These days, a worldwide isolation is completely unhealthy for the psyches of the population.

Luckily I've been practicing, so it doesn't phase me none..

Though at my happiest, I constantly had different people in and out of my life

The only reason I'm nearly as interesting as I am now, is because I am a combination of the many people I've met with and learned from throughout my journey.

They say it takes a village to raise a child.

So in theory, it's going to take a city to raise a village.

The hippies saw this coming but only succeeded in creating a stone age lifestyle that really didn't impress anyone.

This is 2.0 eliminate the stuff that we don't like, like cameras, police quotas, power lines, smog, insurance companies, while creating all the modern comforts of life and then some

Though the crucial part of this is, (we) or I by n means are (am) insisting that the rest of Amercerica do the same.. If you're happy and comfortable or just scared to do something new please don't join (us/me) anyone who's interested I think we have a duty to save the social aspects of society and preserve our favorite parts like concerts, parades and the like.

We could even build way better gathering places then found on Earth...

So previously I've talked about some ideas for mass building of homes for extremely low costs and an all inclusive lifestyle where people don't have to pay

for basic human rights like health care..

of course if the whole place buys in bulk that means the savings

would get passed down on things that they couldn't make.

With the advent of indoor farming and most notably hydroponics, a community should be able to grow the majority of what they need

Sure creating plumbing would be difficult though what if the municipality filtered the water for you

or we manufactured filters for the kitchen sink, they'd probably cost between 50 cents and $10 to make. Though I think the most intimidating part would be the manufacturing aspect.. Oh yeah and health care.. For both I think we'd need the expertise of specialists in their field

Especially when it comes to machinery. Yes Americans can build machinery.. china does not have something special that makes them capable of making stuff except

American politicians in their pocket. In theory, anything that they do to keep their costs and wages low could be offset by us in the form of tariffs..

We could be artificially manipulating the market like they do, the way I see it, china has came up in these last 30 years or so because we're lazy.. They're guys are

doing everything they can to make themselves a world power, while our-guys are taking bribes to slow us down, blowing up our own shit for insurance money, basically putting themselves before the good of the nation.. I mean such is to be expected, though what about the long run, what if they were using that same energy to build our own country up? It's like they're trying to rig the world series and betting on us to lose.

So to make a counter culture that would be everything that people love about America minus the stuff that the whole world seems to hate.. There needs to be food

and figuring out the manufacturing techniques would be essential, to mass produce food and package it for convenience sake.

If you've been to a lot of different libraries and grocery stores like me

You may enjoy this list of store brand foods... Though I mainly put it up as motivation. If all these companies can make generic brand products.

That means an independent group could too..

The best part is if you are growing the wheat, that box of mac & cheese with the good cheese packet costs you something like 16 cents.

to make... Of course there is the initial cost of the machinery.. Again, theoretically speaking, if you are making the machinery a pasta making press on a large scale, might only cost

a few hundred bucks

Don't quote me on that but I imagine it's just some nuts, bolts, wheels, belts, a stamp, a big ass bowl with a mixer etc

It's not like you'll need lasers... The prices you see are set by the grocery stores to maximize profits.

I went to the store the other day and cracker barrel mac and cheese was on sale for $4. It's basically the same damn box you get at the dollar tree except it has

enough cheese to cover the noodles, though at 4 times the price because it's name brand and has an extra 3 cents worth of cheese.

I mean in the long run, who knows

maybe the products created could compete on the national level, though what I'd like to say is it's possible to make food healthy,inexpensive and convenient independently and create self sufficiency.

and then let the fun begin..