I was talking to someone about architecture and how there's a lot of preservation in PA.

I get a certain feeling when I'm around old homes, though even if the homes are in tact, I believe a lot of the feel lost when they are gutted... Anyway

He mentioned that Camden NJ, is a place that has some amazing vintage houses that aren't made like that anymore.. Though afluent people all moved away and those living in them rarely perform all the maintenance required to sustain the older structures.

I thought it interesting that as I left the city, the surrounding areas the kids waiting for the school bus looked considerably less tough and then the scenery goes back to country towns..

I can see the dilemma as some families move out of the city into suburban communities.. Basically wholesome families don't want their daughters hooked on drugs and pimped..

Though I was in Louisiana in a community that was all white, whereabouts the local conversation went: it wasn't even turning tricks, it was the money! Thr feeling of paying cash and owning my own home ..

When I was growing up, I got the impression that it was alright to hustle.. As long as you were quiet about what you did and had a job..

The Job served as an indicator that one has their shit together ..

. At least they can make it to work everyday..

"Though how does he drive a new car?" everyone knows you can't work a regular job, pay rent and a car payment... He must be up to something... Though, his parents could have money or something else, so the fact that the person is working is like enough to cover most of that grey area.

Then take the average hood kid, who didn't have a good school to prepare them for college, they have no way out other than selling drugs..

Not to mention the mass media is rapping about it.. I had a friend tell me about his glory days... He said he'd send a girl to some Dr. she would come back with a portion of her earnings and then spend the rest with him on dope anyway.

Which brings me to my next point, that we blame the dealers who see it as a way to get everything that they've wanted.. Just get the girl to sell her pussy once..

. They might play a silly cat and mouse game.. Standing outside the liquor store, see police and go inside..

. What a stupid waste of effort, then when they do get caught, the tax payers pay 50-100 dollars a day to house and feed them..

Amongst all this, I feel that society, popular music etc. pushes poor people to do this.. Though rarely does anyone blame the affluent and wealthy, well to do, "tricks" that hoes are for. Regular people can't afford to buy whores. So it has led to this strange culture of drug dealers and borgouse however you say that.. Often with the go-ahead from crooked cops who let it go on for some play and proceeds.

(It's important to differentiate that not all cops are crooked though they certainly do exist,) My argument is, if you took all that money spent on private prisons and spend it on schools for the youth, to give them an outlet to something better, there would be way less of a chance you would need to incarcerate them.

Some will say you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.

It's true, that some people, you can give them every opportunity but they don't want to work hard or be a service to their community. They might just want to have fun, so I say, put them in their place.. Not prison, like Australia or Las Vegas or something where they can do drugs, sell their body if they want to but won't effect the community around them.. that doesn't want anything to do with that.

I feel the benefits would be tremendous. Cocaine is a stimulant more powerful then coffee that comes from the leaf of a coco plant. I believe the same ones we get chocolate bars from. If unbiased studies were published, it may even have anti oxidents.. A big problem is: everyone that gets it can pour in various powders that people shouldn't be sniffing and double or triple their money. By the time it gets to the user, it's probably a mess that's way worse then the drug itself... So I'm proposing a place where it's legal, clean, regulated and the profit can be used for education rather then funding cartels and such.

. As u American as it sounds, there was a time in the 20s when one could go to the pharmacy and purchase coke, in powder or liquid form.. Possibly opium too... Both are business' worth tens of billions of dollars in the U.S. today.. Even with the war on drugs and steep penalties... WE MIGHT NOT LIKE to think about it but in it's prohibited state, it is a huge business.. Somewhere between pharmaceuticals and groceries.

. During prohibition... Drinking didn't slow down, you just had to know somebody otherwise you might die drinking bath tub gin... Gangsters made more money during that time period than any other...

. Shit, I was watching a Russian music video and they played a clip from the early 90s when cops confescated a bunch of jeans and people were put in prison because they wanted people to only wear what they made.. it said that the cops "destroyed" the Levi's though it sounded like they might have resold them.. If something is really good, there's always a chance people will misuse it. They used to say weed is so bad, now it turns out it's good for you. However, if you smoke it regularly and stop you will get sick.. Nothing worse then caffeine withdrawls.. Can I say the same thing about coke no.. However this is where education comes into play and the hope that people will snort responsibly..

Cheaper Synthetic some would argue inferior to methanfetamines physically and for general quirkyness.. Though the prior is of pharmacuetical quality ( you know what your getting)

if there is a demand for it, there should be a supply.. Though if they take it out of State and try to sell it to communities that don't want it. The penalties would be severe. Just something to think about, for now. I think Jesus, based on the company he kept: would say blame the system not the people in it.