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Mauki the movie?

Before work walking or after, is where I get my best ideas See, we all dreamed of this day Where a person can do whatever the fuck they want, as long as they don't hurt anybody.. people used to have strict conventions and it's gone wrong, instead of helping, the misuse of technology seems to have caused hurt in record numbers, though that's the way it's always been in Europe, people have been in fear of being conquered, so they've found ways to group up and be the ones who do the conquering... That's the history there, so I see someone w the sincere desire to love and be loved, to hold and caress, my friend from school told me this, like if you don't jump on it, your gonna miss out on the girls... One day life showed it to me: I saw women who do that because they need drugs and it was sexy in a different way, One I especially didn't want to pursue, In a matter of fact way, I'd say, that esteeming is the closest thing to love... That kind of chemistry, right place, right time, finding someone who just sparks your interest.. back in my day there were some real bad ass girls, & I like wanted to be on like that level where I could just talk to one & even know what they're talking about. I used to be like, when I make all the money, then I'll have the car and all the girls will want me. I'm certain there's been many occasion, when people gave up on something they cared about for the car and couldn't even get the girls because their spirit was broken... The world will seemingly attempt at getting you to not think about it.. Now you can, dodge it, find a way out, though when you do let them break you, just like anything it becomes a habit.People may even encourage it in others, so they won't feel alone but all this is unacceptable. You ask, what do I have to hide? That I object to not having the intimate moments of my family to myself? That daughters might be being watched by some freaks, well how else can we prevent terror? To have that kind of power, makes one particularly liable to misuse it. Others might say I should put myself in the way of enjoying it. People watch for it on porn, that sincere desire one has for another and it's insincere, cousin. That's out to make that what's real, insignificant, doubtful etc. Two people might be right for one another and you can see the charge, the energy of how they compliment one another.. Then there's: the i don't want to fuck this person but it's making me horny that I'd let them bang for money anyway, I'll just give up my choice... Saw this one that was so sexy, I mean this perfectly cute young beautiful girl was fucking a guy she would never probably want to in in the 1st place, somewhere in the middle he just stops, goes to the cupboarderd, gets the lotion and just goes back to it.. She had this look on her face that was so supremely hurt, like she was some kinds machine being lubed up.. It was so sexy, like the giving in type. That in all honesty, is the opposite of what I'm looking for. So like I said, I'm still missing on my chances to enjoy the regular life but these days, without the characters it just seems crumby. 3 dudes to every girl at least.. Saw this propaganda video of this guy who really lamely asked out these girls and they rejected them until they saw hid car... It seemed fake anyway but I just kept seeing the guy not have any game in the way he approached them in the 1st place. It'd be like a nightmare wondering if a girl loved me or was pretending... That's why I try to establish a high level of content. How can you not be in love with me? Though it's not up to me, there's more levels to it then that. There are those that see everyone as a dollar sign, companies who pay for information, will naturally fight anyone getting in the way of their profits. So when they attack, all we can do is defend... Women and children first, if we're at least at the level of elephants. On an animalistic sense, if you want a woman to love you completely, risk your lives for them, any people: i don't want them to see, or imitate, believe in anything less than the best. So people talk money, it means nothing... Show me the money like Jerry McGuire. I want content, I want to be in love w you because your the most beautiful and the best, I don't want to stop looking at you because your perfect for me, plus you fill my mind w interest and constantly dazzle me with your precision. Because I can't pretend, nor do I want to ever be at a point where I have to feign interest in you. It wouldn't be fair to put you in a potential situation like that so I'll make sure that ill be certain & certainly asserting concerting and consorting w the finer portion... There's something to monarchy, communism and centralized power. Kings have been known to commission the building of momentous Churches, palaces.. Peter the great built St. Petersburg in his lifetime... If the council in China wants to build up a city they can freely put their capital to use in doing so, I know they have more people but it stands to reason, there are motives behind our money expansion. Why build new places when people can have to pay millions for old 2 bedrooms... I'll give it to them, if the idea was to fix up run down parts of cities, before building anew they have succeeded so far.