the problem w gays Many are born w it? An atypical attraction not procreation but tabu Ken told me flat out when he was a teenager he was looking at a magazine and a guy in tights turned him on "& then I knew" he said & it made sense to me because around the same age girls in tights turned me on... Now you can debate it how you want to I've thought about the matter in regards to pursuit of happiness & decided that the problem with gays was inspired by a book I read where a gay guy on his deathbed thought of the one who "infected him" kinda like a virgin is known to always think of their 1st One would argue that by allowing people to be gay, they are making exponentially more gays. One would hope that they would only look for people born gay yet I feel that is not something anyone has a right to control so if one has the game to make a straight man gay, girl by whatever, it's alright as long as they are of age & ALSO that they are NOT for lack of better word, exposing them to gayness under the influence of a monetary gain.. I.E. if they do not have intentions for them to be gay for pay. I think this is a fair analysis on the gay issue.