There's a lot going on in the world today

People are making a real big fuss

Georgia enacting laws to ensure it stays red

It's annoying when things are not fair..

When they're done haughtily

America is downright divided..

I hear celebrities and people that praise Biden

Much like our former president, others can't stop talking bad about him.

There are outlets for both

& some of these people don't really know what they are doing..

Just following suit.

Either complaining about gun laws or defending them..

Reminds me of a time, when I was in Baltimore.. I was broke & I went to work with the Mexicans as I've done on certain occasions when I need enough to get on my feet.

& I reserve the right, to just not give a fuck...

So I got a few jobs, established that I'm worth a damn

& people were surprised too..

I'd stop at the gas station like it was nothing, go to McDonalds for breakfast

Eat a fat burger for lunch..

People rallied behind it too.. He's doing the stuff that I do...

Trust, it gets so annoying to sit there and analyze everything you do..

Try not to support unfair practices.

Just to get the lesser of the evils...

I mean, you're not happy with what you're doing..

I'm still supporting a corporation, though at least it's not a monopoly.. I'm not shopping at Whole Foods, since it's amazon...

I might not be eating organic but at least it's not gmo

If your driving an electric car, you are using coal power but at least it's not gasoline..

I mean it's a headache and you're not doing anything good anyways..

Though someone has to stand for something

Though I might leave the burden for a while

I always find myself giving it another go when I get my strength back.

I love my country, the place itself, the people in it.. I realize everyone's doing the best they can with what they've got.

They make educated decisions to the best of their abilities.. They deal with many of the same frustrations and they take sides..

I hate both the candidates is pretty standard but people rally behind the one they hate less.. Both sides are fucked up, undo all the good that the others did, so we are constantly taking two steps back.. Not only that, the ones in office vote against everything that they are trying to do and raise a ton of money that just gets wasted.

We are still the wealthiest nation in the world, though what frustrates me, is when I imagine what we could be doing with it..

For the people who live here!

I've been seeing posts that say many billion dollar companies don't even pay taxes.. A lot of the wealthiest Americans, somehow get around that nuisance..

The ones that do, see their money go to war efforts, and I don't pretend to know what I'm talking about.. I mean, I'm sure there are things that go on in the world, that we ought to help with... We have allies that we need to prove that we have their backs..

I mean on a personal level, I find when I give people money they don't appreciate it

& I've heard people talk of instances that the U.S. drops off $10 million dollars to a nation that goes fuck you behind our backs and takes the money for themselves or buys a bunch of weapons to use against us, . I can't remember the specifics... I mean, I'm pretty sure, that those in power use gov. money as payoffs to support their own interests and feel entitled to do so. In 2020 we spent 40 billion on foreign aid, not including military expenditures..

I don't like that, when we have our own problems. Though I have no say in the matter, I just keep on working, staying alive and paying my part... Though I'm looked at as crazy for that... Like dude, your not part Mexican...

That's from the time trump was in office..

Now the border will open up and I'm going to have to have vaccination papers to get to work, while the illegals aren't even going to have green cards.. OK fine, I'm a son of immigrants and I am pro diversity but what infuriates me is that people look at me sideways for wanting to work..

Dude why aren't you just working the system.. Your supposed to be just getting money... You're white and everything...

The idea is, if 1 of 6 people work for the government, I should at least know someone who can hook it up.

Old people are easily disabled, and the government will not only pay for them to do nothing but pay you $3,ooo a month to take care of their ass.. clean their house, cook clean, the shit that I should be doing anyway, the government will pay me twice as much to do.. Then if I was actually doing something productive for the economy.. Some people settle for 800, their connection might not be as good... Or at least I could get some kind of disability for myself... Well I've fried my brain from drugs, please give me money.... If not that, rock unemployment for a year.. They're giving away free money, who cares if It's socialism, or a drain on our economy and worst of all it's fucking backwards... Who cares? If anything we should be supporting the people who are worth a shit.

It's so frustrating to me and so I speak out on it as is my constitutional right and that just adds to my strife and that of my family. & the whole of the country is miserable because they are in fear of the flu.

I understand, if there was some plague that turned you into a zombie

First off, I refuse to believe that half a million Americans died from it, I don't know one person that got it and I'm surrounded by people who don't have the luxury of being able to sit at home...

I've heard of people who know other people that had it.. who could just be opportunists.. Oh gosh, it sure knocked me on my butt, I sat in bed for 10 days.. Well get your immunity up.. Why the fuck do we as tax payers have to pay for the virus tracing and the testing and the business funding and the relief payments and all the bullshit the scum have made fortunes from.. I got sick and I got over it in a day like I always do.. I felt it coming on again and I ate a bunch of oranges

motherfuckers are helplessly in fear, oh my gosh, let the world be ruined, there is a virus..

& it seems that they are desperately trying to inoculate the whole world, so I wonder what's their angle, why they are using tactics like making people feel lucky to be able to get vaccinated... why they don't have enough vaccines

I've never heard of people being refused at a restaurant if they didn't have a measles vaccine or something of the likes.

We have to wear masks to go outside and can't have concerts or have fine dining or gatherings.

Sit at home and be miserable and whatever you do, make sure that the other countries are the only ones being productive... Just be a drain, sit around and do nothing & be a good boy & girl and take your medicine.

It's not logical.. I'm not against vaccines, I know that at times people need them but we've never had to have a vaccination passport before and it just seems fake, it feels like there's an agenda behind it and even worse.. We all know that there is one.. It all falls in to play with what the pyramid scheme has been doing but most people can't admit it to themselves because...

It's like the news... Or more broadly the media..

Lets say you're trying to go buy a car... You buy a car magazine and they tell you the new Dodge is a great buy so you buy one & 5 years later it starts breaking down.. You put a bunch of money into it and swear to yourself you'll never buy another one.. & next time you buy a different mag that said the new Buick Rendezvous is stellar and you like it and in the long run you aren't as disappointed.. You might even get a subscription to that circulation for the next car you buy..

Though what you don't know, is that the car company simply pay money to put their ads in the magazines and what they spend goes directly towards their review..

I'm not saying they are perfect but for the most part, I was told to read consumer reports because they are an independent magazine that base their reviews on feedback directly obtained from consumers who have purchased the product. I don't know the specifics, for all I know Hyundai could be sending in tons of fake reports saying that they are the shizzle dizzle.

Though what I'm saying is it's good to have an independent source for your information.. You don't want to just believe what the guys are paying the people to say to you..

So you look in the newspaper and they have an add for a restaurant.. Same thing, they pay the paper to feature them in the news..

NFT's people have been paying the papers and the tv people millions to feature stories about these things selling for tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars.. The drones just repeat it, it doesn't matter if it makes sense.. They want to be hip and in the know.. "I am aware of blockchain technology" even though people are ripping off other people's art left and right and we as Americans have a duty to protect copyright and the makers should be protected from infringement.. Eh it's all going commy anyway...

If I would tell an average male 20 years ago.. That in the U.S.A. everyone would be on unemployment and welfare and waiting for their fucking relief checks they'd be like over my dead body... Or that people would spend ten thousand dollars on a picture of a fuzzy bunny on their computer they'd call me crazy.. Then again if I told them it'd be a normal thing for guys to get fucked in the ass with a strap on dildo on a woman, they probably wouldn't believe that either... So I'm pretty much done, I don't want anything to do with your racist, perverted government sex scandal bullshit.. Screw you, we're going to Africa.

Everyone's depressed, on a bunch of people turned crazy, on a bunch of medications... Pharmaceutical companies are making a grip on this misery... Saw an add for a drug that gives you a tan... T Though the news just tells you this is all fine & good..I am starting to believe I just don't want anything to do with you all. Someone has to promote sanity & it'll probably work out better if we take a time out, breathe and either put together a plan or just start over from scratch there's too much confusion and the whole thing is just an overwhelming mess.. Stephen covey said.. Put first things first.. Start with the most important problem fix that and go on until we make things right.

Or just start anew and lead by example. That might be even more difficult though the hardest part, I've found is getting started and making the plan.