Building communities that are about more then property values


There are over half a million homeless people n America.

there are very many more people that live unhappily

though for the most part we co exist.. Some communities in America don't overlap.

people have compromised by putting people in segregated areas.

videos are captured of them being abused by police but they are still acquited.

it is a spit in the face to justice everywhere

when minorities or anyone is not treated fairly, although all men are considered equal under law.

my prediction is this will and is already starting to go towards women losing their equality.

we as a nation and as a wold are seeming to go backwards

this is done under the false guise of religion

in the bible it says that women are not equal

should be silent, now I've heard interpretations that say actions are more important and thus women are wiser for not being loud mouths.

there are passages with concubines and multiple wives

When trying to contest these philosophies one might say are you smarter then god?

Well to the best of my knowledge god didn't write the bible, he gave the commandments to Aberham and we don't know the rest but for a matter of fact, it was edited by King James..

Undr Christianity at some point, it was believed that once man and wife were unified, people could never get a divorce. This can be found in English literature and later on in Dickens time, only the wealthy could afford divorce.

Also, in the middle ages, I've also read that bathing more than once a week was a considered glutinous and sin. We can infer that there was a lack of water at the time.

Before Christianity, there were great philosophers in Greece, Roman rule was more focused on law so when Christianity came out, it was like a call to stop thinking for oneself and just accept Christ.

The middle ages ensued, and it was a time of great darkness (intellectually) The best example being the inquisition of Galileo for stating that the Earth revolves around the sun. The pople and the Church disagreed since in Psalm 104:5 says, "the Lord set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved." Further, Ecclesiastes 1:5 states that "And the sun rises and sets and returns to its place." For a long time, his work was censored and he had to spend the end of his life on house arrest. Luckily, eventually they relented.

People, I am not contesting that the bible was divinely inspired..

i am not saying that what some put their entire faith in, or pretend to, is wrong..

I'm saying: if we are to move forward, we have to start thinking for ourselves and using logic.

These people who are misusing faith to obtain power over people must be stopped

"The problem with gays" coming soon.

Just look in the bible, what happened to those that enslaved the Hebrews.

god sent plagues upon them..

Then, here we go putting the pyramid on the dollar bill.

Women who were deeply disturbed by the customs of society, yet allow them to be repeated by their children...For shame.

People who have no interest in going to college and blindly follow what they are shown on BET,

a pathway to prison.

Ladies who don't want to do menial work for over 40 hours a week and still not have enough to pay their car insurance, so they go and suck dicks in secret because they are hot enough to.

Ones who aren't hot enough to and pretend to slip and fall for a settlement check etc.

Those that said that they are not sane, or something is wrong with them, for a monthly check or a prescription to their drug of choice.

All those that got hooked on drugs and no longer have a choice in the matter.

I've heard there is no sense in complaining if you don't have a solution

the lower 48 states of America is 1.9 billion acres of this only 66 million acres are considered developed lands and is home to 75 percent of the population. -George Wuerthner a Western Watersheds Project advisory board member

The plan is to offer an alternative to corporate living

that is cheap, effective and offers a comfortable and competitive lifestyle.

I believe work and consistence, is an essential part of a healthy life, as studies have shown that people with a vocation tend to live longer and be happier. Just look at the old timers who would work 50 years at the same company and retire then die soon-after, when they no longer had a purpose.

20 hours of the menial work of your choice, per week.. Plus 20 hours of work you are interested in would be the prerequisite; for that you get a home that 2 people can build in 3 days. It would be basic but comfortable with all the amenities and technology people expect.

concrete poured between 2x4s make effective walls.

Windows are to be mass produced cheaply since they are nothing but heated sand.

Tin roofs, plumbing fixtures would all be bought at wholesale in bulk and ideas would be considered for example: piping might be overground encased in Plexiglas, if a pipe bursts one would simply put the key into the encasing, and replace the broken one. Hedges would surround the pipes so they would not be seen. This would eliminate all the work and noise traditionally associated with the problem.

On the matter of noise and fumes, people are so used to roads and cars they don't even notice the constant fumes and noise prevalent.

In an ideal world i think there would be a radius of 2 miles with no roads bicycles could be used to get between them, canals, my personal favorite a lazy river or even a conveyor belt like those found in airports could help you get from one end to another in peace and quiet without the smell of gasoline.

Once your home is built, it is yours, there are no payments so imagine if every week hundreds of people were employed in building massive public works, gardens of Eden..

Malls where after work you could go relax and didn't have to buy anything, they are made to just be social.

All policies would be decided by ballot where each citizen got 1 vote, people would be required to watch an entertaining hour long presentation of the pros and cons of 3 major decisions and vote on them every week.

Everyone who worked at a factory would also be required to have a similar input on company decisions and with that there would be no management and everyone split the profits equally.

What would be made? With the advent of 3d printers to make moulds, modern methods of production and the cost of freight from China, I believe nothing is off limits.

Most importantly anything created would add to the GNP and would be taxed to help the American economy as a whole.

Though initial manufacturing, would be the manufacture of energy. Solar panels which are mostly made of mirrors that are made up of sand.

Their manufacturing would take precedent and also different wind power applications. On ebay today, a 400w personal wind turbine costs about $300 retail.

Every home and business would be required to make their own energy thus eliminating something else that is completely intrusive yet we were born with.. Power wires

these are just some of the ideas of the making of a better world. To prove that it can be done thapeople would like to introduce a small scale model to test these theories and more. if one looks at classic literature you can find many of the ills of man kind that still lurk today.

They are sexy, and for the most part, people will not want to leave them but for those that believe that if a person has everything that they need, plus most of what they want, like something to work towards, hot food buffets and more women then men, there will be no crime, no reason to fight and people could focus on the creation of a better world, self improvement and the arts.. Like making the best movies and music for people to enjoy.