Dear Cailin,

I'm sorry that anger seems to be the means of getting my attention.

I was too busy complimenting another young lady for her intellect and valor that I failed to appreciate my interpretation

of the gravity of the matter at hand.

Also the universe seems to insist I focus on my part of: how the love of my life was ravaged.

Honestly, my intent was simply to rest and avoid any real thinking until tomorrow. (This letter was intended to be sent Thursday night)

(It was possibly the cause of my subsequent failures)

(Once again I don't seem to be able to continue writing something new until I finish this) & You've stirred my emotions.

I walk around like I expect rock star attention is just something due to me..

& Too late i Forgot that you have so much more on the line.

I pictured myself doing some amazing buildup in front of all of twitter

I remember I got a girl kicked off the planet of the apes filming in New Orleans by being greedy.

She offered me a soda & I insisted she buy us mojitos. Its not that I wanted to get drunk as much as i guess I wanted to

impress her with the drink choice but she ended up sloshed from it (she told me she was from Ireland)

& a couple walked back with us to her stunning hotel

and I thought we were going to have group sex, (everyone was so hot) my ex scoughed at that, when I called it a potential orgy

though nothing came of it at awl..

It may sound like I'm boasting but I assure you it is terribly painful to recollect. That was one of my moments & I failed. I read Fool me Twice recently and thought of my college days that I gave up, thinking I was being noble.

See my HS sweetheart took a chance on me when all the other girls were thinking about it but not daring to take that leap.

I would've loved her for that anyway but after I took her virginity I broke up w her the next day. It had appeared that she lied to me and she insisted that because I had taken it , she was in love with me & that's what I wanted so I overlooked some things & took that responsibility upon myself

& think back to the semester I went away to school & hot young girls that invited me to their rooms that I didn't fuck, maybe it was noble of me or I thought it was & now I think of myself as a jerk, for not being able to address something important

The hottest one, the 1 of 2 i contemplated, had her roommate in the room, after she left, Han drew my attention to the picture of her boyfriend

and I'll be damned if I didn't get all patriotic.. Not only am I letting down my sweetheart but I'm about to try to smash a patriot's girl (I had no idea about soldier and their whores at the time) started huffing like Tony about no wife & kids, I don't need that in my life..

Then 3rd there was Aut, she was voluptuous while I am only smitten by skinny so we just studied

& missing out on a lot of my life for her. I've come to the conclusion that the biggest failures of my life was actually my fault

when it seemed too difficult to say what needed to be said so I just let it slide.

It started in high school, I had lost my chain and some days later dude had the same chain on and I asked him about it & he simply replied that he bought it or something. It was ballsy, wearing it to school & not so of me to leave it at that.

My parents bought me another one, though he couldn't let it go.. Instead of fighting him, he sent another kid to challenge fighting me.

I showed up to the fight & his guy didn't.. However his people are now rappers, driving I8s & shit & I wrote most of this in a parking garage

Anyways this is what I do for people I love, I'll try to condense it into a song or something..

Foreal though, I told myself I wasn't going to follow you on Twitter until I was sure I'd be steady.

You had written you only get 1 chance & how lucky do I feel to get your attention, even though I worry I am costing you your fame

Walking cancel culture... I see you ready to turn away with the quickness... An NFT to me, is like a northface

& two of the last 20 I've seen were worn by my friends.. I don't know how to approach it other then: i hate that I'd ever have someone I have love-for, awww

apparently hate me in some way..

Just the other day I recalled w/ one of them it's over a girl & I am at fault.. Truly I can't remember why I don't like Northface in the 1st place

or they don't like me but I do know why I don't like NFTs

Because remember, other then day jobs, I am a starving artist and amateur graphics designer &

Was totally thrilled when nft's came out. I felt like the universe was conspiring to help me succeed .

and quickly came up with the snoop dogg doggy coin that is on my Facebook and another one with a guy with a vagina tattooed on his wrist. Some dude in Reno should get credit for the idea though.

I went to go put them up & saw the cartoony tiger owned by Dr. So & so that I posted on

for $10,000 and it was fake, blatantly so and maybe now there are real artists but at the time it seemed it was a multi millionaire kid, who could afford to pay the news for hype and stood to profit on each transaction

. All it takes is one idiot to watch the news and decide if that crappy tiger is worth $10,000 then a unique piece of art certainly is. Also I feel that there should be some kind of tinyeye (reverse image search). for NFTs to make sure someone isn't selling another's creation on other platforms etc. I've heard of many instances where traditional artists found their work as an NFT without their permission, so think how many others haven't found theirs... I know would feel so violated, if that ever happened to me.

So it's the premise I'm mad at mostly & no set copyright for now Along with who is profiting on it. I don't hate TikTok dances, it's that the Chinese government is using those revenues to help suppress Chinese internet. So my answer, to how we're going to rule the world is make another TikTok made to liberate women and people classically oppressed.

Instead of Google adsense make our own browser.. people like you or me or post Malone or just some kid would just as well use a different search engine. Instead of YouTube being able to censor whoever it wants make 2tube or whatever that wouldn't be allowed to delete videos that don't match their beliefs. Not only could we take over the world with it we could offer regular people a way to make a few cool g's by uploading their fav videos and even paying more for a million clicks, than any competitor

I gotta go to bed. I hope you will give this consideration, it's entirely too long to be a fan letter.

Looking forward to your album bad things is still my favorite song.