B chatta

Last time I touched on a particular issue...

This dude's first language is Russian,

who am I to speak about what's best for America..

America was built on whores..

& I read a Steinbeck book where this farmer had a very pretty wife

& he's eating dinner, thinking about how he should hurry up &

get to the whore-house because he had a particular girl in mind

and he wanted to get there before she was taken for the night..

He's on his way to town, when his neighbor stops him and says

he thought he saw someone around his property..

So he goes back to the house and checks things out

Finds his wife in bed with another man..

So he shoots him and beats the shit out of his wifey..

The law comes around and says, that guys are never charged for this kind of thing..

Mind you, this was written in the 50s or something like that.

Though for the longest, it was pretty (double)standard.

Some might've said it's not fair, but that was men being like b@#$% stay in your place..

Life isn't fair and the system is made for men, what are you going to do about it?

With the power of the law behind them, men might as well be happy you're a dude.

The problem with this is: You let one injustice go & people take it farther..

Well you're black, n@#^$* stay in your place & people are happy that they're white.

Part whites are happy they aren't black

Black dudes are happy at least they aren't a woman..

& there were times when slaves weren't allowed to be literate...

Women too, it was thought impossible for a woman to write a book at one point..

Just stick to cooking and cleaning and if you're rich enough, not to do that kind of stuff..

Go do some embroidery, draw or play an instrument.

& it took a lot of work to change this...

I don't know how you look at it...

My America, is the first place that changed things for the better.

Our founding fathers complained... Why should we pay crazy prices to you for everything we need..

When we can get it somewhere else for way cheaper? Because you are citizens of the crown and that's

the way it is...

Well there's 2.5 million of us here, can we at least get a say in our local affairs?


Well that's taxation without representation..


It's not fair..

Well life isn't fair.. What are you gonna do about it?

How about we dump all your tea in Boston harbor..

How's that for fairness..

In theory, it was the first time anyone had ever done that.

They were like the original N.W.A.

& you know the history, it didn't come easy but we won our independence..

& throughout, American history people have attempted to right these wrongs

Slowly but surely, we get around to addressing the flaws in our system.

Then when it's equal, the guys who were comfortable in power sit back and wait..

For a guy to get HIS heart broken and watch as he spends his life: forcing women back into subservience.

So the cycle repeats but the idea behind the whole thing is...

People like it when things are equal,

It's way harder to give the same respect that you expect

to deserve what you get

and when you use power to beget what you want..

You may obtain it but it won't be satisfying.

That's why love is the greatest of the human emotions.

Since it can only be gotten, when deserved...

Eventually, there comes a choice...

Will you perpetuate this sad and unfulfilling existence...

Or will you fight to create something better?

Though the plan is: to get you to waste your energy fighting for something

that won't make a difference anyway.

That's what happens, when you look for a pre-made solution from the same people

that brought the mess upon us.

It's sad, I know...

I don't understand it either

The same people we trust to protect us

Are trying to hurt us..

In colleges, they teach the students...

Trying to prepare them for a cold-heartedness..

To mass genocide..

Well there are too many people..


If 1.6 million people can comfortably live in Manhattan that is only 23 square miles..

and the amount of habitable land on Earth 24,642,757 square miles

We can easily accommodate 100 times as many people (100 x 8 billion=800billion) before we have to start worrying about it.

Surely by then there will be more technology that will allow us to figure it out.

What about food? Until we have 100 story skyscrapers hydroponically growing wheat and corn and potatoes etc. I don't want to hear a word about it..

Pollution? We have solar power, the sun isn't going to run out.. Electric cars, even steam power as options.. The task

is getting the world to implement them, when there are people who maintain their fortunes, using coal, oil & natural gas.

Though that's hardly an excuse to justify hoping for the death of the meek, while thinking to oneself.. Welll I am surely lucky that I'm not one of them.

How about trash? There's not enough landfill space to accommodate that many people on Earth..

It simply takes a little effort...

If people are living in hi rises, for example.. Like plumbing, have a network of those syrup tubes

that go to a touch screen dispenser in your home.. Pick whatever drink you want and wash your damn cup.

That would save one million bottles a year... & just think things through.. Everything doesn't have to be prepackaged... Actually recycle all paper and plastics etc.

I'm not saying it'll be easy but

We're not exactly helpless in the matter and we definitely should not be planning the extermination of billions of people.

It's simply the changing of the guard, creating a new mindset, based on logic and progress...

& destroying the deranged super-villains that seem to be running the show.