I don't mean to upset people..

It may feel like I'm unpatriotic

That my intention is to make America look bad.

That I scour the statistics and try to find some way

to ruin our country.

I'm not biased.

I feel our country is being ruined whether I say it or not.

What I do, is try to find the specifics..

Look, this is the problem.. So hopefully it can be addressed.


Because this is the last stronghold of freedom.

Even though all our actions are being recorded and analyzed

although, outspoken people are being "canceled"

While it feels like the rest of the industry, Hollywood and such are just getting words put in their mouths.

There is still more of a chance: to address the problems worldwide here, then probably anywhere else on Earth.

To understand specifically what's going on. I feel the quickest way is to watch Catch 22.

It was written by someone who witnessed the evils of the industrial - military complex of America since world war 2.

or Reading the book. Though it's a lot of book for a relatively quick concept.. I'll try to brief: He creates a character named Milo who is a lieutenant who makes money for the syndicate regardless of, if it benefited our war effort or not.

Or here's an old story & you can bet they milked their contract all at us American tax payer's expense.

LA times Story from 1986

2001 was the last year America had a budget surplus.

100 something billion was spent on lowering our interest payments.

Some say it was because of the burst of the .com bubble.

Though logically, we can look back and see that 911 happened and we were told that we had to go to war, we had to spend on our protection

and even limit our own freedoms

to ensure such a disaster would never happen again

Now looking back, the whole thing looks shady.

No one can definitely tell anyone what it was about...

The weapons manufacturers made a ton of money

Imagine if the 8 trillion dollars that Brown University estimates was spent on the war on terror over 20 or so years

Imagine how much better off we would be now, if that money was spent on education...

just to put that into perspective... That's $200,000 to spend on the education of every child in school right now.

It makes me sick, the good we could have done with 8,000,000,000,000 instead of giving it to scumbags who used it to get more power.

& here we are, stuck in this mess. They have control over the system or at least have been doing their best to eliminate all other competition/opposition.

We all know that it's a hand full of families that control most of the whole world now.

& it's too big to fail.

Because we're lazy as fuck..

Not that kind of lazy.. Not giving a shit.

& some might say, Ben.. You're no expert, you have no idea if we had to spend it on our safety or not.

At the time, we were all fooled. Though in retrospect, if you can't see that Chaney and Halliburton had the most to gain in the endeavor.

I don't know what to tell you.

Before everyone fell in line there was opposition.

At the time: Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) said:

Halliburton has already raked in more than $10 billion from the Bush-Cheney Administration for work in Iraq,

and they were awarded some of the first Katrina contracts. It is unseemly for the Vice President to continue to benefit from this company

at the same time his Administration funnels billions of dollars to it.

The Vice President should sever his financial ties to Halliburton once and for all.

If you can't see that the feds used the whole thing to take power and encroach on our freedom, liberty and privacy now it's sad.

Though at the time, it was too overwhelming and there was this insane pressure to be patriotic.

Whenever the masses are tricked, it's always at the time I couldn't figure it out..

The people in Germany around 1929-39...

well the nazi's said we should be exterminating certain races..

I dunno, I just kind of went along with it..

That was pretty stupid of me... Oh well..

My grandpa came back from fighting in Japan and found his whole family was burned alive...

They weren't bankers and had no interest in dominating the world. Maybe there were some Jews who were on that

Though it's pretty obvious that you're talking about less then 1% of the Jewish population.

Mine, for instance: was a family of butchers in Lithuania.

The Germans like: Oh well our bad.. It was pretty easy to get swept up in the thing...

Thinking for oneself, come on you're asking a lot there.

Now we're used to the patriot act, having every moment of our lives recorded..

Though it doesn't by any means make it right. People have a god given right privacy. You may not be able to expect it in public places but everyone deserves some kind of sanctity.

It's inherent and unalienable.. It may not be written down anywhere but in your heart you know it's true. Well, we traded that: for safety, so to speak.. Though crime has skyrocketed since the patriot act was put into use.. Again, I don't expect everyone to have the same powers of deduction.

Though it seems one should logically deduce that the police are using their new found power to pick and choose, who they bust and protect. With cameras everywhere, you'd think that all the kidnappings, especially of women would be tracked and found. Though I have heard that often police don't even investigate the matter.

If a woman, checks with a friend because she's afraid of all the disappearances. They make her out to be a prostitute. Why else would she make sure her friend knew where she was? Case closed..

& there's been a great deal of increase in sex traffickking in the last 20 years. Not to mention organ harvesting. & I feel the patriot act, has been used, to protect the traffickers and allow these sickos to go on in this manner.

These are huge revenues. The women are looked upon as an animal, to be used for profit. Just like we use domestic animals as food.

Especially since the only thing worthwhile that Afghanistan is known for is opium production.

I met a soldier who first hand told me.. He didn't like that the government told him to protect the poppy fields

while the "bad guys" were trying to burn them down.

Article about American's protecting Afghani opium Production & then there's the opioid crisis.

getting Americans hooked so they can take advantage of them much like the CIA operatives in the ghettos

Now in the last 2 or so years estimates are that the government spent well over 2 trillion on covid relief

and I'm somehow sure those numbers are low... Pharmaceutical companies made over 50 billion in vaccine money directly from the government so far.

I skimmed a book that should've been used for reference. It went into details about budget cuts in education throughout the nation.

I believe this is the time: Where there was a shift change.

Instead of wanting the country to prosper, the intention was to destroy the country.

Rather then hoping the average American would thrive and bring prosperity to their fellow countrymen exponentially.

The goal became, depopulation.

In theory: they practiced such tactics before:

The CIA giving Rick Ross crack to distribute and ruin a whole percentage of the populous is an example. At the time, people didn't really know what's going on, though in hindsight, people couldn't help but realize what happened there.. The evidence was overwhelming.

So the way to judge a nation's wealth is GNP or GDP. and even though inflation is up when you look at the statistics. America is steady in the lead with 23-25 trillion, China in second, with 17 Japan in 3rd with 5...

Though what they don't tell you is 45% of that is just government spending. Which to me, doesn't at all meet the requirement of producing a good but oh well.

Though what I didn't consider After that summer I met a young lady on the way to NY state & the guy was hoping no one got to her before he could she had tried living a boring life with her mom and I gathered was going back to drugs

and doing sex work in exchange for accommodations.

It was hot girl summer and these seemed to be the only two options for her

We were stopping in Columbus & dude was going to drive from New York to get her.

& I witnessed her make her choice.. Possibly, I could've called around

Try to find drugs for her and capitalized off of her ass myself.

At this point in America, what kind of a man are you, if you don't have hoes?

I decided to go to Athens. When I got off the bus, same situation..

She had left Columbus, went back to the country, made a phone call

I saw a mess of a man pull up and add her to his roster.

He needed her to take care of his family."

This was accepted and I watched her go.

The latter was in her late 30's though rarely do I see an example

of a full blown woman in bloom.

& it was so sad for me, that she would choose such a route.

Though to her, she was the smart one..

Bagging groceries or running register for minimum wage wasn't an appeal.

One does have to make their way in this world.

& she's literally surrounded by thousands of people, who listen to rap music...

Thinking they are being original in thinking the same way too.

I'm going to get a woman hooked on drugs and make her my slave.

Not at all expecting, that's exactly what the government wants him to do.

Well they'll never catch me.. MFer it'd take 5 minutes.. With everything under surveillance nowadays.. WTF are you talking about?

While they're saying fuck the police, they're really saying fuck the police...

So I don't get in trouble... Because they are risking their freedom & it's all part of it to.

The boys in blue are the "plug" and what is it to the world if a whore dies?

and this is how the white supremists have obtained power in the United States.

and their goal is to kill off as much of the human race as possible.

Using devices such as the threat of violence to do so.

While the other half of the country, because of their economical standing:

for the most part, just watches or takes part in the festivities accordingly.

With a blind eye, to why or how this is happening, most likely just glad they do not have to take part in this "savagery."

I don't mean to hate, for the ones who partake and enjoy this. I just insist it shouldn't be the way..

In war time, it's been an accepted behavior. To the makers of war, this may be kind of standard.

Some have the luxury to buy their food from Amazon /Whole Foods, and for the most part, don't have to worry about eating foods genetically modified to not die when sprayed with plant killer.

The product, has been proven to cause cancer but is still regularly ingested because they have basically a monopoly on the entire seed market and regulatory industries.

I guess, farmers have to get that 20% increase in yield to compete..

On top of that, States are introducing mandates: To force children who go to school. To take a vaccine, that if proven to be harmful in the following years..

Has no liability and will not have to pay out money if there is a law suit that finds it to be so.

& there's been talk of young people dying from uncommon conditions.

Time we took a positive approach.

with covid are trying to achieve exactly the opposite environment from what people thrive in.

People are depressed

in record numbers

Healthy, happy, thriving populous means less money for big pharma.

It's so fucked up but it's simply looked upon as business and profits..

If you've invested in the company, one has no means to control how they do business.. they go get treatment, they might try a variety of medicines

they probably pay for a psychologist to really talk to

That's why I always gravitated towards my family and friends.

It's a trip, talking to someone you love.

Nothing else can replace that.

I used to be the guy that would bring interesting cool people together.

It's been about ten years since I've had a good cast. At best a few days or months with one person that I like.

In theory I wanted to bring all my friends together. Though there are those that conscientiously wedge.

I have no control over that, only my response.


at least if I did my part.

I'm way late to no nut November

Though it's amazing how there's: what's known as post nut clarity.

Somehow it makes you self aware...

Lack of it, is something else.

It's a variation of good times and bad

It is my understanding: That no one feels good everyday.

Lou Gerret: Arguably the most consistent man in baseball: Attributed it to a Strong relationship with his wife.

Sure there are plenty of things you can eat or buy

that will add to your happiness.

when the body is in pain

it's giving you a clear cut message.

OUCH DUDE, I'm hungry you better feed me something or the next wave will be even worse.

Likewise the body is a complex system that is meant to give you feedback.

and I find a child like satisfaction in over 2 weeks + no nutting

Someone said what Jesus and Christianity was really about is sperm retention in guys.

Women... I don't know, I guess you're just evil or something.. ;) Though we love you anyway.

We all know it's unfair to generalize. Even in the same family, two biological sisters can have completely different characters.

I believe every individual is capable to be a lot of things.

I've found people that I thought to be the most interesting I've ever seen and 6 months later...

Completely just like everyone else.. From speaking the words that we all knew and couldn't figure out...

To saying nothing of interest or importance.

Plus women might say the same of men.

That they're inherently evil.

& I'm thinking, the whole idea about no sin..

I see, is meant to encourage communities that are not aching and hurting in private.

Sex is not discouraged, rather the good book says be fruitful and multiply. Get married and have all the sex you want..

Anything other then that is too complicated. & there was no divorce, you've made your choice, now you have to raise your kids...

Just do things right. Then someone wanted divorce and all of a sudden, the church allows for it in some cases

This just gave rise to others wanting to be able to do what the other guy did.

and it really boils down to popular consensus. When people didn't feel they had to commit to their decisions. The ban on divorce was altogether lifted.

Regardless of what the good book originally said.

Maybe: It's just a jumbled mess

I remember as a kid: The first time I watched Braveheart or some movie where the character

died for what he believed in. No it was Socrates, I remember I thought it so stupid. Dude they're letting you escape......

No, I believe in law and order and they have made their judgement..

Though you weren't corrupting the youth...

It doesn't matter, if I break the law, others will go about doing so whether they are in the right or not.

That's some serious shit when you reach maturity. I don't mean 18. Way later in life, before I noted such patterns.

& overcoming sin, that's a tough one.

It really does help to have a community of sorts.

It's not just you.. It's your people, you don't want to let down.

It could be a drug or sex. Well people have wants and they have needs.

You need to eat, one doesn't need cigarettes or dope, coke, smack, blow jobs or porn

until you start doing them.

& it's crazy, I know people, who at any moment could go back to those things..

Ruin everything they had built but every day they choose not to.

Somehow it's different: When you haven't even tried something.

Chances are you won't just go on a stint and break your life though it happens every day.

All of a sudden someone develops a habit, also it appears that the longer they've been doing it, tends to be more impossible to break.*

maybe it's not a problem... Meaning it's not hurting anyone else.

If you start doing questionable things for it. It's a problem...

I was halfway through my last cigarette, before I realized I lit it.

Apparently, at some point, while writing this: I got up, went to the table,

got one, put it in my mouth and lit it.

right at that last paragraph I realized I don't want any more,

then came to the realization I was smoking a cigarette & put it out.

I will not go into further detail on to why that's dangerous..

Plus usually it costs a lot for stuff people enjoy.

Supply and demand dictates that and naturally, people try to control the supply.

To be the one who profits off of it.

This is where the trouble lies, I'm afraid.

It's really not the substance itself..

it's how it's used.

It's the idea...

Lets say government used to be: Let us work together to make our country thrive, so we can compete with other countries.

Now: Government is: Let us work together to try to profit off and destroy the people in our own country. Get them hooked. All the other countries are doing it anyway, so it doesn't matter.

They control and enslave them on drugs that are illegal to possess or go to prison. It's what happens when you get guys like Trump

or even Biden in a gangster role.. It's pretty much terrible on every angle. Since the democrats have been elected pedophilia isn't a thing, and gays are usually

annoying enough

without the addition of trans gay.. Trying to force my acceptance... You want me to accept you as a different gender, I'm not telling you what to do...

& I want you to know, I'm allowed to feel how I want to...

Even though to some Trump and the republican party that may be the lesser of the two evils... The point is it's still evil.

People start doing dumb shit,

They just keep doing it... Might've been born doing it and never even knew any better...

It's only later in the history books they realize.. They let the medical companies do whatever they want and just kept voting the same people in they'd tell them to. Fully knowing they're intent is depopulation and a new world order.

It's not like any other country can resist. If a businessman can be president why can't a regular guy?

Well, being a good businessman, proves you can at least keep a company working..

If you can do that, you can probably run a country better then someone who only has had practice running his household...

Though he's not even a good businessman..

Mother fucker

went bankrupt 6 times

6 times!

I can only imagine how he used the system while he was president... & get this, the only reason he got his money back..

is because he borrowed a bunch of money from China.

He said it, in his own book, How to be a Millionaire.

and this somehow qualifies him as the best candidate to run our country?

f'ing ridiculous...

he's openly a member of a hate group.

What makes me really sad to to relate... That the reasoning behind why he's the best candidate is:

Well, at least his son isn't a crackhead, laundering money to Ukraine.

Pulling that same Chaney shit all over again...

It's that they think people are stupid. They can keep doing the same shit and people will never get hip to it..

Well you need hundreds of millions of dollars to run for office?

For what?

Just to run...

Imagine I'm explaining this to an alien...

Because people in every country in the world don't seem to see the hypocrisy.

So they take hundreds of millions of dollars from wealthy people,

Why do they give them this money?

Oh, because they have personal interests and expect they will be repaid for it in preferential treatment if they win.

and that's on both sides? Yeah!

& let me get this straight.. Your mad because they don't seem to serve the interests of the people?

Yeah! & they directly serve the needs of corporate greed.. The wealthy keep getting wealthier and putting more and more

Americans lives in peril...

Yeah they shouldn't do that! Well what the fuck are you expecting? Do you have a rational mind?

Well it's the way my forefathers did it...

America was failing.. Doing the exact same shit 1929-1939

I read a book about it: In New York, dudes built the world's largest indoor pool

in a private club, and these guys got the pick of their hoes...

the guys were wise to it, standing in bread lines.

Can't work, even if they wanted too.

Basically the potato famine all over again..

If left unchecked that will always be the way of capitalism...

We kind of expect our government to protect us, from monopolies.. Though logically, considering that they directly contribute to the election of our representatives.. Maybe we shouldn't. We just happened to luck out. In 45 after all of Europe, Asia, even a bunch of Africa.. All there manufacturing was destroyed.

While America was in tact.. In fact, On top of that, had all new industry.. All they had to do was convert it from tanks & such to goods..

We were like the worlds China. Made a whole bunch of shit.

Now we make programs in silicone valley & our domestic product is heroine, meth, cocaine and crack rock. & pussy America sells a lot of pussy.

Oh organs.. We are catching up to China in the organ-game.

Well what do you want? it's a working system...

Look at all the good stuff the corporations give us:

the fuck are we going to do without hot pockets?

Other countries praise us for our: Olive gardens.

I mean I love all that stuff but I know we can do better.

in theory you could go to a grocery store and there'd be 7000 different kinds of chips

well wouldn't they go bad? No if the community-government is involved in the chip manufacturing.

It's not like communists..

It's the idea, that we all need to eat, so if we could manufacture manufacturing.. It wouldn't be a big deal to make food enough to feed an entire city for instance. & pass the savings on to the people living there, so that they have more capital to invest in other things.

The people who produce all our products feel they have us in a chokehold & can charge whatever for food because we have to go through them. It's about independent. well thought out and economical production..

and passing the savings on to the consumer

when the stores would start to run out of one kind, they could just directly manufacture fresh ones,

Instead of trucks driving them all over the country... Could just have part of the city that's a bunch of food plants.

If one of the city's stores is running out of chicken parmigiana flavored kettle waffle chips. They could put an order in, make some..

Package them and deliver the along with whatever that store needs... chicken nuggets, string cheese etc.

If the whole part of the city was dedicated to manufacturing..

7,000 was kind of a joke..

I was watching one of those chef competitions where the contestant had to go through the little grocery store and find certain products for a dish.. All people would need, to start with is to produce about half of that...

Fresh products and delivering them to convenience stores.. If we made a really good system. We wouldn't even have to add preservatives to food.

No more wonderbread.. Your bread doesn't have to be able to last 6 weeks... You can just get fresh bread every day if you want it..

Get it delivered through a fucking bank chute, directly to your home by pushing the bread button on your phone.

How's that for convenience?

How about, we, the human race: just stay stuck, so the people making the money can keep doing so..

It's only so long they can keep setting people back... Whether we acknowledge it or not

Eventually people in the future will realize the same steam from the combustion of gasoline that turns the crankshaft and powers our cars today...

Could be achieved with just water... It may not be as thick but if they've developed gas powered cars to get to 60 in 3 seconds and 200mph, steam from water should be adequate to propel a car to 65 miles per hour...

& here we are making batteries with limited range and all this stupid shit when we could;ve just taken a garden hose and filled up our water powered cars.

While we were paying $7 a gallon for gasoline that also polluted the Earth. In the future, they are going to say: We were dumb as fuck. Because the people making money off the oil want to continue & they're milking the electric thing as much as they can making the cars small and expensive.