I bought a book by count Sade ;)

I figured this was who the singer was named after

& it was in the classics section

Started off like many a classic literature I've experienced

the heroin going through numerous hardships and just when you thought it was going to be

too much, she gets through it, except this time, she didn't.. It was grotesque and just

kept getting worse.. I'm not so faint hearted but I had to stop and read the back cover..

Your telling me people in 1800 something were reading this trash.. So it turns out it was

one of the first examples of nihlism or whatchamacalit.. Athiesm... In a time when people

had to believe in god, I believe I would be all about: nope there's no god.. I should have the freedom to do so if I choose These days it's the opposite, I think most people don't believe in god although society

insists that they at least put up a religious front.. Maybe back in the day as well..

I'm pretty sure there is nothing that can make people not believe in god and even have em hating "good"

& turning to satan, then finding out the one's who are preaching god are really working for the devil.

So one would imagine, the lord of darkness to constantly be trying to do just that...

Or making up religions talking about pay money to see if you are an ancient alien

Mfers are so dumb...

It's a weird world we live in. I find myself saying that progressively more often.. It's kind of reassuring

to hear that it's always been like that, I just happened to luck out and grow up in the 90's.

I remember every few years or so you'd hear about these kind of things happening..

We'd feign pity.. Aw poor kid, got fucked by his hot teacher...

a similar news story popped up on my phone and it

was followed up with a straight up index of all the kids being fucked by their teachers... Not bad enough they're getting shot at

Fighting coronz and for the most part have retarded levels of social skills.. It's like someone wants the human race to become dull witted, isolated, constantly in fear etc. and what they're doing is pretty much saying people are incapable of doing anything together...

On the bus I overheard someone talking he says, I don't drink, I don't smoke..

I get high on life! Usually when I hear that I just want to call out, that's horse shit

The funny thing was he was wearing a Jamaica hat and because Bob Marley was from that same country,

I'm going to say 8 out of 10 people would readily assume that he does not just get high on life..p After smoking cigarettes for years, I get a buzz from not smoking them... I understand that.

it feels like you are lifted from that need to constantly bring yourself down...

Because I'll smoke a cigarette & enjoy it but rarely do I feel any better from it,

stimulated... eh a little bit, if I've been working for 4-6 hours and have one it's undeniably satisfying..

They say ciggys relieve stress but I feel it's actually them that cause the stress and thus offer relief it's

kinda the poison and the remedy.

Today I felt good from finally getting enough exercise... My body was thoroughly thankful.

Though you can't compare that to being just ridiculously high on lean and then smoking a blunt

I don't see how people would want to be all the way dumb high all-day every day though

I mean, if you can function I'm not hating, just seems like an occasional kind of thing to me.

I understand some coke or speed sometimes to get extra freaky with your chick.. Though I can't help but pity those that use it & spend up their paycheck just so they

can be fast enough at work...

Isn't it even worse if they are doing it so they can read for longer??

My kinda friend from back in the day hipped me onto a really neat finding...