Saw someone with this t shirt

It's just a media barrage

there's failed logic involved

you take 2 people in an elevator

with masks or without the air is going to get filled up with their germs if they are in there for say 15min

the only difference is if they sneeze, the snot won't go on you

That's why we used to cover our mouths when we coughed etc.

The fact is they just want you to be compliant regardless of if it's real or not Imagine in the history books hundreds of years from now.. You know how they have weird laws.. It's been harder to find them online

One I found was it is illegal to not drink milk in Utah..

So one would wonder well how often to you have to drink it?

Anyway ia hundred years from now people will look back on us and say

They made it a law: that people have to wear masks..

Why? Well they said it protects them from spike proteins in the flu..

and they fully knew that the air escapes from the masks...

They said that for us to get back to normal everyone needs to get the vaccine and I feel for them, there's logic involved. If there's a disease a vaccine would stop it.

Though in this instance there's not a new disease, there's a different form of influenza so the logic has already been broken...In rushing to make a vaccine for a media frenzy, surprise.. It doesn't work:

In Israel they made everyone get the vaccine and they're covid rate has spiked again..

So scientifically, one would think people would say, ok that didn't work, lets try something different..

No just take the vaccine..

Sick weirdos can't stand that we were told to be fruitful and multiply.. They want to control who can get pregnant and who cannot. It's no secret that Bill Gates and them have been pushing for population control in Universities.

What we need is independent research to cure the common cold

The other day I was broke and this place was giving out hamburgers but

it ended up a mcmuffin of sorts

with a lil salad fuck it cold water

& the lady looked really mad to give it to me

trust I was: for asking but it was my fault & I was too tired

not functioning to my capacity

& I rested & then ate egg & cheese w ham

was still kinda repulsed didn't even at all the ham

then I had chinese chicken and that was the one

because later on in the

I had a severe craving like tear at my chest

give me animal flesh

no other mammal

people might go their whole lives never even knowing they are addicted

but go 6 months without it and try a tuna sandwich or something

All that time I said to myself I could never kill a chicken what

business do i have eating one

& just like that: not going to think about it &

everything is so easy again.

all the headache of eating

I just go to the place and order a meal

and for $9 i will be very full.

& it tastes 200% better.

I'm even stronger all those steroids i guess.

& it's the same thing with these god damn masks

& the analogy is people are addicted to acceptance

I'm on the bus..

The delta variant is real

put on a mask it's the only thing protecting you

so I think to myself

every breath that i take is going in and out of my nose

into the mask and out

some is inhaled back into my lungs

and if germ theory is correct

the air is going to mix with his or something

and the difference of it being over my nose means very little

unless it's sealed

but still it's a long ride and there have to be moments for food and drink

well it was just a moment but didn't it counter act the 3 hours I had my mask on?

people have gotten in the habit of yelling because of it

and others have accepted yelling as an ok practice

have been talking crazy to people lately

Masks mandated again

society is now once again twice as irksome and awkward

they thrive on such conditions

when people are being social it makes "people like Bill gates sick

mumble your basic needs and move on. If people do not know of the superiority of conversation, they'll put up with what we offer them.. all they know is secret society & trying to dog a bitch out

You want this because you can't have it.. Reverse psychology.

I was just going to go to a club and now its too late, they took away

all the fun is gone again

at least its not lock downs again..

Oh wait, in some places it is

The fact is when people are talking amongst one another and things are unfair they get to complaining

& what they want is everyone distant, in fear

they have control of the media and movies

because they know if people started putting out some real shit

They're hold would be threatened.

So there's a contest involved.

It's science

Who had the nerve to go against the Catholic Church back when it was the only option? Martin Luther

Push shit that's obviously horse shit

Well if we all get the vaccine

c Then it'll stop it from morphing into other variations

Even though the flu has throughout its entire history changed

But what about the spike proteins Ben..

I'll give them the benefit of the doubt

1/10th chance that whats preventing us from getting

I mean it's 10 times more likely it just doesn't work

Sounds just like those bulshiters well its not the vaccine that's the problem

It's the delta

Don't want to be the only ones who took the stupid thing

What it is: they did the good thing

Why would taking the vaccine for the benefit of humanity not work? It's not fair.. I'll just be stuck on it does work.. a nd the only problem is that everyone hasn't taken it.

Stop the masks

Stop the bullshit

They've gotten away with killing innocent people

They;ve stolen and wasted billions of our tax dollars

When they should've been researching the common cold.

He died, how'd he die?

We'd do an investigation but due to Corona no one really gives a fuck

Just wear masks. Even in the worst case scenario bus skit

Rage against people that go out

It's your fault

Or the people who don't want to get the vaccine because it's proven that it doesn't work

It's your fault

Weaken everyone

They are threatening our way of life

People cannot be friendly and normal wearing a mask.

You cannot hear what people are saying even.

You can not strike up a conversation with someone

or enjoy another's company or even go out into the world without being fearful.

enjoy fellowship