In essence a corporation isn't a bad thing.

Take McDonalds has a menu that a lot of people like.

Anywhere you go, you can get one of you're favorite sandwiches.

they created a convenient system of how to make them quickly and consistently

and a network to distribute the food and an advertising budget

enabling someone to just pay a franchising fee and will receive everything they need to make it work.

I feel the problems with corporations start with.. Let's say McDonalds is composed of 700 million shares..

Investors share no responsibility in the decision making of the company.

The company is so big that they start doing unethical things like bribing national governments.. For example:

JBS, a Brazilian-owned company, received $22.3 million from the USDA farm bailout package of 2018

On May 12, 2017, authorities announced that they were investigating whether JBS SA had received illegal financing

advantages from state-owned bank BNDES. Dubbed "Operation Bullish", police stated that these had led to a loss of

around $385 million in public funds. .

Starting in the 70s Brazil started encouraging colonization

of the destruction of the Amazon rain forest

containing species of plants and wildlife we haven't even seen yet.

and scientists believe it's an essential part of the Earth's eco system.

Marfrig and Minerva also make Brazil the largest exporter of beef in the world and the second largest production-wise.

Not only that but companies like Cargil also produce huge quantities of soy mostly used as chicken feed.

The deleted rain forest is where the soy is grown and cattle graze.

in 2019 and 2020 it has been speculated the president of Brazil did not try to control or in some cases simply ignored raging Amazon fires

saying that they don't exist.

It's obvious that political figures and legislation are heavily influenced by these huge multinational companies make the decisions in their interests.

Large, multi-national corporations have the intent to monopolize and control the vast majority of any set industry

Monopolization in theory is the worst thing for capitalism.. Competition ensures improvement, innovation and keeps pricing competitive.

Though the main complaint of corporations is the styfling of progress

I'm not blaming anyone in particular...

Imagine you are born into a family that owns land in Texas.

This land is rich in oil and they have bought machinery that pumps it out

workers have been hired you have trucks that deliver the barrels of crude

so all you have to do is sit back and every month you make about $40,000

in Texas alone there are almost 200,000 of these wells..

The ownership is probably consolidated

though I'm trying to illustrate that these are not essentially bad people..

If you've been collecting roughly half a million a year, living comfortably

and electric cars come out, threatening your livelihood..

Chances are you are going to fight tooth and nail against it

Despite the environmental benefits associated with the new technology.

You'd probably rationalize it to yourself, saying it's inconvenient

having to wait for them to charge up

and how much less feasible it is to go on road trips

or look at the environmental impact of producing the batteries.

Though the fact is: that progress means that things are constantly improving.

and when companies are worth billions and trillions of dollars they can often

stop progress in the interest that they continue profiting from it.

with the current patent system something can be patented

then bought by competing companies that just sit on the technology

making sure it never goes into production.

The best example of this is the original inventor named Nikolai Tesla

who insisted he could send energy wirelessly like a radio signal.

If I can use bluetooth to send a 5mb song in 1 second

why wouldn't that same technology make it possible to turn on a light bulb.

However there is a good deal of speculation that before he could produce this innovation

the electric companies who were making huge amounts of money building power lines


The steam engine was created an estimated 2000 years ago in Greek Egypt.

Boats, trains and even motor vehicles were produced using the technology.

If you look up the information as to why they stopped production..

they say simply that gasoline engines were rapidly developed.


(Pictured are electric cars circa 1912)

I believe just like the the model T started with a 0-50 speed of 26.3 seconds.

The steam engine could have progressed with various technologies, and year after year of different manufacturers working on


Imagine being able to bring a few galons of water with you wherever you're going.. For thirst and fuel.

(pictured a production steam tractor from 1871.

(Pictured is a modern steam turbine)

Considering the model T was made about 40 years later..

If they developed steam technology in the same manner they did with internal combustion engines there's a good chance we could have similar performance in water powered cars today without having to spend around $5 a gallon on gas..

Especially considering that in 1906 the Stanley Steemer, water powered car broke all land speed records, achieving 127 mph.

Though if cars ran on steam what wovld the people with all the oil wells in Texas do?

I feel for them, or any human in their predicament however..

Some things have to be more important than an individual's greed.

Look at the smog in Los Angeles.. There are usually over 20 days a year it is unhealthy for anyone to go outside..

Not just people that are sensitive to pollution.

People talk of holes in the ozone layer, the melting of our polar ice caps...

and we could have avoided it, if it weren't for greed.

1924 Ford Steam Powered Car

1953 Paxton Phoenix Steam powered Car

Luckily thanks to the risks taken by Ellon Musk and a lot of help government incentives and subsidies, electric vehicles seem to be the wave of the future.

As you read this: China, Japan, Singapore, the UK, South Korea, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Slovenia, Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal

and Canada have proposed banning internal combustion engines.

So to wrap up this idea Profits should never be greater then Progress for human kind.

and WE the people have a responsibility to check corporations and create competition for them to ensure healthy markets and innovation.

Though presently the world has been divided up and even governments are directly under the control of corporate wealth, especially that of

medical companies (including universities) / insurance companies / pharmaceutical companies.

Under capitalism everything is a business.. Public safety, police are paid directly for every ticket they write.

I believe this is unethical... Particularly safety, medical and religion.

I don't know how to do it but I feel that the government should be responsible to make sure these things aren't corrupted by money.

Otherwise, I am all about capitalism.. It is the incentive for people to create, to compete and progress.

Sure I don't like the abuses of it. If non college level jobs, do not allow for a person to be able to sustain themselves, let alone a family..

It is no surprise that people turn to crime... So it should come as no shock: that the prison industry is one of the largest businesses in the country.

The court systems require fees and even prisons get about $100 a day from the government for every prisoner they "house"

The contradiction there is disgusting and illegal drugs have been the means of controlling and forcing people into the sex trade

and somehow corporations are tied in creating a blatantly homosexual corporate culture and lifestyle found in America and throughout the world today.

So the aim is to restore the balance,

& I am confident that one person's daily effort, powered by the use of machinery can easily produce 1000 times more then he or she needs. That in mind,if a system were created to utilize every community member's daily efforts, abundance could be reached and regular people could achieve a standard of living that's better then what we have now.

The problem with it: is our current system is already there, we don't have to think anything up,

we don't have to implement anything and deal with unforeseen consequences, most importantly we don't have to go against people who have accumulated trillions of dollars of wealth & aren't exactly willing to give up, the power that comes with it to people for their own good.