wtf is he talking about the deserving homeless? I've heard impoverished people say the only thing keeping them from being on the streets IS the Church so to all those who wouldn't accept that and put their faith in god even though they surround themselves with some of the worst cases in society, who is to tell the difference and take the time to investigate the character of their local transients. Now as a youth, i was repulsed by them too... You've settled for begging? Why don't you get a job... It seems so easy to say. So Id like to start off w a little discretion, my path, that was presented to me, was my own since a youth i had walked around the hood w my friends. Since i had this experience i went back, though w a car.. i didn't know exactly what i was doing. Gradually i rode my bike and phased that out to a complete start from nothing in Seattle WA. Most people if put in this predicament, would last about 4 hours before they would go right back to Church or their great aunts or whatever.

I started off just not sleeping, figuring something was going to happen.

Around when things started happening, I said fuck it, I was so tired, I fell asleep on the sidewalk somewhere.. I would go until I could not walk anymore.. Once it was freezing and I awoke to a local Church van who covered me in a blanket that was warm and compact. I told my cousin once about the book, I hoped to write 2024. He said, people might want to hear about your traveling experiences but not some futuristic Utopia book.

Well there isn't much to tell..

& if you think i ended up fucking & eating ice cream, you dont know me at all. im flawed, people assume its permanant. Its a diagnosis nah i just haven't figured that out yet what i do know is a retard is someone who will let others suffer for their benefit and admit it... Sometimes they dont even profit by it, just the idea of escape from the difficulties is enough to allow others to be hurt... Though notice, they can't do it without approval. To illustrate: In Nevada they have a proposition which would allow for an alternative to your power company.. They say vote yes on it because the monopoly is keeping energy rates high which makes sense.. Though i also saw a commercial that says other States who have allowed for energy competition have had their costs sometimes double... So basically they are preparing you to pay more for electric. Doesn't matter what you choose, well costs doubled darn, we probably should've supported the monopoly...

I know, I'll just build my own power plant

Or start my own homeless charity

Well Christians doesnt have to mean anything particular but i associate it with the golden rule i dont fully get what Saint Simonists were saying but it went something like Christianity is about doing good for the most people.. So i did a scientific test

There are an estimated 1 billion people in the world fighting starvation.

Half of Americans live around the poverty line.

First, entering the workforce as a grocery bagger, I went to sales, customer service, presentations, light cleaning, ebay

. I worked around 30 hours and went to school.

After I quit both, I was offered a cushy security job and instead I entered the real workforce.

A friend offered me a part time telemarketing job for what I thought was a good cause.

Soon after, along with 2 of the best at the job, we signed up Though a temp service and started full time light warehouse style work.

At first it felt like too much,. Eventually I grew accustomed to the work

On the contrary, I developed a need for it, arousing my inspiration through exercise.

Before, I would do push ups and listen to music. Now I had a purpose.

To save money and show the next man, you can make it from nothing too. Well I didn't end up salty but over time as I proceeded to work hard and not have fun I became bitter.

When I drove my father's truck I never had problems, though when I switched to a beater car, I encountered many of the same problems desolates go through. Tickets, repo fees were stopping me from getting ahead. No it was that I was unconditioned for the challenge so I ended up stopping myself.

I rented a room and my friend came over and said this isn't a good place, I was hurt but he noticed something I was not prepared for. I went to sleep and awoke covered in bed bugs.

My wallet was stolen while I was drunk, I had to go through some of the hardships that regular people casually endure with no room for error. That's why relatively speaking these people were made of stone compared even to some of my bosses who seemed like big babies that hadn't changed since high school except they were given money for a "bidness" and hired people to run it for them and do the work. It's not his fault, not like I would say you ought to endure some hardships to toughen you up... The goal is to get out of poverty so future generations can go to school and be soft (malleable). Ideally there would be equal opportunity to do so.

In history there is a lot of emphasis, though I've, never had much interest in learning about the kings of past. Though the policies they set determined the prosperity of their nation in relation to that of the others. One prince in particular does come to mind and I've heard many variations of this story. Seems Siddhartha felt pain looking at his fellow people or subjects suffer and hadn't found happiness even though he had every thing imaginable. Now at the time the Hindus insisted the best way to figure stuff out is to fast.. Well he did and that didn't work. Finally he learned that your not supposed to be selfish and all pain and suffering comes from that realm, while thinking positive and acting accordingly is the key. At 1st no one would listen to him because they were still stuck on prescribed fasting....The funny thing is Hinduism was started out by a tribe of Aryans who conquered India. To prevent people from intermarrying they decided on a caste system and people of different sects were absolutely forbidden to mix. whoever made up that rule still has people believing in it, over 2,000 years later... Even basing their whole life on what seems like an obvious ploy when looking at it from the outside.. Customs are hard to let go.. Habits even, though people people risk their lives for beliefs and I am told that's love.. So the idea I guess, is to provide love with an adequate channel. A belief system worthy of it. Now Jesus and Buddha seemed to come to the conclusion that you should think right and act proper. Of course they said it better and really wow'd the people of the time... Hundreds of years after his death, after his teachings had gained popularity someone decided Sid was a god and they started worshiping his lil statue and collecting money w selfish interests. Exactly that, was what he preached against in the 1st place.. But tell that to the half of the world that is used to their customs. So the world is in a sad state, maybe I'm just in a bad mood but there's confusion about fake news and the people in charge... I mean the people setting the standard in conversation seem mostly focused on if you remember their name or not. Conversation is repetition of things that were already obvious "it's hot outside", these stores and coffee shops are somewhat lifeless too.. Have you been to so & so that place is tasty. Why yes it is tasty. It's kinda what is expected from corporate.. No personality, I'm guilty of it too. Without interesting people around me I digress into a kinda quiet me, mumbling and unsure of that which I say. Reading a good author helps but there is no substitute to talking with people of ability, finding them these days is more difficult, there is a certain division among people. So the idea, I'm proposing is the gathering of story tellers, philosophers, artists, musicians, designers etc. To pick your community so to speak, rather then just being born into one or moving and going w whoever is there. With that could it be possible to instill a sense of trust? Instead of a lookout for myself mentality, could I be my brother's keeper? If everyone had enough and lived a rewarding and satisfying life, could there be no crime? Every religion started off w dissatisfaction w the present and people's Ernest desire for something better or more real. However it seems like the powers that be have control over the alternatives and make them a scam like Scientology. Well you deviated from being a good Christian and that's what you get! For just wanting a premade option No one's going to make it right for you... I'm kinda hoping I can just figure it out for you but I'm pretty sure, we'll have to do it together. My part has taken me from the workforce, to the streets, back to working and sustaining myself. So I can explain it to you... The good majority of this website was made on wifi, rushing from place to place, trying to get my ideas down. So if it feels unrefined that is why. I am now in the process of editing and I hope you will be delighted by the concepts and ideas found here. I hope to get to the point where you will also want to contribute effort to this site. Thank you for your patience.

So I received a blanket blanket and I had no chance of freezing, next step the locals showed me where to eat, See 1st I went to the hardest place I could think of, then it was like well. No matter where I go, it'll be easier then this. My 1st time on my own... I was left w my watch and I'm sitting there mad for like 15min and this guy on a motorcycle rides by and casually picks up the Rolex in the street like hmm and just drives off... & I didn't feel sad, everything I had, all the money I earned was made by me, I said I was gonna go to the temp service, and I hesitated... I had essentially the same phone I'm using now... Somehow lost it along w my id that could've been the finishing blow, though luckily when my choice was stay in Portland, go back to Cali the guy who told me I'd love Seattle also said go to the millionaire clubI tied a guy in chess, went to the library and when I went back to the square: there were a bunch of kids sitting around, so I joined them, only leaving, to find out what was this place I was told about.. I got the address and had all types of expectations, after a 30min walk, I found it to be closed, I noted the hours.. Returned,to find it was a place one could go to get breakfast, sit around and hope to get work for the day.. If not, watch a lil TV and come back for lunch. Mostly for people waiting to retire, who, logically have a hard time getting work. Even people w jobs used to come in on weekends to sit w the old timers and maybe make some extra money.. Originally it was founded to help people get through the great depression. By the time I got there, I infer they were incurring some criticism. For enabling homeless to continue living that way. A little beer and weed money and they're happy, many of the stresses of living outdoors are alleviated, whilr they should be aspiring to work full time and rent a room. Since the medieval times laborers have had the excuse to drink beer. Well it's bad for you, but some beers after work is understandable.. I even feel it helps me push harder the following day. In combination with food of course and oh coffee, gotta have coffee.. Plus weed for self awareness and cigarettes for stimulation and some continue to add to that list, well damn, makes one seem kinda needy. All that just to go to work... Some may agree to that list w a few reservations. Personally I feel the beer is unnecessary, I understand that a lot of people prefer that and it is more accepted... People offer me vape pens, it's extra sneaky, it doesn't bother anyone & I don't know what's in it. I mean they can add ghb to nuggets or whatever but for the most part you know what your getting. I'm always thinking the pharmaceutical companies are adding anxious to life, trying to nullify the effects of the good stuff. God will always give you a way to keep doing the right thing, even when it's hard. It's evil that wants you to quit and obey. My friend said fear is the most awful face to behold. So trust in the world, is essentially what America brought to the table. Che kz and balances jury trials, innocent until proven guilty etc. Sure it was flawed, saying words so true, like all men are created equal while giving some lesser rights. Though people fought and worked & amended the system. Now there are some that say: women shouldn't have been given rights in the 1st place.. Look they'll just as well turn to whores... For every girl that gets taped w nut in her eye for 10k, that's probably at least another woman that will do the same thing. People watch what goes on around them and imitate. "The game" is like Plato's cave.. Even religion.

. Way back in the day, there was the most magnificent palace pearched high on a mountain and virtually inaccessible. Thet called it the Eagles nest.

. Now, people get tricked into Saintology and Jehovah's witnesses' because they're looking for something they got 1 persons faith tricked, so Tom Cruise or whoever just lets them do the work for them and sign you up... 20% Well the word assassin came from the owner of the Eagles nest, he took took it 1 step further. He would find the best people, get them to pass out on hasheesh and wake up like wtf where am I... The guy would be like you've woke up in heaven, welcome. He had super fly gardens and pools and the hottest women anyone ever imagined. So the people were like oh, well that's cool I guess.. Until they were asked to kill. At the time: it was like you don't fuck w the assassins because anyone could get it. . A new kind of fanatic, who thought he was already dead and in heaven, basically made these guys fearless. It took a long time but finally the Mongolians got up there and tore the Eagles nest to shreds.. Leaving no one & making damn sure that never happens again. - a lil tidbit I thought funny

so they made drugs illegal even though a lot of people like them, so people have it in the back of their mind they are doing wrong, maybe they're sad about what happened to their girlfriend or whatever next thing you know they're on the streets w no way out. Without an I'd your pretty much shit out of luck. You can work w the Mexicans (what I did eventually) but I had been practicing. The millionaire club typically doesn't get a lot of jobs in the winter and they go to those that need it most. Though they assured me come Spring there would be work for me, so I made it a point to go for breakfast a few times a week. Someone showed me a food bank and homeless often times had schedules memorized of what Church feeds at what days, salvation army etc. Seattle even had places to wash clothes and do laundry including M.C. So bums wouldn't be such eye & nose sores. So eventually that was me, though I came in contact w some of those that were like fuck that: they'd risk going to jail and find some drugs to sell, so they could have money to buy hot food and not have to beg people for cigarettes. Maybe in time they'd even become a big dealer and get a car and stuff...They believed it sure beat just eating at the expense of the tax payer and hoping to survive. Jail and prison, unfortunately also usually costs the locality a hundred dollars a day.. Kinda ironic if they would just have had a chance to earn 50 dollars a day, the crime probably wouldn't have happened in the 1st place. While tens of millions, maybe even hundreds are donated to charitable organizations that just perpetuate the cycle. I met a guy who followed the recommended program, got shelter vouchers every day for 2 years and jumped hoops until he finally got a room and a part time at FedEx. There is a severe lack of success stories considering how much money is poured into the system and that's just people milking it. I tell it to you because there's little chance, you'd feel it on your own. The hopelessness' walking all day w no purpose, I saw others that posted on the internet, for something to work towards... Others that would freestyle to themselves thinking if they practice enough one day they'll be a rapper. W all the weight I'd carry, mostly clothes and socks <~id tell myself I'd make it to the NBA. I'd like to add the most important thing you can give a bum is socks. I learned you have to take your shoes off at night and the rain didn't help at all.

. The hardest part I told myself at the start, was going to be getting my pride back. After being considered terrible people..

. The ones you usually see are the annoying ones who don't learn from the whole thing... Most just try to stay out of the way and not bother people, while some develop the skill of begging. There is an art to it, initially I often asked for cigarettes. Anytime I smelled one, I'd start off towards them w a pitch.. My friend explained his strategy: he puts on the pressure because he was very intimidating... Then lightens it up, says something funny or whatever, thus making them feel comfortable to give. I found unique things I said;. often got me the prize. Eventually art gave me hope and I no longer needed to beg for anything or ask for a handout.. This is years later, when I could go a day or so w o eating, somehow those days were always followed w an abundance of food. Surely some must not be looking for the lesson in it and maybe pissed off at their predicament and turn into; like robots. Hey, can I have this, do you have that? All day long, like a telemarketer it's just a #s game, they don't look at you, you are just a means of getting a cigarette, if you did end up feeling bad and giving them something, you are just reinforcing that behavior and they will continue to just keep on asking. There were times where I would just be like please do you have any leftover rice or can I help clean up for leftovers or something like that, I found myself asking the guy w the Audi but almost always it was the ones only 1 step above me, who didn't have much but knew what it was like that would help. Hell, there was a chance that they'd end up in the same place if they wanted to take a week off. Some would stand outside of restaurants. Even though they don't need it, most people won't give their leftovers to homeless people, or if they do, they want it to be their idea. While almost any and every time, one will split whatever they have w anyone else in need. It's kinda Christian if you ask me.. Sometimes, I've seen evidence of people getting a white box, take a few bites and throw it against the wall. I could never understand that, if you've been hungry before, why would you not just leave it for someone else. I concluded there are fake bums trying to upset the locals into taking action against the transient population. They break stuff and then the residents, who at 1st may have thought they were being humane, decide to turn them out. I figure it happens often enough in Metropolis' Who's going to investigate into the matter? Thoug The picture on the ID was a guy who came up to me looking haggard, hurting, w a look like I've seen on stray cats..he talked w such spirit and he just seemed happy that someone could understand and see the value in him, I came to find out the people of Houston had just recently removed their homeless population and this was like the last of the Mohicans... See people pay money to live in big cities and they don't want to walk around them in fear or disgust at the same time there rarely is anything like millionaires club that gives people a chance.. In New York, I was told that occupy Wall Street started off because of a mass extermination of homeless.. That was like the breaking of the human rights seal, then black lives, women if we let them continue only the middle class & up will continue, what's the point in struggling? Then only the rich people matter followed by just the super rich and whoever has given up all hope. Because of Ill use & greed to the tenth degree... You have some breakfast cereal, that costs pennies to make... That milled grain and sugar costs pennies, the bag does and so does the box, most of the price is for advertising and shipping costs. So a local manufacturer could make a competitive fortified, nutritional product but who's gonna put on their shelves? The market is there, they're making fortunes and someone says look if we use mutant corn we can get 20 percent more from every plant saving an extra 2.4 cents per box, times 10,000,000 boxes some will go for the deal, eventually no one will know or feel the difference, kinda like msg and diet sodas we've grown accustomed to and half the ingredients in my food, that I don't even know what they are, "a caking agent"...

Anyway this is when a rival organization comes out. No you cant have monopoly of the market if your gonna go any be a sicko w your power. It's like if hells Angels started bullying the police and there were like only half as many cops as bikers, so if the law is working for the bikers then it's up to like the panthers to stand up and no you are in the wrong, we will do things our way now. The original Panthers weren't trying to change your world, rather they were working towards educating their children in a way they saw fit. See I read it in a book. After slaves were freed, people heard of a colored town, so they set off in that direction. One guy showed up like this is the new town? If this is to be a town it needs a post office and it's own general store.. So he wrote to the neighboring municipality about making one and people thought it more convenient to get their products from there instead of having to go o the next town over. So he became rich and the town started thriving.