If science were real

one could do an independant study.

Testing human subjects on

cognition, balance, concentration etc.

under the influence of cocaine.

Because I feel that most people who ever used it, will probably acknowledge an improvement in all the above.

problems associated with it, cost and addictiveness.

Are all things to factor in.

I assume since the Raegan era, Raegonomics was familiar with Hollywood and getting people to do stuff with narcotics..

That's why he started a war on drugs. Supposedly to eventually achieve a police state that can profit off them..

These days clear is standard.. Black is not safe

I must say I've met people who were on chards for 30 years and they seemed fine

The bikers, a lot of people who work strenuously on the West Coast...

drugs in general have been used to hook women into prostitution

I've seen some people that have turned sick within a year..

We probably all have at this point... since it has spread into every nook of American life.

There's a lot people can come back from and the attraction of quick profits from people who've been watching

breaking bad

have seemingly crippled people in the process, not only the toll of the substance, with so many people on it,

what are they all going to do to get it?

now cash is being phased out and with that any chance of working independently.

Weed is available at the stores so every guy who wants to "hustle" has to sell the shit.

The pendemic has dramatically effected the gap between the rich and the poor and the poor all seem to have turned to ice

Well what am I getting at is now that they've almost won, I insist on an independent study between the best

synthetic stimulant (pharmacusitcal adderoll) and old fashioned coca cola.

See me personally, coffee and energy drinks are good enough. The cost and come down of more espensive and illegal stimulants.

In the 80s I believed dexadrine was over the counter

Though in the 1900s chemistry had taken huge leaps

and the best selling drink in American history was the bright idea of someone who wanted to combine the effects

of caffeine from the kola nut with the cocaine from the coco plant. Thus Coca Cola, a stimulating drink used to cure

headaches and such was born. I'm saying all the problems associated with Zombies, could we just bring that back the original?

One of the problems is when weak minded people get ahold of stimulation, they suddenly become the loudest person in the room.

Also tend to do rediculous things for it if they can't afford their habit.

It is a stimulant, without the quirky synthetic effects of meth and adderoll..

However, withdrawl is way more terrible then coffee or that is just a biproduct of the added ether.

Obviously if they had it in sodas and cough medicine in the early 1900s it couldn't have been all that bad,

The cost to make it isn't the important part, it's just worth that much more then Starbucks..

Also a product of the cocoa plant, same one responsible for M&Ms, milky ways

Remember Chocolat when the lady was looked down upon for being a chocolatier and the church was trying to derail her?

the control aspect is critical.. Supposedly 150 billion, sounds way conservative, The plan has always been that the owls want control of the whole market.

I was told the guy who owned Amazon made that much money himself since the pandemic.. Not to mention his affiliates

on top of that everybody who's been milking assistance.

Though to me, the people who ought to have got it are those who spend their whole life making a restaurant

and the rent just keeps going up and even before this catastrophe were "making a living" All the best parts of life are being pushed away, like talking and gathering at the bar or even at the Church. It is in our bill of rights: the Right to Assemble.

Well youtube is google so don't expect to find the answers on there but there was a time when people were not thrilled to get a new strip mall with a Red Robin..

Matter of fact, they fought for mom and pops stores & coffee shops that had to deal with Starbucks opening up across the street. Before, one might work for multinational corporations for long enough until they found a more independent option.. The idea

was with hard work between 2 people possibly could work and save enough to start their own business. As the cost of living

increased while the wages have not.. To some people: the best they could do (theoretically) turning to selling narcotics, or vagina for long enough to save up enough to not have to anymore

Those tend to be few and far between

Usually those just have to continue going to prison and taking their stuff taken.

Though to them, at least they are not part of the system to propagates this.

I'm not sure what's worse though the idea is there is no right answer like republican or democrat.

They have a task force and enforcement agency and prostitution rings for army, police and the elite..

Some argue for a universal living wage, I understand their logic that give everyone 12,000 rather then over $50,000

spent per prisoner per year...

See those on the streets, have been arguing along the line of Marxists for years..

Why support a system made to have you in debt to those with the capital?

They would rather fuck, suck, steal, rob or sell illegal substances at the risk of prison rather then accepting toiling.

Bad Balance video where jeans were "confiscated in the USSR"

Once a person has a criminal record, it is way worse on them to even find a job and they more likely have to repeat the same

crime that got them into the mess in the 1st place.

I always grew up being told that if a person has a job, they can "hussle" and at least they have some money on paper

showing that they should have some kind of income.. At least they are responsible enough to go to work everyday.. Plus have a purpose in the community

Since the average working person can no longer afford a house or even a new car.. They are evening up the playing field.

Before working was a necessity now people who work are heroes... Except illegal immigrants from South America who make up like 30% of the workforce.

What a country makes is the wealth of the country.. People who don't participate in creating, promoting anything are leeches to the country.

No, just because you spend money you are given does not help the economy..

I've been searching for the right wording for years..

I believe good government would do everything in it's power to get you to contribute to the country doing something you love.. Whether it's give you the skills you need

or find investment capital to help produce what you want. Also I think the fair way would be to split the menial work by assigning 10 hours of tasks like washing dishes

in a restaurant or picking up the trash rather then having some people be full time janitors etc.

Also instead of representatives. I believe people could be taught the fundamental issues in their community and be responsible for informed decisions that they make.

So women who get hooked on drugs are turned out for the profit of the dealers and the pimps

Men who are hooked on drugs and alcohol can end up broke and on the streets.. Other people might take to doing and or selling those substances (or bodies)because of a lack of options.

they control the source of most of the worlds opium (Afghanistan)

I overheard a conversation on the bus, how a girl sold her body for 1 pill.

Because she needed it that bad, the lady seemed to not be against selling the pussy, maybe for a bottle of pills or something...

So you could at least heal off of it. No these days, they want you in need all the time.