Since 2000 and the Bush administration I believe there has been a shocking trend in the disappearance of good looking women throughout the United States.

Whether it's sex traffic to Arab nations or china or just killing in the name of population control. The numbers would probably be startling

if statistics were readily available. In the 80s into the 90s strip club culture and cocaine use was exponentially more acceptable then by today's standards.

In the 1860s, much of the area south of Pennsylvania Avenue and a few blocks east of the White House had become a disreputable slum known as Murder Bay, the home to an extensive criminal underclass and numerous brothels.[3][4][5][6] During the American Civil War, so many prostitutes took up residence in Murder Bay to serve the needs of General Joseph Hooker's Army of the Potomac that the area became known as "Hooker's Division

Some other notable historical red light district in the United States included Baltimore's the Block , the Barbary coast, the Tenderloin in New York & San Francisco, the Minnessota Strip, Hell's Half Acre in Fort Worth Liberty Ave. in Pittsburgh, Northern Liberties in Philadelphia the Levee in Chicago Bucktown in Iowa & Covington KY

In the present, I think many such practices have not gone underground per say, rather have gone the opposite route through secret networks of the elite. With the rise of technology..

Most notably surveillance these mother fuckers feel they can buy, sell and torture human women as if they were cattle. I'm pretty sure that there is no business

that is bigger then the sex industry. Since most people do not have the time, energy and skill necessary to obtain a woman's heart.. It has become quite popular

today to just pay for their vagina or mouth, or butt etc. America was built on instant gratification. Pop it in the microwave and you'll have a gourmet meal in 5 minutes

type thinking and though there's no shortcut for quality, quantity is the next best thing. The appeal of big money along with the lack thereof for women has lead

to expectations of the sort in corporate and even regular jobs. One will go along with it, creating a sort of expectation for others while fat and ugly women

are allowed to keep their jobs for being silent about the whole thing.. That's how I feel, of course I can't speak for every establishment however I would like to

reinforce that this kind of behavior is consistent with a war type mentality. Surely the police are in on a lot of it & the army is probably the largest

consumer or prostitutes worldwide. Of course it is a generalization but a friend of mine said if soldiers don't have prostitution they will get to raping and the former is way more profitable..

Then again would we want those that serve our country to jack off while they do so? chances are they don't have time for courting women and the likes.. Throughout the history of warfare, women have been the spoils of the soldier class.. Maybe acceptable in 1600s Mongolia. Surely not in modern day Angola, Iraq & Afghanistan, Vietnam even World War 2 though if you read about it, such behavior was recorded pretty much, on all fronts and sides. Maybe it's been ingrained in us for so many generations

that... No I don't want to surmise anything of the likes.. If people come from a civilized nation, there is no excuse for such behaviors.. don't care if it's war time

or a recession, depression, pandemic. To put people in a position of dire need whether by force or poverty and then give them no option but to fuck old and or ugly men

to survive is treacherous and hot in a sick disturbed and twisted way.

Also I will add that Pornography has allowed people to treat women as cash cows and also created a complacency of the masses to accept it and be in-able to perform the duties of love and caring for their fellow people. It's up to us to show them how it's done by doing the right thing

and allowing the precious ones freedom and showing just how hot that can be. Though the pretty women I've seen, who are still alive and not young and naive

were constantly in fear even before covid because they've seen these things happen.. Are we going to allow ourselves to be a nation that allows for vile kidnappings?

Oppression and tyranny? From my facebook searches, hot women disappearing reached an all time high in 2017 during the Trump administration and prospects of Biden's son

being involved in sex trafficking rings with Russia or whatever does not seem like a good sign for improvement. I talked to some guy who flat out said:

everyone who's had computers

say since 90 something is addicted to porn. A friend said we can blame Bill Gates for that, since he profited off the invention of the personal computer,

he should have had some responsibility to safe guard the masses from such. In my characteristic fashion, my trademark display of looking at both sides..

I'd like to say that there's a fine line with these things..

If I were born in a Muslim nation that forbade all pornography I might be pushing for people's right to make and watch it if they choose to. Like anything that is enjoyable

people are responsible or someone should be for not letting things get way the fuck out of hand. Here we are 2021 and I truly think if things are going to get better

it will start with personal accountability. If you are unhappy with the way things are, maybe you can't fix it but one can at least decide that they will not add to it

or even less then that not partake in an indulgence they do not feel good about.

Though it's more then being forgetful, in the bible it says if your hand is causing you to sin, one should cut it off...

This does not sound like a viable solution.