MF Yacht had face tattoos but that was because he's a f'ing warrior... I didn't know how to explain this to a modern day suburban dweller... I mean I can't remember what he looked like but if I saw him, I'd be like wassup because I remember his energy... Imagine someone you look at and say to yourself that man probably has an 80% chance of dying today... Then see him a year later like damn that's wassup... I've seen people who didn't make it and they had like .4%... Even the drunkenen hillbilly that you couldn't help but root for but knew he'd fuck up eventually, might have a 15% chance..

All this shepherding and shit is way more fucked up than it used to be... 18 year old Girls who all they know is cashap me...

the police's dream as far as revenues go... & your mad at them for doing it.. & their lives fully could have gone differently. Saw plenty of pretty women who used to have the same hard working values as old fashioned Americans at the pizza shop or shoe store..

Iil girl all excited to get a triangle tattoo & nutted on.. Librarian got the lil owl picture too... Were elite, don't you want to be? Yeah, well just give us money... Sounds pretty easy, you sure I don't have to learn consideration or move quickly or something.. Nope just buy in and you can Be superiorly smart... :)

Guess, what im getting at is if the world would direct their anger where it's supposed to go.. We could eliminate half of the worlds problems.. For example the employer yells at the employee.. Since they can't yell back at their boss maybe he comes home and vents on his wife... The wife, subconsciously passes it down to the children who in turn go and bully the neighbor. Instead of trying to understand the problem go and hate the Jew, the Muslim, Sheeit, Suni, black, Mexican, I'm sure if you found a person that was all of these they would be really beautiful