Whether or not he incited the riot

where 5 people got killed

I'm happy the country is in the hand of liberals rather then conservatives

proponents of equality rather then racists

Though I must say when I tried to my satisfy my curiosity as to whether or not he incited a riot

I found excerpts that made him sound real dumb

like rich people who talk down to others without even meaning to...

Talks to Americans like they are idiots

Or little children

These are bad people

I saw pictures of small crowds, some

with rebel flags

and it's blatant news people putting their spin on it, regardless of what happened

they feel it's ok to "make" their interpretation. Finally I looked at the bbc and they had

a picture actually showing a massive crowd of Americans at the rally

We ought to expect better.. I don't like it when people edit what I say to try to make me look retarded..

& though I hate him I can't help but feel for the man..

I think the practice of presidential pardons is a blatant example of how their position in office is used to grant favors, most likely in expectation of returns.

Even more so, was a last minute auction of drilling rights to a wildlife refuge in Alaska, so shameless that hardly anyone even took part... That leads me to wonder about how many selfish acts did I not hear about... Never before in an election, did people dislike both candidates more then 2020.

From my experience more people I talked to, said they are not going to vote than any other year..

Then again I heard of many instances of people who wouldn't talk to friends & family members because of who they voted for.. Practically unheard of before, so I could see more people hitting the polls... However...p> The election results said that 74,223,744 people voted for trump vs. 81,283,485 for Biden

together that's saying 155 million people voted...

there's less then 255 million voting age people in America

Last election only 127,000,000 people voted, so you are saying there was a 20% increase?

During a time of "corona" I'm just saying,

He obviously got outfrauded.

It's frustrating that its like this, bunch of cheaters from all angles..

Sure, a successful impeachment would prevent him running again in 24

though it's also going to keep him in the news media for a good year perhaps...

Hear his speech for yourself. It's pretty obvious that though he says stuff like we have to fight harder, there's nothing like lets go storm the white house..So my advice is

leave it alone... He's out of office, it's going to cost

millions and rowl up a lot of people..

Lets just put it behind us & next time can we have a legit runoff please?

The rest of the world is looking at us as far as democratic elections go...

If we can't get our #s right who will...