My California style has me going into restaraunts ordering a burger:

you want cheese with that?

Cheese? No I got my own..

See me standing outside the restaraunt.. with a wok

Deep frying Big Macs for a $ more

too LA for LA?

Funny how 15 cents can make a difference to someone.

Comparatively Houston didn't have a recycling program.

Man cannot live on 45 cents a pound.

LA didn't look like it still had cans to spare..

Seen immigrants talking down on Americans calling em dogs

Though they never had to go through the American struggle

They might've struggled in Africa or Mexico or whatever and don't feel they have to

Pay dues to those who don't have a religious organization willing to get em an apartment, job, furtniture etc. Well here's a head start:

Because the last thing we need is a bunch of broke ass immigrants walking around looking sad.

Thought about a palm reader

It's like the lottery

You don't buy a ticket until you start buying one

Like it's to your advantage to do so possibly..

Hm maybe if I'm told my fortune I'll get an upper hand on it

Could have you coming back and paying $25 every few weeks or so

Get in the habit of doing it..

a Scratch off

Will take away your momentum of getting more

Becomes an option

Well one of these days I'm not going to live check to check

Less than a 1% chance I might hit it one day after buying tickets my whole life

Though it is an outlet

Read a book about a guy who had a farm

Though 1 day word got round a worker said he found gold on the property

All of a sudden, everyone was fired and instead of farming the man went for digging holes in the land

had his kids digging and everything

striking it rich took hold of the man..

Lottery kinda does that too

Say you have 5 friends..

WTF is he talking about? Your only allowed 1 friend!

Though too many may water them down, everyone should at least have 5..

I think...

So 5 friends each decide to save $20 a week.

1 year they have almost $5 thousand dollars to invest into something

If you buy in bulk $5,000 in shirts would probably be less than a dollar each

So 1 year they save for the shirts, 1 year for the printer and 1 year to sign the lease..

LA was tough on me

many times

Could never get through laying pipe in Ramadan without her

or going to the job hungry in FL

In Muslim countries

The people believe Mohammad was a profit

Just like Christian countries believe Jesus was the son of go_

Because they have to

If they don't they might get hanged or arm chopped off or whatever

Just like in Utah

You can't get no money, can't have a business or anything

Unless you believe their guy was the profit

The fucked up part is: That he insists Jesus was actually in America

Which is pretty much a spit in the face to other Christians who believe he was real, lived in Bethlehem, Jerusalem and Nazareth died and came back for your sins

Yet the name is the same

So it's fine

At the time people who were mad that the thing was obviously a sham

Were glad to listen to anybody who was saying that it was and making another way

Only to be inflicted into religious state

The worst state of any government

Associated with totalitarian etc. I.E. Bernie Sanders or Trump

They're the ones who are gonna be different

Just lies because we all know they represent big interests, are paid for them,

Aint no other way to run for gov.

All those millions for pointless commercials and signs

They are the only ones w experience making laws etc

There seems to be no way that one could pick a candidate of your own who actually is honest and looking in the interests of the country

China and Japan and Germany who we borrow money from, wants us to be not effective

So we spend money or wars

Getting soldiers addicted to whores

Getting Drugs to get the whores addicted

Making money selling drugs and whores with the soldiers guarding them.

Because that's where the most money is

At the expense of the Americans who could have bought say... 2,000 2 million dollar schools in the ghetto.

With just a fraction of the money spent on the war

Now America is going to waste all that money building a wall.

Because it's good for those interests that keep us going backwards..

Lets roll back government regulations on fuel efficency..

WE want the cars to be less fuel efficent

We being the people in Texas who have oil money

Who have government interests in airports and busses

See it's all one thing..

Lets say there was this beautiful mountain:

Then someone found gold on it

Would it be worth the loss of the beautiful mountain to excavate it?

I guess That depends on what you spend the money on

Yet that money would just go to the owner of the land.

People would not get to democratically vote on it

It would go to the interests of the wealthy every time.

Your government, your Church, your Military, your hospitals, your transportation, your Coca Cola, your prison, your police, your crime and it's certainly unhealthy

To have 1 thing control everything

or a small group of elite

Playing god with people

While the real god never forces you to do anything

That's what they do, literally force you to believe in Allah or whatever or nothing.

Never good to have a monopoly

People in those countries don't even have a chance to learn about Jesus or even consider that he died for their sins or anything

Meanwhile the man himself, went against the grain so to speak.

Saw that the criminals and prostitutes needed redeemed Yet people using his name, enslave the same way.. a Jew might..

If you read the Jewish texts SOOO MUCH effort was put into remembering being liberated from slavery..

How unfair it was and how g_d inflicted his wrath and went out of his way to provide them w mana and extra long burning candles and all types of miracles

Just for one of you to have the nerve to enslave another? That's crazy

There is NO WAY

a Jew who follows his religion could possibly do that to another

Yet they do...


So we can't have a magnetic train like France and Germany & Russia and China & Japan

MFers in Texas want 1800s trains that use way more gas

We could lower the cost of transport all over the country on all products in the long run...

We'd rather use ancient technology to build the worlds longest wall.

We're gonna beat Ancient China on that one!

Instead of content or character

We'll base an individuals worth on their German heritage

Oh you have dutch ancestry

Let us print you some money

This is the White America we killed the natives for

Prominant in California moreso then in Dallas

For example:

Where many black people have done made it for themselves.

Though I see them and they are not my people

When I say "my" I don't mean Jew or Gentile, white or black, Asian or Hispanic

Because these people seem to come from all these groups and more

It's the people with hard eyes

That are beautiful and mean

Like the Saints

Efficiency, merit based

So and so deserves it because they are most capable

has gone out the window for who's lazy and sucks dick

You get the promotion

Not like our job is doing anything

Though what if it was a plot

That the natives knew from the beginning

& had technology way back then

& fake let Europeans do the conquering

So they could make great porn

Though it was like Avatar

That they could make a digital reality

Making it appear that they are killing people

Though really beeming them up to the mother ship

Leaving only the dispicable

To prove to them

Why they ought to be deleted from the earth

Because they would willingly allow others to do so