culture chameleon

everyone hates government throughout the world

the appeal of

Boris Johnson/Orange Man for president

people believed he's different

he really wants to make the U.K. great again

the way I see it

He knows how to work a system

he has specialists, who help him figure out how to further government powers

to a tyrannical level

I feel they play both sides by having control of both parties

The same one's controlling them, make the news...

Regular people, I understand how it's easy to fall into it

we don't like the status quo and he's the one to change it

I'm not a politician & he's not one either..

normal people, we don't understand what's going on

For most people, the cost of eggs bread & gas dictates if dude is doing a good job.

even the people who spend hours a day trying to understand politics

are being fed the information from the same people who are surely trying to hide any wrong doing

Kind of like in Brave New World..

I remember Ishmael had a profound effect on me

now I'm skimming through it I see it's defects

Part of me believes I'm reading an entirely different book electronically

I'm not recalling any of it, however an interesting idea presented itself in the manner it usually does

it's a strange result of chance...

If I go to the library for instance, sometimes something will get my attention

and I'll read something and then the ideas cause the topic of what

I'll express.. So part of me feels kind of a ghostwriter inspiring me with clues

I cannot, however prove it's not just chance, it's pleasant to think it's coincidental

that there's a reason for everything that happens...

What I've found: If you believe there is meaning behind what you see, there will be.

If you've told yourself it's meaningless it will be.

the fine line of sanity insists on meaning to be happy

society requires it's sense of logic

& the big guerilla was saying that if you told an Ancient Roman that Zeus was a Myth they'd think you're stupid

Though we are incapable of thinking that a big bang followed by ideal conditions for bacteria turning into single celled organisms,

forming into more complex ones and fish turned to mammals & apes selectively breeding for millions of years made us, is somewhat of a myth.

I'm reading Oscar Wilde's socialism & I'm not that impressed

The man in the Iron Mask started off good and quickly turned boring

Nothing like the Count of Monte Cristo that held my attention throughout and called for a reread

I was late on lent and I told myself I'd give up wanking.. I laugh to myself

& I went to the porn & it ended up being woman's day

& I feel I've let down the women as well as the Catholics & methodists

So I'm doing a late lent starting now..

Lord knows I couldn't have given up cigarettes for 40 days without the lil ceremony

and I feel it's the solidarity that got me through the weed & caffeine and sugar & Ramadans since

& maybe I can do this

People are standing with Ukraine, trying to find something worth the stance

Back when I was staying in the Short...

See campus in the 80s was surrounded by housing projects

I don't see why the planning districts would think that was a good idea

and a lot of college kids probably got turned out

as predators prayed on those with daddy's money

& since Ohio State has raised their GPA and pretty much removed the hood

& I was there for chit fest back in the days

and when Gus got a place, Set & I moved in

Dude quickly left after extending his crack credit to $20

like this is not going to end well... I can't understand how anyone who's smelled crack-smoke could want to try it..

I'm not particularly sensitive in the smells department but to me it probably beats decaying roadkill.

& Dave had never been to the hood, nor did he know how to go about it... On top of that he was loud and boisterous, ended up getting stabbed and left for dead in an alley

and I arrive "home" from work & I hear in the background don't get stabbed something something

& I see Tis, who Ant had introduced me to back in the day talking to Sunshine <-what she once told me to call her at my job

and the hood was stunned to see that I'm not just a random by standard, my compatriot had developed a reputation & I too

felt myself to be somewhat known.. Though one winter day MF Yacht pulled me aside and we stood around the neighborhood talking

you could tell he had a certain fondness for me though the direction of the conversation seemed forlorn: Maybe even a forewarning.. Screech I'm from within a 4 block radius (I can't recall the specifics)

and I asked him about what it was like growing up around there and casually mentioned where I was from..

Suddenly everything changed,

& it's one of those cool things that I had no choice in the matter, like what I look like.. I was going to say what I sound like

though that takes some what of a conscious effort.

Though you take someone who was born in a small country town in Georgia and that's the way they feel about where they're from.

From an outsider's perspective, if I was explaining it to a martian: I'd say, out of the entire human experience, that may be the most important thing.

So much so, that Boris Pasternak, who's novel, a critique of Soviet Society won the nobel prize.

Though they were talking about, if he goes to Sweden, we're not letting him come back...

the man could not think of how to go on living, away from his native land so he turned it down...

From what I heard, the people who made Russia a socialist country for most of the last century had good intentions and were hoping to improve life for their people. In many ways, it went terribly wrong..

For example an intentional famine/ genocide in Ukraine back in 1932.

& I find it strange that for the most part people of different nationalities will never overlap...

Every country has their foreigners, visitors or businessmen involved in trade...

However America is known all over the world, as the place, where people from all nations who are interested in the American culture go.

I find it weird that in a lot of places even over here, they are still somewhat homogeneous.. Like that is what they prefer, or maybe it's just what they're used to..

I always thought of it like recruitment, we want the best and brightest from all over the world to come to America. In a sense it is, since capitalism would insist that those who've accrued capital are the one's who can get in.. Though to me, there's other criteria, that I find more important...

One creative person, can capture a whole concept and force millions of people to acknowledge it, so to me, that's the most important thing. Writing teams of 2 or more, have made decades of content that millions of people feel is worth watching.

The guy I mentioned working with at Amazon brought out the Alpha in me because he was one

Before working there he used to just dig for $20 an hour

Strong body, strong mind... Our conversation was fluid, I don't know how to explain that to someone.. It's just 1 in a thousand people that I: click with and they have had entirely different backgrounds.

Usually, inferior people will try to bring me down, make me feel like I'm the bad one.

If they succeed then one would guess that they are superior

Though to me, the whole process is backwards... Like when kids rip on one another

In theory, that same energy could be used to build someone up

When I see someone who's strong, I don't try to make them feel weak

Proverbs 27:17

& it feels like unless you are part of it, the system is against trying to get the most out of you

it's made for for the people in charge and the ones who support them to enjoy their positions

Kind of like the middle ages where you had kings and vassels and commoners..

I feel

They spend money and effort and time to confuse us,

to keep us divided and disheartened.

While someone like me would want to put Yacht together with the kid from Amazon

to make a real comparison of individual character

Someone guy from Alabama to cross paths with some hood from Los Angeles

and be able to see the similarities over the differences.

To get a real idea of culture

A genuine melting pot, celebrating the advanced genetics of American people who come from all parts of the world...

I see us going a very different route and it frightens me, well if that's what you want cool but us who were raised on certain notions of liberty and justice for all, should have a place to congregate because I don't see myself being ok with anything less....

Though we can't tell anyone shit until we have at least a working example of how much better life could be.

on a small scale, maybe a few thousand..

I was born in America and I speak Russian

so a veteran today says fuck the Russians and I'm not sure if it phased me, because I've never been there.

my parents left because they didn't like it... I've seen a few good movies and I like a Ru song every now and again

Though I speak it, most Russians would consider me a Russian speaker, since my family was (not orginally) from Lithuania and Belarus, Ukraine's neighbors.

When I heard people were standing up for Ukraine, I was kinda thrilled. I wish they would've said something in 2014 because Russia's been trying to put the squeeze on them for a while..

You've probably heard the "bad guys" call it Mother Russia well,in Ukraine they call Odessa momma

In all of gangster ass Russia, the bandit capital is in Ukraine.

The top of the black sea is called the Crimea for a reason

In Russia, the feds are the gangsters and they're trying to eliminate their competition..

The people who don't like having just 1 power, turn to the Ukranians, kinda like the Jews.. Officially they're fighting for what ever the fuck, though this war is just politics The average individual in Ukraine is of hard working, industrious stock.. They are extremely family oriented & I've seen a team knock out a whole house worth of hard wood flooring in one night.. Recently I talked to a Ukrainian in LA.

He had come to America seeking asylum..

Came up with an idea to build a convenient little spot you could stop and get motor oil and random car stuff

without even having to come in or anything. it had a hip kinda cool look and it took off..

people wanted to support him and he was making money for himself..

then the mob came in and said give us 80% of the profits... He said no

and one day he goes to open up shop and it's empty..

He couldn't turn to the police because they were in on it too... & I asked him about Putin, I was told that he was kind of a hero to his people.

He explained, that at first, people were cool with a powerful fed.. Putin is ex KGB so basically people were ok with drastic measures for reform.. i.e. Ruling with an iron fist, so long as it gets rid of corruption

Kind of in a trumpish manner... The constitution says you can only have 2 terms

But he made it, so that he can stay on indefinitely and apparently everyone was fine with that...

Until it hit them in their pocket...

The guy said everyone in Russia hates Putin now..

Though they can't get rid of him..

The elderly have to live on half the pension that they had only a few years ago.

The average person has found themselves living in almost impossible conditions.

& now the world has put economic sanctions on Russia..

You think that's going to stop him?

Do you think he gives a fuck about poor people? The wealthy and his supporters will be fine..

The average person in America has to cut back their food budget to pay for 4-6 dollars a gallon gas now

All pissed off like those damn Russians are killing babies, hitting residential neighborhoods with missiles..

Imagine a regular person in Russia.. They don't give a fuck about Ukraine... They hate their president and his decisions...Their currency is falling due to sanctions and those that were already having a hard time, living on about half as much as they were used to.. Assuredly they will now have to turn to crime,, to their dictator and their federal government or get run over...

So trust, it's a big win win for fascism in the world on all sides.

and a huge loss to regular good people and there's nothing you can do because the system's rigged for it's own benefit,