Drugs @ Thapeople.com

There's this dualism that is prominant in the world nowadays especially prevelant and the gulf continually seperating good and bad, black and white, poor and rich on the surface these entities seem seperate yet we can feel how intertwined everyone is I feel that is why depression is at an all time high Even if you aren't directly being affected I believe the general air of things effects your sensory that is why politicians and such want you on anti depressants so you are numb to the feelings of pain.. If you were to feel it, there is no way you could be content thus you would probably pursue seeking change. and for conscienciousness, I find there is nothing better then "hallucenagens" I've never tried LSD because it's synthetic and I thinkmushrooms are too powerful to use more than once in a while To me: Marijuana is the most helpful of all substances, no wonder there are so many that want it to be illegal. to explain: I state the scientific proofs that I have found are true to myself, I cannot speak on the effects on others. Lets say I've been walking for 4 hours or lifting 30lb boxes.. I'm tired and if I had to continue at the same task, I dare say that my efficiency would drop considerably.. So I go to the "go to" a quarter pound to half pound hamburger which is legal, unless I was in India... Within half an hour I am ready to continue the task.. If a hamburger is unavailable.. The next best thing is weed (once again to me) after smoking a half a gram to a gram of weed I feel refreshed, like someone pushed the reset button, almost like I don't even recall working the last 4 hours.. If weed isn't available coming in a close 3rd place finish would be coffee that invigorates my heart and gives my mind a 40% increase in concentration.. Just like coffee isn't a hamburger substitute, ideally, if lets say they were in need of overtime and after working 8 hours they asked me to work 8 more I would probably want a hamburger, coffee and bud to stay effective for that entire time. Whereas that little bit of Marijuana has such a large effect.. I've never lifted boxes on them but it is nothing less then magic how if I was walking long distances, I can eat one tiny Hallucinagenic mushroom and get 3 times as much energy as if I ate a 12 ounce steak. Though the psychoactive properties of the drug are hard to control and experience is recommended before ever going out in public on them... If one was to decide to try them, I would recommend doing so only with a king natured friend who is experienced in the matter, to help walk them through it. I mention this because the drug issue is a prominant one in America these days.. So the nxt topic is stimulants known as anphetamines.. Cocaine being the natural version, was a popular option in the 18th century. Being much like a more powerful, quick boost of caffeine. When 12 hour shifts were the standard and overtime involved maybe 16 or 20 hours Whereas more then 3 coffees causes jitters, people would opt for a coca cola when coffee would no longer do the trick.. Nowadays it being illegal people have turned to energy drinks would b vitamins, sometimes guarana and ginseng but in some senses I think cocaine would be a healthier option... Though the coke available for purchase these days is extremely expensive being illegal and often mixed with a large quantity of fillers I would in no case reccomend it. Where people used to go to the pharmacy and purchase clean and cheap powder or drinks that were advertised for a variety of ailments including headache remedy these days pharmacutical companies know it is way cheaper for them to synthesize anphetamine salts.. Back in WWII when the war made it difficult to procure stimulants and sedatives the Germans went to the labs and created synthetic speed and opium we nowadays call meth and morphine. The first was for soldiers to be more alert and stay up longer, concentrate harder etc. and the latter a pain reliever and I think helps one heal quicker and be more rested in less time. Drug companies in America (I believe) created ridalin and adderoll to help balance spacey kids who's minds are all over the place and easily distracted to focus constantly on one task at a time. These powerful, long lasting stimulants also affect sleep patterns and like all man made substances have serious drawbacks and that's why they neccessitate the perscription of a medical Dr. who under close scrutiny of a trained professional constantly watches the progress of the patient, and monitors dosage etc. The same goes with prescription pain killers like synthetic morphine and a somewhat natural codeine that is basically medical grade opium.. In America, around 18-20something when "wisdom teeth" people are usually introduced to pain killers. If your smart, I believe one should take them the first day or two and then save the rest to be enjoyed consequently on the following weekends.. I have heard a variety of cases where people followed the directions and took them consecutively only to become addicted and when they ran out turned to "street pharmacesists to purchase more an more... I have heard the opiates are highly addictive and rather quickly 5 or 10 mg of codeine turns into 30 or 40mg just to get a buzz that may only last an hour.. Some argue that I may not be getting the full effect of oxycotin that comes in 50mg form.. Being that I have never doing them consecutively 10 or 15mg of vicodin or percaset along with a blunt has me feeling like I am melting into the couch for 6 hours.. I don't feel I need or even want to feel anything stronger in the realm of opiates and I don't care for the sensation more than every once in a great while since any drug I do, I hope makes me more effective rather then less. Now I've heard of many cases where people become accustomed to pain killers and claim to be energized by them and have little energy without them.. Most notably in heroine form.. I had a friend who never tried vicodins and went straight to a 50mg oxycotin. The result was he went straight to sleep and from then on his tolerance required 50mg. Heroine, from what I understand is extremely concentrated opium comparatively 100mg or more... These days it is often laced with phentanol and all types of garbage that have been triggering overdoses in alarming numbers. From what I understand, people turn to heroine because if it's strength and cost effectiveness, being that they can't purchase codeine without a perscription.. To get one takes faking many ailments of pain and some kind of proof. I've even met people who intentionally get severely sick to develop a cough worthy of codeine cough syrup. That is rediculous, almost as much as people overdosing on dirty drugs.. In America, where there is demand, there is supply.. People pay money for the things that they want end of story. In the case of narcotics, I do believe it's best that there is some supervision especially when one is starting to take them. Powerful drugs make people burn brighter, consume more energy and work at a higher rate then typically. Thus it should be assumed they will take a toll on the body. From my experience, if one is to partake there should be some kind of rotation so one does not become dependant. Just like it's healthy to take a day off from coffee and maybe have green tea with ginsing once a week or just some old fashioned liquor instead. I don't think it's healthy to need anything and to some the ideal is to function in a Mormon sense in the long run. However, since there are people with meth, those without it are at a severe disadvantage short term wise, these people move faster, sleep less and can accomplish way more with their time. Even though their movements will probably be quirky and their actions often times strange.. I used to have a perscription to adderoll for college, at the time I believed I had a mild form of ADD and now regret saying that I was somehow flawed just to get posession of a substance. So I am familiar with the effects, after some practice I used to be able to read for a steady 6 hours.. After seeing what I am capable of and practicing I can hit 2 3 hour bursts with just coffee, anyway I was familiar with the effects and a handful of times I tried crank, adderoll's more powerful street version. On maybe the 5th time I found I could not stop clenching my jaw even for months afterword... I swore then and there I would never do it again, I've had people offer it to me for free and I refuse because for one you never know who made it, what process they used... On the long term, I have seen meth users that are still normal after 2 years use... Only one of which managed to keep his hair and teeth... I asked him what the secret was and he replied that often the "cook" misses one step. After Breaking bad, I've seen whole bunches of idiots who think they know what they're doing and even have some success with their product. I've also seen people who in their early 20s are suffering from terminal illness' due to maybe a couple years of use. I have heard of instances that just one dose has made a person no longer functional. All this could be avoided.. Pharmacuticals cost pennies to make... Extended release cocaine capsuls could be manufactured for very cheap.. Under the guise of religious zeal we have a war on drugs... The real reason for the war is that it's the biggest business in the world.. That is a fact undisputably because people want them.., That's why the U.S. has a war on drugs and a subsequent war on Afghanistan for control of the opium. I've met soldiers who's one complaint was they didn't like to be told to guard the poppy fields that the Afghanis were burning down... Many of these people are forced to grow the product too. So why would one say that they don't want the drugs althewhile wanting them.. It is the game of the wealthy.. If one is to go to Trump hotel in Las Vegas I am confident they could discretely get a hooker and fulfill their sexual desires without anyone knowing. The reason they can is that she's a junky and has to do whatever they say to get her fix. While in the past there was a variety of places one could go to get drugs.. America, with the aid of technology, is working on instilling a monopoly of illegal narcotics that they are the sole distributor of thus you have to go through them and do whatever they say. If you do something they don't like they can have you caught and arrested. It's rather ingenious but it's also fake and under the guise of being good people. While the poor have no choice but to be open about their recreational uses. The rich can freely front that they are good law abiding religious people and no one knows better. Partially I understand the idea of not wanting to share the things that are helpful.. Have you ever been to a party and there's an idiot who happens to have some coke and nobody else has some.. & he won't let anyone else talk.. Such scenarios are frustrating so if wealth was synonymous with wisdom we would have a good system. However, on the whole, for the most part the wealthiest people in the world are the ones who do the dirty stuff no reasonable person could do. Like Paying people slave wages to manufacture clothing for them.. In the America of old, there was no one with more integrity then hard working, efficient blue collar Americans. Around the 90s these people could no longer afford enjoying the fruits of America like going to sporting events, vacations etc. These days the trend is going sell out your own people, claim disability etc. Sending work overseas, well if I don't do it someone else will...

As the gulf between poor and the rich gets bigger, In every city I look for work in, I see ads looking for naked photo shoots, pornography videos, webcams.. Get naked for the whole world and let me take 2 hours of pictures that I can profit off of and I'll give you one hundred dollars. The fucked up thing is they get these little girls hooked on dope and it's just a matter of time until they consider it because they need 20-50 dollars every day. They might have gotten a criminal record and can't work so off they go hoing for the mob that also has the blessing of the Church to kill "whores" if they don't do what they say all because they have an addiction they can't afford. Allthewhile the masses maybe in secret might be watching the porn... & it's rediculous, if you look at it logically it makes us look like animals.. At the same time, there's probably nothing I would rather watch & it's everywhere and it's wrong and if we are to change it. It may require people to stop doing so... Now I tried to convince people to stop eating caged eggs with little success in attempts to see how this would work and I'm afraid I don't have an answer. Yet just posting this is the first step.. Where now you know, and knowing is half the battle. You have no excuse to say you don't and I hope we can pursue figuring out the details in what I like to call a reasonable alternative.