It's a serious matter I know

I mean all of it..

The stuff I speak of

When you have a broken ass, don't mess w it

Still I forget

only makes things worse..

Broke it in Texas

so please excuse

Even more serious is this 911 shit

it's like a repressed memory..

You start talking to someone they don't want to hear it..

Wait: George Bush was friends with the Bin Laden family... They are all oil moguls and would eat together

and Chaney was head of an arms manufacturer that profited 38 billion on Iraq alone..

& I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt..

Well that Sadam Whosane...

& who is to say that it's not in our best interests to control the poppie in Afghanistan and not let the terrorists burn it..

& what if those towers were ugly and they had an insurance scheme...

THEY COULD HAVE WAITED FOR A WEEKEND & NOT KILLED AMERICAN PEOPLE IN THEIR INTERESTS They know what's best, that's why they are in the leadership position...

What's best for the drugs dealers and those pushing prostitituition..(on porpose)

For the kidnappers and rapists in high positions trying to keep people in fear..

For the most part people are good, you can trust them..

Though even kids can be mean and hateful

I'm just saying

I don't want to conflict with them..

I'd just rather stay away from them & I'm sure they'd rather it to...

My own kind of place with people like me.

Free to pursue happiness and work with those I love on commerce and tourism, art and music

The stuff that people really like and give it to them..

Better shoes at a low price.. Made in America.

& I wonder what ever happened to those..

That I've run into..

I hardly get a chance

Though before I was supposed to go to Nevada in 20 I had a moving job in the same town..

& part of me wondered, did she take my advice

and I could've walked there, to the restaurant she told me she worked at maybe 3 years ago..

& see for myself.. I'll probably never know if they really had it out for her or what..

Though she was like perfect for me maybe felt that kind of chemistry 7 times in my life.

& I got a pizza & did my laundry and went back to the room & thought of the girl I was supposed to marry

and save my money because I figured(my calculations) it'd be enough.

& I know how this works

If I half ass it & maybe want this, maybe want that.. There's no way it's going to work out.

Even if we were both in it for the long haul it probably wouldn't work.

The ring was really key & I had not been working for the corporations & I got screwed, went back with my company who introduced wishy washy into the Nevada thing.

I remember we also used to say freakin at the time..

So we had Sars, Bird flu and even Obama managed to contain it..

There wasn't a lot of talk of it.. Where there were cases, they quickly isolated it.. No panic..

& I swear in 20 it's like they didn't even try..

It's too hard, to figure out, we're just going to let it spread and report how many new cases there are each day..

My goodness we are up to 90,000 a day... Wrll you should've isolated it that first couple months..

Put a mask on.

There was a full on media frenzy.

It's an excuse for sub par everything..

The government doesn't want to pay for schools if they don't have to..

They're more interested in spending that money on hookers & shit

The military, don't get me started..

I don't mind soldiers with good intentions at all..

They are not to blame but they're charging the government $50,000 for a calculator and it's out there.. The information.

They wrote about it way back in Catch 22.

& low and behold the makers of the flu shot

Insisted that everyone get one every 6 months

Though it's got embryo in it.. It came from an aborted fetus

and they want it in you every 6 months mandatory, the government insists

& you don't find anything strange about this? The panic, the wasted money on covid testing

Whether you have it or not.. Eat an orange drink some herbal tea..

No we ,insist you go on social media and report that you too got the covid and it's really bad..

You lose your sense of smell and everything.

We've spent well over 20 billion on that?

and every test says free but whoever is charging the government for it each time..

The tracing, the cleaning bologna when there was a reported case, a team of Mexicans sprayed some Lysol in full medical garb and charged you $2,000


It's just pricks insisting you don't go out & get it from amazon.

They want to close the malls and the restaurants and our way of life.

& I just say fuck em

Not literally ladies

But there must be hope..

It's funny I talk about fall, the fall of love & before I even got it started I run to Florida..

& I have nothing to say for myself..

I should've learned my lessons by now

You trusted those same people again and expected different results

So what next?

There's a month left, where do I go without the masks?

Land of the free, home of the brave.