its not that i hate black people... See theres always been a challenge for nations to group together.. Germany, for example was separate nation-states like Prussia and Austria... Someone kept offering it to them, if we combine, we can be more effective... We'd have a larger economy, more soldiers, better protection, more effective conquering.. The other guys would say yea thats all true but we hate you... Like if the Steelers tried to take over the Browns & Michigan to unite the midwest.  To obtain this goal, fairly recently in history someone or other developed fanatasism... It goes like, we are muslims, our god is the only one and we must destroy everything else... The people of so and so, they work and eat, they are looking for a meaning of life and someone comes and tells him, you are the best people, everyone else ia not as good... Suddenly hes got self worth and a purpose, suppose they show him a movie about a person from another place and they are  stupid and vulgar & soon he's looking at everyone other than his people as vermin... Well lets say these Muslims went and conquered Spain.. Then i would hate: the Spanish people who kissed up to them since they were more powerful... Sure you can fuck me in the ass and my sister, so long as i get to go to nice restaraunts... i dont need to talk to the people to know, i can see it on their face before they say anything... im not saying they dont have some value or intelligence, i am saying they dont have a soul...  They are the only reason others are suffering.. Well, if i dont join w them theyll still win and i wont get to go to restaraunts... or fuck sexy looking nasty hoes.

Look at Cortez and them.. Montezuma was like are they gods or arent they?  Supppsedly a soothslayer predicted the end of their civilization and the people could feel something awful was about to happen..  See degenerate art and the rise of the Nazis....  i guess the Mayan calendar predicted fair looking people to arrive and in the meanwhile, Chris Columbo got rejected by Portugaul and the Spanish queen kept telling him to wait like they knew sometjing we didnt.Well the Spaniards had maybe a thousand guys, but they had horses and armor and cannons and they awed them into a certain fear..  Well the Azteks were attacking and  Montezuma, their leader who had been captured, got up on the roof and was like no my friends, dont attack & they straight shot him w arrows or whatever like mfer theres 50,000 of us, i dont care if theyre made of steel, or have wheels and guns thwy cant take us all... Sure enough, the Spanish retreated and the only way they still ended up winning was because while theyre numbers were low other Mexican tribes who hated the Azteks gladly helped themselves get enslaved

I guess what I'm trying to say is all white people aren't trying to conquer.. Most just live normal lives, Logically, they shouldn't say anyone is acting white or black.. People shouldn't ever feel obligated to choose. Unless they want to, but to me, I value my brothers character way more then the shade or texture of his hair or tone of hair

However our minds are warped... I have to give them credit for being able to pull off a stunt like this.

. The wealth of our nation is immense. Other than periods like the great depression, regular hard working Americans for the most part, made decent money, all across the board. Everywhere I've gone in America I see basically the same thing.. The greatest country on Earth is being bled dry... The people somehow believe they are being unpatriotic for saying anything against it. Women are "working" for people who don't do anything and live in condos while so many Americans in rural parts and cities are scrambling for whatever crumbs they can get... Proving once and for all that when you mix races, what you get is disabled, handicapped . You have just sold out what your country stands for... Here's some medicine & 800 dollars.. Shit, some money is better then no money. So many towns where the only business is gambling, strip clubs bail bonds, restaurants and title loans.