they have millions & billions of dollars, and they have divied up the market

amongst themselves

one wouldn't want to get in their way.

Like our soon to be gone president.. Who puts fear in the hearts of his opponents

That is not the basis of democracy, fear is a means of totalitarianism and fascism.

Though no one knows how to rule out of love. Before Machiavelli & since, I don't believe anyone has ever tried it..

Why make something new when everything is already made for us

-From the Philadelphia Enquirer

For one it's difficult, all you gotta do is keep doing what we've been doing.. Maybe it won't be great, however we know we'll at least keep having what we got.

We don't know if anything theoretical will work out or not. Sure in theory a group could work towards self sufficiency. creating cost effective living that isn't geared for the profits of banks and the likes but communities that are made by the people for the benefit of themselves.

and in time possibly create a convenient happy lifestyle without many of the moral setbacks and encumbrances we face today, that put a damper on everyday living.

Not to mention the divisiveness that has left many Americans feeling like second class citizens. It's been maybe 50 years since a group of Americans

felt justice doesn't apply to them.

In America the core foundation includes equality: There is also freedom of religion, and pursuit of happiness. That means that 300,000,000 plus Americans don't

have to believe in the same thing. Though what we do all have to agree on is the constitution, the law of the land... It's not the 10 commandments

though the bill of rights was created to protect people's liberties, happiness and overall prohibit the tendency of government to be a massive controlling bully.

They were not written by god although, it took arguably the finest minds of the time over a year and a half to decide on a constitution that would be a document

that would still be relevant despite great changes like technology.. It wasn't even amended 30 times Before George Bush Jr. & his cronies butchered it,

allowing them the power to do what they want

in the name of terror.

Now I have just been alerted that no where in the constitution are people given the right to privacy, however such a right is implied through a combination of other

rights that were taken away due to the terrorism of an elite class of selfish rulers or monsters.

I feel the right to privacy inherent. If you open someones phone and start searching through it, or better yet, if someone comes into your home and starts

going through your drawers or records you making love to your wife, any person who gets this kind of treatment will feel violated. It is just implied that a person

should have the right to not have someone looking through what they bought and where they've been, of course it's tempting, if someone could track their wife or their

kids and maybe could force them to behave well in such a manner. However they will be resentful and it is not a substitute for trust. Americans at the time didn't

make a big fuss about it, due to the towers being destroyed.. The prevailing argument was, I don't have anything to hide, so let them listen... The idea behind all

these cameras and audio surveillance would at least make things safer.. Though it hasn't if you look at statistics, crime has got worse if anything and it's due to

abuse of such power.. That those who are watching, get to pick and choose and use these "tools" to become criminals themselves.. Or that's the way I see it.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

corporate America and the likes worldwide, have provided an unparalleled lifestyle of convenience and abundance

in comparison to most of the world we have a strict judicial system and although the pandemic has made most people more lax about standing up for their rights and such

Many people just follow suit.. When government officials see any disaster as something they can milk, who cares about our economy, or the nation's

general well being... The many Americans suffering, I'm getting rich.. Others feel that's just the thing to do...I am told one of the benefits of partaking in a corporation is you don't have to think

for yourself, the decisions are made for you generally speaking and it's up to you to shut up & profit from them as an investor. This makes it difficult to find

personal responsibility or accountability like many Americans have long been asking for. For example: people have shares of Bayer, they own monsanto who has the copyright to the dna of plants we eat and can sue farmers who don't use their genetically

modified seeds.. Before, plants just needed water, sun and nutrients.. These gmo plants now need the insect-aside roundup that Monsanto produces to grow.

Now I can't prove that's true, all I know is a lot of people were complaining about what they're doing and now I can't find the information online..

Though the point I'm trying

to stress is someone who has stock in Bayer are just hoping that they make a profit.. They aren't trying to poison your children's vegetables.. The company says if

they mutate the corn to grow 35% bigger that's huge revenues and that means profits to shareholders that they are counting on for their families...

So that's the gist of how it happens.

So now that the media is all controlled by google and them anything you look into is going to be supportive of their interests. It's written in the bill of rights

that we have a guaranteed right to an independent media. We know that's not the case. There's also the understanding I mentioned earlier that someone going through

all your shit is invasive and kinda thwarts happiness generally. Then there's the right to assemble. This covid thing has made it possible to do what they already

had been trying to do for a while.. Divide and conquer. (see the last page) It's obviously a scam since the mortality rates nationwide have only gone up about 1/10th of 1 percent since last year,

even though the population in America increased by over a million people, or a .35% change. If you notice in 2018 there were more deaths then 2016 etc...

So what we've seen is histeria, depression, economic malfunction over a slight rise in people dying then usual. Not only that, they have succeded in getting rid of

most of the things people enjoy. What do people love more than anything? Donald Trump said music.. They have effectively ended all concerts and festivals..

They are closing down the stores and restaraunts with character, the mom and pop places that have been around forever because of good food. Leaving only the cold

corporate places... Instead of talking in groups with friends we speak and type through phones built to record and analyze everything we do and say. We know it's going

to continue in this manner because we know the disease is flu like.. Meaning it's probably going to morph every year.. We've already seen super corona in England..

Meaning once they've made all that money from the vaccine it's just going to change & they're going to milk this for many years.. We'll have to wear the masks.

I say that if corporate America cannot guarantee the rights guaranteed to us in the constitution. It is up to us to branch off and create new communities that will & isolate ourselves

from a society.. I'm starting not to want to even be part of... I'm not saying everyone has to do things differently... If you are happy with how things are going, that's great..

However there should be another option and it's not going to be easy. It will require much expertise and planning but in theory we could make smart cities

that get rid of a lot of things that are obsolete but we keep doing anyway because that's how it's always been done. Whether the democrats or republicans sent them, at least we won't have to claim them as part of us...