At times like these I'd like to thank god

or I remember to...

People already ready to pounce..

I'll get to it..

During tough times

I seek for help

God thank you & please help guide me

In vain hope I await an answer

not to say I've never received blatant direction

I just don't seem to recall it ever happening.

Instead I approach trustworthy logic

As soon as they were mandated..

My last relationship, I love you but I have to go somewhere without masks


I couldn't, put down that ultimatum, & ever since I've meant to go somewhere where people don't play pretend and use logic that a child wouldn't accept.

That the difference between &

is saving lives.*

But I kept putting it off.

We'll there's work there, well she's there, well I have to get my ID in Ohio, well it's close enough to Ohio to visit

So finally I'm on my way to Omaha Nebraska..

One of the last in the mask resistance and I'm sorry to have to put the pressure on you but people and intelligence has to make a stand or we face the middle ages with technology and I looked to the this map of places

that refused to just go with the cdc and are holding out..

Teas Tennessee Missouri Ariona Florida South Dakota, North Dakota, I think Wisconsins & Alabama Georgia

and different sites showed them differently through various times but as of August 22nd Many major cities,

in defiance to the state order have "liberated the people and allowed mandatory mask

enforcement.. Luckily I looked deeper into it, chicago taught me to not go into this thing blind..

I was ready to go to the best Ocean available to me when I find this out so

Miami, then Kansas city, Memphis, Dallas, Austin all crossed off my list

I've been thinking about it for days..

I'm all to familiar with the good guys have turned into the bad guys

and after my prayer I had the idea of a standoff

It went something like this

I wake up in the morning and I'm happy because I'm seeing new things, places I've never eperienced and developing an overall feel for a place.

I see people walking and they smile, I smile the weather is perfect, the sun is rising and I haven't had a coffee or a cigarette and don't even want anything until I see my first mask of the day.

Some people walking around with an attitude that I'm being a good citien and walking outside keeping people safe from

when it first started you can spread it even if your asymptomatic

meaning even I don't know if I can get you sick

What happened to that? How did science miss that for so long

um no that's horse shit

Before germ theory they had this crock of bologna since the ancient Greeks that said that disease comes from decay and swamps were particularly bad but stuff got old and radiated things into the air.

That's the best I can describe it from what little I read upon the subject & it sounds like it makes sense kind of.. Though what I did get out of the thing was when germs came out there were 3 guys really pushing the idea and for almost a hundred years?

People would not subscribe to little microscopic things that cause bad breath and disease. I think on youtube I can find a video of germs acting up under a microscope so I insist on some validity in the matter

but it's more comple then that.. Families will attest to when lets say Jimmy comes home from school and has caught the flu. Well the whole family has dinner together and touched the same table might've used the same knife to butter a roll etc. so you'd think that the whole family would get infected. Nope, It'll be young Sally and Jimmy sick or Jimmy and mommy but never everyone.. For some reason.. Now they could mask up to be safe and prevent the spread but that would just be weird and being that they breathe the air right out of the mask into the house and theoretically spread it anyway they're just not obsessive compulsive, borderline manic

I'm sure there are thousands of people out there who sat at home alone with a mask on trying not to invoke the wrath of an enemy who watches them from their tv in insistance that they comply ready to invoke the wrath of covid 19 and walk around outside with a mask insisting everything is not alright Or better yet the jogger with a mask on their chinwho sees you approaching so he masks up before they run by you in mock safety from your cooties, Back in the day we'd call him a fucktard but nowadays he's safe..

and I hear on the news

I'm from Asia and people masked up is a normal thing

Yeah because a lot of your people are inbred obsessive freaks with little or no character or soul. I'm sorry, I believe people are all capable of having souls it's just that certain things take it out of them like not being able to talk in class or growing up with under an oppressive regime

that kind of shit is traumatic

Maybe your government insists on those kinds of things

That goes against our way of life

drive through only

We like to be around others..

You said if I take the vax I could go back to normal.

Well the problem is just that you all haven't taken the vaccine

What the fuck are you talking about? You are not making sense

we can't let it mutate... Where did it say that the vaccine prevents mutations? Are you fucking kidding me?

Pfier has already been convicted of Larsson and multiple counts of bribing FDA panels.. But they have billions so they can do what they want:

capitalism at it's worst is monopolistic and it's like keep people in a cage so that they're depressed and then profit off the money for the medication that makes you ok with that.

Stagnation is unhealthy.. My findings: Even the best places, if you stay in them for too long they will become aggitating< P> All these people with nothing to do: To me: People should constantly be building wonders that others can visit and esperience. & since you don't have enough time to enjoy them all, pick your favs, all day from one place that's unbelievably beautiful to another.. It might sound silly since people are accustomed to staying where they were.. The idea is mad rennaisancesque.

Instead War like terms, well it's the pandemic

General answer for grievances.. Well if you "aint" getting money...Sue cub couts so I can get 30,000 who cares of kids can't have camp ever again..

You should be stealing relief money or something.. Milking unemployment... It's like the system is made for scumbag people to abuse it and their applauding those with the initiative to run our country into the ground. Scamming is at an all time high, no one thinks twice about someone wearing a bandana hat and sunglasses.. Oh wait we just got robbed.

It's all part of the agenda..

Is there even 1 in 10 Americans that's happy with Biden: when the country is already in huge debt and we keep wasting trillions for opportunists to steal.. Then he goes and gives $15,000 to illegal Americans that come to America.. I feel; any reasonable person would insist: Last time the U.S. insisted it's ok to come here and work, 4 years later the guy rounded them all up and people who had invested in the country got their shit took.. Fuck that I'm not going to America just because this 1 guy says its cool...

Their intent: Blatantly crack head Mejicans who are like: they're giving away free money, you're cray not to take it, which is probably the last thing we need, which has me believe pretty much any respectable American would've been a better choice but between him and Trump, I still thought him to be the better one :(

*It is brought to you by

People who have had everything their whole lives.

& without difficulties to face, they form a sort of compulsion or nueroticism.

They form their own challenges, like going outside.. Obsessing over the germs that are on the elevator button. In constant terror when their children go out in public.. Often they lack any kind of empathy for anyone elses struggles and would be ok if 1/3 of the population died, so long as they were safe.


Oops I left an arsenal for our enemies in Afghanistan.. My bad

Impeach Biden!