An apparent Quest to get rid of the best stuff Notes since 911

So we got the gist of what was going on

a process of slowly violating certain liberties

mass shootings having people feel weary of going out

certain corporations that stand to benefit

since you can blow up a building take the gold, kill people and start a war

there's no limit to what you can do

they're pushing for martial law

the quest to remove anyone with sense

they are playing both sides..

People who think they are doing good by just protesting are ending up used as a tool for their own purpose.

This is a war on the people who are uncompromising.

To me

anyone who looks sly for a better term of the word

looking for people you can tell em anything and they'll believe it

Well maybe in the next life... I'll do something about this

They got the hillbillies ready for the N.W.O. with wrestling

Put up some bullshit tablet in Atlanta

Evil people who want to justify killing...

Fully knowing we could comfortably fit another 2 billion people in America, easily..

Just drive anywhere far... Other than some parts of California maybe...

You will find huge amounts of empty space... That's just off the freeway.. There is an abundance of space and instead of utilizing it..

I feel that someone is putting the pressure on people..

Telling the college kids that we need population control..

So that they'll go along with this dastardly scheme of murdering most of the human population.

Grow up!

We can build high rises where applicable, regular buildings & even 10 story indoor hydroponic farms if we need more farm land.

As it stands: Even google insists that in the United States only 66 million acres is considered developed land.

That amounts to 3% of the land area in the U.S. that is home to 75% of the population. So if my math is correct if we would develop 30% of the nation, we should be able to house 2.4 billion. Though evil wants rent to go up, the crisis etc.

They say, oh all these people are like swarms of maggots, ruining their happy sheltered world.

They have never had to try to live on $10 an hour, if you miss a paycheck your doomed, if you lose your wallet, doom. If you catch a cold... They should have gone to college... Even if their public schools would have prepared them and popular culture wasn't against them.. I always thought anyone could get student loans.. & I just tried & they were like we'll give you four thousand if you can find a cosigner.. WTF, I wanted to ask Sally if she had any idea how much 1 semester costs at a university... So I'm gonna estimate half of underprivileged people risk their lives trying to avoid the prison complex in some way or another.. Even before this pandemonium the system was fucked... For everyone not living in the suburbs anyhow & I'd like you to join me in believing that now they took it too far.

& I insist that someone have some kind of back up plan... Make things right

Build self sustaining communities that can isolate people until the covid is over.

For anyone in need and anyone who is especially courageous..


when you put god first

you really put people 1st

Spend time on fear

that you could be used for productive purposes

Every time you walk past a person..

Are they going to give me a disease?

Kids grow up weary of anyone without a mask

going to school with masks is mandatory..

If I recall, the first day was hard enough without all that noise.

Went to Newark New Jersey

and the guy told me

there's no way you are getting a girlfriend until you pay for it

I felt like I went to the future and was in Idiocracy

maybe it had been getting this way for a while..

Over the years Nicky Minaj and pop culture have seemed to standardize..

Women being prostitutes... On Instagram and snapchat etc. I feel young women have been presented this reality (cashap etc) and people in general usually look to their left, look to the right and try to fit in somewhere. Though during covid anything seems to slide

civilization taught me a police state was

not very high in the levels of good government..

Or more importantly not very efficient..

Some would argue that the $1.21 per hour labor offsets the cost of housing criminals

plus there is a good deal of money spent on commissary

however I look at the energy spent on trying to avoid the police..

Reminds me of foraging and how so long as people had to hunt for food every day..

They could never really advance into anything but trivial pursuits.

People pretend to be all slick passing off so and so from one person to another..

Everything is filmed on camera and that turned into the police get to decide what they want in on

when crime is controlled by those that are supposedly trying to protect you from it..

There is a conundrum and in these times, many roads are shut down and various strategies have been set

to eliminate any competition..

Though before we can get to any of this...

While good gov would try to utilize every member of society.. I feel I must say to the half of America who did not understand my comparison of life and foraging..

I feel that this administration (worldwide) has been set to put the lower classes into a 3rd world like position.

About half of America is against keeping anything open while the other insists that our economy needs to thrive..

I predict these conditions will only further stifle the economic prowess of all other nations living in fear

Benjamin Franklin in my humble opinion, was the most important factor of our liberation from England.

He was owner of one of the most circulated newspapers in America at the time and without independent media.. I believe

there is no way that the colonies could have achieved independence.

America had been the shining light of improving the conditions of average people..

So it is only suiting that now I feel we are the propagator of holding people down.

If the moon is exactly as large as the sun, relative to the distance from the Earth...

and god made it that perfect... In theory we could force us to worship him

but we are given free will to do so because that is beautiful

forcing people into subjugation and the enjoyment of such pursuits is ugly

we all have a choice of what we feed into.

In a sense that is why Taft & the supreme court dismantled standard oil.. the middle ages proved what abuse of powers lead to.. They didn't even have cameras and missiles. I like to hope when things got too bad, god sent the original Martin Luther.. Most people all over the world get the common cold once a year.. Since the symptoms are similar.. Think of how much they could make off every test Between universities, (medical) & insurance companies that seems like a majority Not to mention the medical supply companies.. Getting mask money. Also those in a position from benefiting from relief money.