nowadays people are in a daze

a multi fascitated haze

seems that on a large scale, some are trying to block up the third eye

because it helps them fight for what's right

different people have definitions

of what that is

though I feel like

it's what I prefer to align with &

they say flouride calcifies it,

maybe 5g is killing the bees

and it's already tough to tune in

I feel various medicines are designed to provide

an offset to how you might

present yourself

if you were in the right,

see, there's natural frequencies when we are in tune

and one person's energy might effect everyone in the room.

What might lead to ruin is often spread..

The word amphetamine sounds so bad

Saw a video of cambodia where locals say it wasn't a big problem

some workers were using meth & the president goes around killing these people

venting the country's problems on them..

& these days it's a considerable issue in America.

I'm not saying there aren't people out there who are either spaced out

or entirely to0 hyper that would benefit from some kind of stimulant.

I feel myself to be one of the prior, I was fine without it

Matter of fact I was always uncoordinated

and never became athletic until I was prescribed adderoll for my add

Now I hate anything physical without caffeine..

in 2012 over 5 million people were prescribed it medical grade meth & in 2020 it was over 40 million

not including ritalin not including what people buy on the streets

I feel like since breaking bad more people are on meth then adderoll

then how many people do cocaine, how many crack?

That's almost half of the nation probably that think it's beneficial to be on a stimulant..

So my next question was

U.S. want to Afghanistan and I was checking the rates of opium addiction

though the statistics on the cdc website only started in 2006

from what I can determine most of the country or over 65% of the population had a prescription to opiates. & I think that can't be right..

I don't understand if I'm misreading this chart

but it said

in 2020 there were hundreds of counties where over 100 out of 100 people had a prescription .

Some of these places have hundreds of thousands of people.

Also in 2019 30 million Americans were on benzos. Anti depression medication that is highly addictive, Opiates are extremely addictive, Though with xanex and similar drugs people can die from withdrawal.

So this thing has happened before:

In other countries,

the Khmer Rouge

took power,

the red majority

pretty much ravaged a good country

and it's happening again...

The majority of white America has had an advantage of a head start in generational wealth accumulation

and as a majority if they want to work together to make things advantageous for themselves..

So be it, there seems to me nothing unreasonable with that..

Arabs, some of em look like the coolest person I ever met..

That happened with an Amish guy too,

he was polite and talked to me for a while, even had his wife fix me a sandwich

though we don't fux with you like that...

& I know somewhere in his heart he wants to fuck with white girls

& latinas etc. but there's these divisions, you're crossing into latin territory

Some will make you convert or something...

so all I'm saying is there should be a place where people can venture to stuff like that and it won't be weird..

Some people are going to stick to their own kind, love em, wouldn't give em up for nothing..

though me, I was born Jewish, I don't think it's the right way, just like any people, I don't like 80% of em..

Never really associated w any other then my day 1s

That doesn't mean I'm going to turn though..

They have the girls, who cares if they really like me or not, they have to do what I say

It's awesome being me..

Believe me I understand, if I was 17 and given that option, I dunno

they got Nazi brand appareal these days

& if it's on tv people are just going to do it..

It doesn't matter,

and I say fuck Leonardo Dicaprio, even though I loved his earlier work

because there's a million people who should be on screen with more pizaaz but the hollywood guilds won't let anyone in

& now were talking Jews again & It's sad because do they really have a chance?

Sure they've mad some good films/ shows at times but what have they done for us lately?

My homegirl wrote to me talking about I love Matisyahu

But is he going to save his people?

out of everyone I have love for Rachel

not romantic love,

she sees stuff that I don't

being around her helped me refine my ways because she does

things that are difficult to me, kinda naturally.

I guess people are somewhat all around specialized

it always interesting to me, seeing the differences

I find myself wanting to learn from some more then others

So I hope to be agreeable, though I find somehow my actions are associated with the Jew problem

Though twice now, with my coworkers, I've had an opportunity to have a heart to heart with coworkers and I passed it up

because I be's hungry...

I can't explain what that's supposed to sound like., the dumbass in me, who insists I can't possibly work another 2 hours

without some calories... & I say to myself this has happened before.... Your going to lose them...

& no the day goes on and I can feel that nothing has changed, sometmes it's instantaneous

but after a night of reflection the next day always proves it to be true

they're gone... I always learnt you can get that back and sometimes you may..

It's an art we've developed, for making up for our deficiencies

Some would say it's nature, & surely some are more prone..

Though many a times, I'll feel so bad for something I just carelessly did

I'll try to make up for it.

I'll be in need, and people will make up for it, it's beautiful really

The thought, that we could all say, stop it we hate this,

I want to make it better.

and classically, that energy has just been misdirected...

I feel outrage, well donate to someone who's in on it..

or go march.. (snicker) maybe it could be a beautiful thing

but people just want someone to tell them what to do so they so they join

the ones, who are working on

finding a way to make your effort counter productive..

& it's wasteful, people might think it's noble to risk their career, their reputation etc. for what they think is right..

and they do it, nothing comes of it, they have resentment, that was dumb... I'm never going to believe in anything again. & it all stems from not having a plan.

& I've looked in my heart and seen the expectations of others.

and I feel I have an understanding of what people generally appreciate, I probably will fuck it up

Though that's where these ideas come from, finding an ideal when I act less than...

Change is difficult on the nuero transmitters because it's expecting that stimulus I feel th ebest time to change something is when you're comfortable.. When you "got all your ducks in a line" as they say. & we have 99 problems going on in the U.S. I find it is mainly drugs...

We have laws that say it's illegal to have drugs but you go to D.C. and democrats and republicans are coked the fuck out.

I read the wiki article & it's like cocaine has a glamorous iconic feel and association

We see it in the movies we want it bad but we can't have it..

Even in small towns, the good guys are doing everything that's illegal and it brings to question

are we a third world nation?

I insist that we see ourselves as a country struggling with drug problems, where did it come from? Within or from a foreign influence?

Doesn't matter now.

So 40 something million Americans are on adderoll and god knows how many are on pharmaceutical opiates

how many are on the real shit? They say the average confiscated drugs come back averaging less then 50% purity in cocaine

that means someone has been sniffing laxative, creatine goodness knows what.. Giving them that glamorous effect with a side of brain damage.

some have speculated that it's really the ether cut that gives it the effect & I have no idea what percentage that's supposed to be

chocolate leaves and ether, I have no problem with..

What I do have a problem with is some crackhead melting down sudafed to make some kind of concoction

& I don't know what the biker stuff's supposed to be made with, I don't care.... It's the cheap option, pharma companies want to sell you

amphetamine salts because they cost like nothing to make...

You've got to grow chocolate, even though you just plant it and water it takes time and you have to pay people..

Capitalism unchecked is: We want everyone hooked on the cheapest shit they can make.

People have done dope for hundreds of years, yes true, they say it's difficult for most to maintain a healthy lifestyle

though people have always had to be secretive about it and it's reached these terrible proportions and there's fentanal is to opium what meth is to coke


it is the cheapest opium they have been able to create & there have been rumors that it's the Chinese that are pushing it to Americans

in somewhat of a revenge for 1850s England & France... White People, what difference does it make really?

They team up with overwhelming majority.. Enslave your people for us

There is obviously a demand for stimulants and opiates in the country and we all know that's not an easy thing to break.

Though I insist we do it the right way, legalize them..

You don't have to play this stupid little charade anymore...

We're trying to figure out how to get the most of you.. We're not hoping to destroy you anymore...

The government.

Though Kanye has even turned

it's about division.

I tried, shortly after 2001 I made some muslim friends...

I told people it's bullshit

we're America we can't hate a group...

It turned out the muslims, didn't even do it... It was white people.

The average working American white guy might be upset by that comparison..

but I was saying If you allow the hatred any group it'll turn into a free for all..

They wouldn't listen...

Until black lives didn't matter.

Is Shaq going to save you now?

The Jews always worked well together that's what got em this far

but against the overwhelming majority, no country has ever been able to have any sense about them at all.

Though I insist, we're America, home of the revolutionary war...

That same shit that worked on everyone else doesn't work here...

I mean I feel that I'm American...

Oh you may get me for a little bit. Though I'll still feel resentment

& I get the feeling we all feel we're being took.

Though not if all all of America's minorities teamed up

& I'm not talking them democrats or the Jews..

I mean the good people, from everywhere that are trying to live the best life that they can

working with what it is, they've got. & the world that is presented to them and the rules thereof.

and they teamed up with the women, most of whom were thinking about becoming nazi chicks because it's so hot to be bad i.e. do what they tell you to on tv.

Shut off original thought...

Most people just want to fit in.

& the majority has the key to that

popular consensus

I feel people don't want to hide anymore

1919 America is what the fuck I'm talking about

where you could go to the pharmacy,

pharmacist would mix you up some pure potent concoction

and dude is good for a week or 2

in opposition to big pharma...

Simply because there cannot be a monopoly in such endeavors..

We've seen what they've done... Check the statistics..

Look at what Prohibition and the drug war has done.

The prison system, is designed to be harmful to people

in the right hands, the profits of big drugs

could certainly educate the future generation

and fuel people to create the best products,

make movies, music, sell our culture to the world directly..

in 2023 you don't need guilds to produce a hit series.

I know it sounds crazy

though are we just going to sit back

a heartbroken somewhat spineless nation

I say that, because it took a lot of people's efforts to counter it

& if we let it go on they will go right back to trying to ruin us in a depressed, semi disabled some kind of "socialist" fascist regime

We don't even need Afghanistan because the fetty has synthesized the poppy with some chemical bullshit

everyone that would be outraged is at least somewhat sedated.

Everyone shut up about it.

and we'll be like the rest of the world, no spark of liberty...

The middle ages but with technology to enforce that only the government can rob and pillage.

Medical companies and the military delivering swift retribution

The news making it seem like it's something else.

I feel it's important to note, that other then my brief stint with adderoll and even with that ,I'd take a day off here and there

I've never used anything daily. Even if a substance is helpful, addiction makes a person average at best...

At this point, we have to deal with the statistics as best as we can and hope for the next generation.

I reply smugly, thinking to myself that...

This year I figure caffeine is my biggest problem and will once again attempt to work without caffeine for lent and again at Ramadan. I'd hesitate to suggest to someone that they should add to their own difficulties.. Though fasting is probably 25% of what makes me amazing.