Our roots as a country start with oppressive British rule.

Under a monarchy, even in Dicken's time..

The policies were unfair, even inhumane.

Really there was nothing else to compare it to..

It was better then medieval times..

Though as colonists, the people were furious..

Since they didn't even get the meager representation

of the citizens of England..

Though no one thought to separate themselves from the crown..

The idea was unheard of and I believe, took form in the slogan

no taxation without representation. At any given time during

the great American revolution.. Probably near half of the population

weren't even for separating from our mother-land.


my favorite part of catch 22, was when the Americans agreed to bomb themselves for the Germans

so that the syndicate wouldn't lose out on warehouses of cotton that the Reich agreed to buy.

It is highly critical, I admit.. Though there an unmistakable truth, I think that anyone can feel,

when you see how America has progressed in this manner.. Lets blow up our own building

so that we can get rich off the insurance money...

You are destroying our own countries economy... What do I care...

I am getting rich... Even if people die?

The ends are justified by the means, since we can use their deaths

to nullify the constitution and control people for their own good.

They say that often the poor classes of people are heartless for

robbing, stealing and killing from their fellow man... From my experience..

The most cold hearted individuals are the ones who don't even need it...

Their level of greed has gotten to such a sick extent that they don't care how many people suffer

for their attainment of riches. Don't go to stores but it's ok to get things in the mail

doesn't matter how many people touched it... Don't get me wrong, just because someone is wealthy doesn't

at all mean they are conniving. I'm just speaking of tendencies where power corrupts.

The Jeff Bazos of this world, will gladly

put your grandparents in isolation so that he can buy another 150 million dollar house in

beverly hills. If prison is the worst punishment people can offer...Solitary confinement is how they

punish prisoners.. Just saying. My estimation is 30% of this country has suffered from depression this last year.

Many, had to do things they wouldn't have wanted to... So many have been killed due to

pandemic negligence.. Oh there's a virus.. Who cares about justice... On the contrary,

I've seen increasing evidence of a satanic elite and their gay* henchmen, possibly headed by Bill Gates that enjoy

people suffering.. Get their thrills by considering them despicable by their standards..

You've heard the rumors,

pop. control etc.

Much like police getting paid from tickets and prisons being paid from prisoners,

Hospitals get paid to see patients, they get paid even more to put people on ventilators.

So we know of malpractice instances where people have insisted on surgeries that were unneeded..

could it be that the usual number of people who die of the flu were just dramatized..

Bronchitis, heart failure.. If you report it as corona.. You get a bonus & the medical field

is in fact a business.. Probably the biggest one,considering the tests are what $50 a pop

They even have gov officials and celebrity endorsements...

countless posts I have seen that basically go: I am a former heavy weight wrestler, I got the covid, my symptoms included fatigue, loss of smell and everything. Give me a fucking break! Now insist on 4 billion vaccinations.. Each getting 2 shots.. Masks, medical supplies.

The feeling I got from the beginning that this is an evil scheme by the makers of 911 hasn't

went away one bit.

See the

constitution was made to protect regular people from government that our forefathers warned us ALWAYS

will bend towards corruption. They instilled checks and balances, though there really is no substitute

for the fighting spirit that rallies against injustice that our country was founded on. We've already lost at least 3 out of

10 of our Rights

What if we only followed 7 commandments.. The bible wouldn't be worth a damn right? Sorry, excuse me for saying. Since all the news sources have intention of legitimizing the pandemic, I am certain the numbers are biased... They are saying in 2020 we had over 3 million deaths compared to 2,800,000 the year before.. The difference of lets say 300,000 in a population of 300,000,000 is 1/10th of 1% I am certain these kinds of numbers could easily be attributed to fear, stress and anxiety due to isolation.

This is a problem, because even my own nature is telling me... What are you doing? Are you crazy, you are going against what they say on tv and the paper? People inherently rebel at the thought because that would mean their whole sense of truth is distorted.. That's a serious thing to try to digest that their whole perception is a lie. That everything they believed A crippled economy with so many who lost their businesses or their life's work. Hundreds of billions of dollars in business aid, in relief checks.. Was made up so that millionaires and billionaires could profit on the whole thing.. While they caused so much misery, families unable to see one another.. People unable to pay their bills and just general turmoil.. Well what should we do?

*I have nothing against gay people, I've heard that some are attracted to the same sex and it is no interest of mine to tell someone what they should like. However there is a big difference concerning people who are taught to be gay from childhood and those who are "gay for pay" so when I mention a satanic gay elite, I just call em like I see em.

**9 out of 10 people want to be told what to think anyway.