Politician fags know everyone on earth is pissed off about this whole covid thing & what could be more awful then trying to add animosity by flying planes low etc, testing misses in so and so airspace or whatever bullshit that pops on my phone daily.

Spur of the moment jumped on the bus today and it was filled with the sweet aroma of g..

In Ohio the g strand made up about 6% of the weed we would get.

IN Valifornia it feels like somewhere between 30-50% of what I've seen & smoked

rather then skunky or garlicy or one of the many forms and variations of the good herb.

So my 1st impulse is find him and spark up a conversation. That's worked on a couple occasions.

Although starting conversations with particular intentions is how we got into this mess in the 1st place

For a while there, people would start talking & be excited that they were having real conversation

To me, that's what most everyone wakes up hoping for

Hopefully I'll make two friends today...

So they'd start talking and once they got into it they'd throw in the kicker

Something like: so my friend just lost his keys and I need 30 bucks to call the locksmith and if you said no they'd abruptly drop the conversation... I don't know what would

happen if you said yes.. Though there was this practice that went on for a while, a #s game that people would just go around starting conversations practicing their art of scamming

and probably made a living off it. Ever since, people don't even make talk anymore, for the most part, in expectation it's just someone wanting something.

Even the bums, to this day go around with 0 tact: excuse me, I'm trying to get money for a beer.. Excuse me, I'm trying to get money for a beer.. Excuse me.

Because people would get really upset about it & fully feel like they got used...

Anyway I'm on the bus and I picked out who I thought it was, I turned out to be wrong but I thought hell, might as well talk to him anyway, been here over a month and have rarely met anyone out and about.

Twice he called someone on the phone, eventually he started muttering things to himself.. I thought, chime in, you look like you could use someone to talk to..

However my stop was coming up.. He ended up leaving on the same one.

Believe it or not, I ended up running into him the next day and I tried to remedy the situation, I had maybe 7 minutes to talk to him and ran out of steam after about 5... I've barely talked to anyone for the last 2 weeks... See back before 2010 I heard of people who would ride the bus even though they had cars, hoping to maybe get some talk time in, maybe meet someone.. Before that it was kinda standard that

regular people wouldn't have their own cars and after it was expected that everyone had a car and there's probably something wrong with you if u don't.

It wasn't easy to just strike up a convo with someone though usually it was appreciated when it happened. Especially before everyone sat looking at their phone all the time...

It was an unwritten rule that most likely one would overhear what others were talking about, though it was rude to acknowledge you were eavesdropping or to join in on another's conversation: Unless you said something funny.

The world is so lonely now, I feel like treating every person I see like someone I've worked with for years, get on the bus and say whattup and give everyone a pound. Masks are the opposite of that.. I've never watched it though I know in Star Wars or this morning i went through the free movies on youtube & I was watching masters of the universe and almost all the bad guys had masks.. They're not an individual

you could call them by number storm trooper #37, no personality. That is what they want of us.

Go to online college and get a job at a company and be model employee #37 don't say anything racy on social media and raise your family.

It's because they don't know about the gift of gab that it's the most important part of life..

I think the #1 consideration for who I would choose to partner with after looks. Before online dating people would speak to one another in the moment. It's like the universe brought you together but it's up to the individuals to start the process... Though it's rude almost to to even go about talking to someone with a mask on, make them work at not sounding muffled and having to try really hard to understand what everyone's saying.. Since they have done this to us a human race... It is upon us to react and be even more social then before.. More friendly, insist on striking up conversations every day. It's difficult at first,, even irksome but I promise it'll get easier once you've done it a few times.

Just don't get too exited & forget to keep a distance... 1 step at a time people.

Trying to find a background for this page, looked through festivals and it's all the same a bunch of little individual groups with little or no interaction between them & the masses around them (small individual groups) & that was before the Ovid happened. I want to see real assemblies, free interaction amongst everyone: while not being all up in each other's space.. I remember I heard a news report.. The Trump supporters walked here.. Some of them were maskless..

Never thought I'd hear something like that..

She sounded confused, what the fuck were they thinking walking somewhere without a mask on..

I was getting my hair cut and whe the hairdresser cropped my ears, she let my mask fall for a moment and I felt naughty like I did something wrong.. I've shown my face out in public

Oh my goodness. I remember when it 1st started, I had the sneaking suspicion that everything was exactly the same as yesterday, it's just the media and medical companies and the new world order had instilled hysteria in people... They had been talking about doing something of the likes for a while...

china seems like the perfect scapegoat, There are so many people willing to make money off the misery, with all kinds of incentives.. Get some extra unemployment, if you're employed & get the flu, take 2 weeks off.. Make your boss pay you anyway...

I made it a point to not talk about him more then I had to, though I must admit, that's heroic, when the people at the Ford plant tried to make him do it..."Mf'er I'm the president I don't have to wear a mask... " I wouldn't wear one for the longest until where we were residing, they made it law that no one can enter a store without a mask. My super hot, genius ex-girlfriend put one on and we went to the grocery store... Kinda like that whole Adam & Even thing ;) and I've been wearing them ever since, when I have to...

Then everyone was stunned, when the 45th president, who's quite old, got the virus, had flu like symptoms and didn't die...

People get so mad when I say these things, I mean maybe not everyone but I think the majority get furious like "You are downplaying a worldwide pandemic! You think you are so smart and everyone else is so stupid or something? All I know is, I'll never turn off my logic and I'm always looking for inconsistencies... Someone tells me something, then 2 weeks later contradicts that statement, it goes down in the record of questionable peeps.

If I really care about them and or have the energy to scrutinize it, I might even try to bring out the irony between the two different statements because often I've found , there's something that I might've missed that was key to the explanation, and if I didn't ask I would've just assumed wrong.

That's why I say these things and analyze and scrutinize the duck out of the cdc.... Motherfucker viruses don't just start acting differently.... I remember when it first came out, you'd call a hotline and they'd be like sorry due to corona you'll just have to figure it out for yourself... corporations saved a lot of money on customer service until months later, people were like wtf does customer phone support have to do with the virus and how is one effected by the other?

Remember when they stopped taking returns? I'm sorry sir we can't return your purchase because you might have got covid on it... I'm probably going to regret asking but what happened to that? The general public was not accepting that, so they conceded on the nature of the virus???... Or does Target have separate rooms , one for each day... where they throw the returns, let em "marinate" and a couple weeks later they open it up, like ok the corona has probably faded off these jeans etc.

You think this is a game?? IF that is the case, they're making this up & they get away with it, you don't think they'll take it further? & they tell you tomorrow not to breathe the air, it's unhealthy in the long term & we're going to have to pay for oxygen systems.. In our homes, & to go outside.. You thought isolation is bad, what if you really can't leave the house...

sorry to be a downer. I fucking love you & events and gatherings & when I look at the evidence I am not sold... I'm not saying it is a conspiracy, though I am certain it could be one.