Everywhere I go, I see fewer good looking people and many ugly ones that have probably settled for convenience sake.

Lately there's been this aversion to beauty..

Possibly because that one of the routes to it can be drugs and alcohol

Though I believe often the most beautiful people are the "good ones" that are uncompromising.

The two can probably easily be confused..

That's why a lot of times, although at the time they may be weathered, you'll find them on the streets.

I was in Boston on a Friday night and although it was dark the most beautiful woman was out.. She radiated this glow of innocence and goodness and was wearing tall boots. Her thighs were heavenly and she gave off the impression she had been fighting this moment and had finally given in. She was dancing along and her two, conservatively dressed and not pretty companions seemed to be prodding her along... Like they were to receive some kind of advancement, for their assistance in this transaction.

I wanted to stop her and say don't do it, DON't LOSE THAT GLOW.. You are worth a hundred of them, but who was I to do so? w my bookbag and undersized bicycle. Whatever happened it was probably hot.

It's about as much as I can do, to not watch porn of the abuse of the sweet and innocent and I'm not even very good at doing that..